• They all had planned to watch him train.They grabbed the keys,got into the car and drove to the training arena.They exited the car.They all went in the arena.The family watched from the bleachers while Mike trained in front of them.He got ready to Javelin.He ran and threw it but the Javelin went right through his arm.He was parylized.The family went right to him.They called 911.An ambulance came as quick as a cheetah on a rocket going at the speed of light.They all drove to the hospital.They spent an hour in the emergency room.At home they recieved a call from the hospital."The javelin will come out easily but blood will bleed through."Mike pulled the Javelin out.He grabbed a towel and wiped up the blood."Are you ok honey?"said the wife of Mike."yea"said Mike."yay!"said Mike's daughter.They recieved a call again from the doctor or surheon."You are no longer paralyzed.