• “BEEEEEEEEPPPP! Ahhhhh! Bang! Bash!” There’s silence, everything went black. And then I hear a soft voice pleading for me to wake up from a young lady and other voices in the background. “Amy, wake up. Oh, please Amy, get up! Don’t go baby. Don’t leave your mama. Please”
    “Ma’m, please you must go to the ambulance so we can check you up” A young man’s soft voice is heard in the background while the lady keeps on pleading.
    “No…NO!” The lady cries.

    “Sniff…sniff, sniff” An odd odor enters my nose as I wake up from my dreadful dream. There isn’t beeping in the background anymore. I keep my I closed to concentrate on the curious smell. “It smells like BO. Like someone hasn’t taken a shower in a while, a long while. And the smell of…sniff, sniff…sniff, one, no two foxes” I say to my self. I soon realize that I don’t know what a fox smells like. I hadn’t even seen one up close. My eyes shoot open. I quickly lift my head up. The soft white blanket is no longer covering my lower body. I’m wearing demin blue jeans, there ripped at the knees. I’m bare foot and my feet are bruised and dark bluish purple. My heart skips a beat as I see a orange white-tipped bushy tail come out from under me. “A fox!” I yell. My ears twitched as I heard a fly slam into the window at the other side of the room. “My ears twitched! What’s happening to me?” I thought. I started to scream and go into shock but something stopped me, a soft baby voice. ‘Hush’ it had said to me in a whisper.
    “Hush” It repeats it’s self. I silence myself. I look around to see where it came from. The lab table but all that was there was a sleeping, baby fox covered in white pads hooked other pads hanging by me, by thin rubber tubes. “Who said that?” I ask quietly, half expecting someone to jump out from behind the table. “I did” The soft voice came from the fox while it lifted up its head and opened its eyes. “What?!” I yelled. “Hush” It told me sternly yet quietly. “How can you talk? I mean you’re a fox” I whispered. “I can talk because the people here did experiments on me and on you too. That’s why I can talk and you have fox ears and a fox tail” She paused to try to pull off the white pads on her and I look at my new set of ears and a tail. She failed to pull of her pads so she continued her explanation. “Any way, you and I are bound together now. Kind of like friendship except more complicated” She finished. “How complicated” I said eager to learn more about what was happening to me. “Well, if you die we both die but if I die only I die and you live. Except I can’t die of old age but somehow you can” She answered. “OK. Two more questions for right now. Why do your words sound so mature instead of babyish and how do we get out of here cause I don’t like the news that I have been experimented on” I asked “While they were testing on me they altered my DNA so now I can talk and I’m really smart too. How we get out of here is either I die then I get out of here or you die, making us both die and getting out of here or we both work together to make it seem like their test on us didn’t work so then they’ll probably kick us out” She explained. “Yeah and we can live at my house. But do I even have a house? I can’t remember” I thought out loud. “Well that doesn’t really matter right now and I’m sure you’ll remember by the time we get out. Hey, what’s your name? Mine’s Sophia” She whispered to me. “Oh, Mine’s Amy” I whispered back. Sophia’s ears twitched. The door clicked open. “Go to sleep” Sophia ordered me. Before I heard another noise I had fallen asleep.