• Knock knock
    Jezebel looked up as Basta opened the iron door of her cell and grabbed her roughly round one of her pale, thin wrists. "You have a visitor" he snarled angrily. Jezebel sighed as she dragged the chains behind her, following Basta to the visitors room of Jildardin Gaol.
    The blue eyes of her brother stared, shocked into her own grey, tired ones.

    Oh God! What have they done to her? Nineteen year old Craig thought, staring in horror at what was left of his little sister.
    Five long years ago she had been sentanced to life in gaol aged just eleven and it had changed her dramatically; Once she was a happy, kind, innocent child. Now she was a cold hearted, stoic murderer. He was supposed to hate her, hate her for killing their parents and Uncle Harley, but he couldnt... Just watching the pale, underweight, hollow eyed teenager across the table from him, he could only remember the ruddy-cheeked, shining clean little girl she once was and hoped that one day, maybe she could be like that again...