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  • Arenas
  • Think Before You Count
  • Title: Think Before You Count
  • Artist: Br0kenDreamer
  • Description: It was really based on a time where I actually started counting my physical blessings.

    It was a fun and happy time, I actually felt good about myself for a reasonable length of time, but then reality took a bite at me when i remember i had never experienced looking down at a person just to talk to him/her...

    yeah, I'm that short, my best friend to the left is 5'2, my best guyfriend is 5'4....

    and I'm just 4'11....


    oh yeah, Cherifer's a supplement that helps people grow a lil taller...
  • Date: 01/26/2009
  • Tags: think before count
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Comments (5 Comments)
  • Br0kenDreamer - 01/27/2009
  • well i'm turning 17 this year and i still look like i'm 12... neutral that just adds up to my misery...but yeah, being that short can be alot worse for a guy razz
  • sweeper442 - 01/27/2009
  • lol at least your taller than my guy friend
    hes 4'10 and 15 years old.
    lol so count your blessings, your taller than him...even if it's by an inch.
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