My name is Knuckles the Echidna. it is my duty to guard the Master Emerald. It is usually a dangerous job With many enemys, but occassionally, something Inersting happens... * Man, yet another boring day* Knuckles thinks to himself. when suddenly, a portal opens above the Master Emerald, and sasuke the hedgehog(who knuckles thinks is Shadow) fell from it. He starts to wake up " shadow, Get OFF OF THE MASTER EMERALD!!", Knuckles said, " wut are you doing here any ways, Shadow? and wuts with the new look? to be honest... ur hair looks like a ducks backside." sasuke was thinking *WHAT?!* and got off. *Good,* thinks Knuckles, * he's off the eme-* "TEME!!!!!!!!!" Sasuke screams, and starts punching the poor guy. "...oowwww"Knuckles murmers. "hmph, what a weakling" says sasuke, and starts to walk towards Knuckles to finish him, and his headband falls over his eyes. * honestly, HE looked wierd...*Sasuke thought, when, his head band hits somthing on his face, that wasnt there. "Hm?" he takes the headband off and drops it. There, on his face, was a new, black nose( made for a hedgehog). *W-WUT THE -???????????*, he thinks, * gloved hands...paw-like feet...pionted ears...and...A TAIL?!?* "AARRGGGGHHH!!!!" he screams," WHAT IS GOING ON!?!"
    Sonic was going his usual path in the woods, when he finds somthing UNusual. " AMY!!" he thought he saw amy lying on the ground, and went back to it. it seemed like it was her, but with a different look....

    OR WAS IT?!
    to be continued...