• The place was pitch dark. The naked eye couldn’t see anything in front or behind or anywhere, the whole place was just filled with the horrors of the silent darkness. I stared around me in this very dark path, feeling my way around things, reaching for the unknown, listening to the noise all around me. My only two senses were failing on me and I couldn’t make out anything in this long corridor. I sat down on the ground and started to laugh, laugh until my throat felt like it was burning a hole in it, laughing so hard, I thought I was going insane. I felt an extreme amount of heat blast up into my face as I started to see red and orange. I looked at the ground beneath me; it was like the ground was spewing out fire. I sat there and watched, watched as the fire erupted from beneath me.

    I started to run, ran as far as my feet carried me, ran not knowing what was even in front of me. I came crashing into a blockade, one that made me flip off my feet into the pile of whatever was there, head contacting into the ground. I almost passed out from the fall, but I caught myself up again and ran, ran for another extended amount of time. The heat was coming from all directions around me; the fire made my pores open and made my feet slick on the ground. I came into contact with another wall, looking all around me hoping that someone would find me. But nobody was here, I was on my own.

    I felt around, the heat crawling up and down me, making my lungs burn with the fire. I looked around from what little light I got from the fiery pit and I found a ledge that crawled back up to the ground, making my escape possible. I looked around for anything to get on to grab the ledge, but there wasn’t anything. I paced myself further and further against the wall, inching my way too the ledge as the fire started to flood all over the ground. I breathed, in and out in and out until I felt as if I would suffer a heat stroke or die from exhaustion. I jumped as the fire flung itself at me, grabbing onto the ledge with both hands and pulling my body up as fast as I could.