• Jabels was working on the new song, and Kage was watching: in search of sasquatch.
    “Kage! This song totally kicks @$$!”
    “toss me my guitar and lets play it.” Kyle said as he got up and turned off the TV. Kyle looked at the lyrics and looked back to Jack.
    “Jack. Rocket sauce dripping into my mouth, send my soul further south, Rock! Rock! Rock!” Kyle said, reciting what the paper read.
    “Whats up with it. It's kick @$$ right.
    “yeah it is.” The duo played their awesome music till a very elderly man knocked on their door.
    “Shut the hell up! My wives are trying to sleep.”
    “alright. Sorry dude.” Jabels said as the old man limped away. In his place was a little monkey. The monkey walked in scratching his bottom.
    “Kage! Check it out on his butt.” On the monkeys behind were the words: And Monkey.
    “sweet dude.” Kage said as the sat on the couch looking at the monkey. The monkey sat on the chair for the drums that were not used at all, and picked up the drumsticks. The monkey drummed like a bat out of and played the most drum solo known to man.
    “Monkey! Your part of the D now!” Kage and Jabels said in unison. They practiced a lot with the monkey and chilled on the couch. When Lee came over the monkey played his drum solo for him. One day when Lee and the others were watching in search of sasquatch, the devil reappeared.
    “Tenacious D! I challenge you to a rock off!” Jabels looked at Kage and nodded.
    “Same terms you mother####?”
    “Yes of course!” so the devil played his song and Jabels flinched after each sentence. But The D(And monkey) Played their new song.
    “The devil has fought against us! The devil has not won! No one can defeat us because or jams are hot as the sun! Tastier than ever, your #### we will sever!..............Rocket sauce dripping slowly in my mouth, sending my soul further south. The devil will not be the one to send Kage to hell, and for now the king of demons will taste our rocking hail!”
    “####!” Flinching “####!” Flinching. “you ####ing beat me!” The ground opened and he was being pulled into it.
    “#### you Tenacious D!”
    The monkey was so cherished by the two rockers that a song was made for him, and it go's a little something like this!
    “Me, Lee, KG and monkey rocking free! Monkey is the best. Better than the rest. He makes all the people flee. With him the D is to the power T!”