• Where's the excitement when you need it? I need to get out, I need a job. I want to go to a bar and drink my troubles away. Ah, to fall into a bottle and never crawl out. I'd like to get into a fight. Just to punch some guy in the face. I'm sure I'd feel better after that. Of course, I could run the risk of getting thrown in the clink, but I think even that would be more exciting than just sitting here. I could smoke a bowl, but that would just make me even lazier.
    So, I'll sit here and write about nothing. I'll weatch Scrubs later maybe. Make something to eat and drink some birch beer. Ishould've gone to Keene with Will. He always has a good time. At least it's rarely boring when I hang out with him. I probably could've talked him into stopping at a bar or something. You know what? Screw it. I'm going to go out job-hunting tomorrow. I don't care what it is, money is money after all.