Welcome to Gaia! :: Arenas

  • Arenas
  • the new mew
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Comments (7 Comments)
  • Mortafell - 08/09/2009
  • The drawing's pretty good, putting aside the slightly bad leg proportions, but MEW? WTH does that mean?
  • I The Author I - 07/31/2009
  • Okaayyy...? That's not a shotgun, it's a handgun -.-
    It's a bit out of proportion, the legs should be longer than it is. Unfortunately, I don't know what the heck a 'mew' is and the reference image sorta freaks me out. So I don't what this is supposed to be at all.....2/5
  • Idene - 07/30/2009
  • it's not bad, but on her right side, where her hip goes to her leg, it looks like her leg should be more to the left side of the drawing.

    no idea what the heck a mew is, but the art looks pretty good beside the point i made. 4/5
  • Cymbolic_Lyght - 07/28/2009
  • you mean like a mew mew that is dumb sorry but i dont think a mew mew would be using a gun, you just ruined what mew mew is meant to be not...looking evil mew mew are happy happy sorry but you get 2/5 not only because of what i just said but also because is looks like she is a really short i mean REALLY short warrior
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