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    "Hey Kasumi!"
    No one told me..
    "So you were waiting here all this time? Haha, I'm sorry, I woke up late."
    ...That he was...
    "Hey, Kasumi? Are you listening to me?"
    ...a serial killer..

    "Kasumi, look out!"

    "Ah!" I yelped. My hand felt my chest to relieve myself. It was only a dream.. I checked the time. It was three in the morning. Remembering that dream. The traffic lights turned red, and the cars were mobile. She was walking as a truck was still driving, committing suicide. Kasumi. She always seems to always be in every dream, committing suicide, or getting killed by another person. She was my older sister, until she got killed. Remembering that scene after I returned to the apartment. The person killed my sister the kitchen.


    "Who.. who are you?" I said. The man said nothing.. "What happened to Kasumi?" I picked up a large piece of broken glass, with blood at the end.
    "Tell me, who the hell did this to my sister.." The man grabbed the sharp end. His blood began streaming down the glass until it met my hands. Suddenly he snatched it making a deep wound into my palm. I screamed in pain, falling to the floor. Tears began streaming in both eyes. I shook, and I blacked out. I never lost this much blood. When I woke up, everything was the same as it was last time.. Only my sister wasn't there anymore..