Welcome to Gaia! :: Arenas

  • Arenas
  • test
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • Michuo - 05/14/2011
  • Its a test made by an admin on a different account, they do it twice in every arena every week to see if the arena is working correctly. You guys come up with some pretty stupid theories. The description says it all, and do you even realize the name of the artist. lastaprTEST10.
    Its an account meant for testing...
    > n>
  • blueRose98 - 04/12/2010
  • for people saying this is cute.... there's like 60 of these posts... type in "test" and you'll find out pretty quick...

    second: my guess is that a bunch of random people was this happen and "new people" (refraining from using noob...) kept thinking it was funny enough to post... just vote it at a 1 and they're score will drop X)
  • Dark_3lem3nt - 08/19/2009
  • such a stupid thing to do....if the image is a dog and the refence image is a bird you probably shouldnt even hang out in the arenas...
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