• My 'boyfriend', decied he wanted to party at a friends house. I only agreed to going with him to Sohpie's party, beacuse I loved him, and I didn't want him to drive in his condition.
    After an hour i got bored, and wanted to go home, but Alic wouldn't give me my keys. So I decided to walk home in the icy cold dark night alone...
    The street lights had not yet turned on, and the sound of light show taping the top of my umbrella was making me ver uneasy. It was pitch black, and the only lights visable were the outside lights of residents homes that turned on as you walked past them. That wasn't even enough for me to see what was ahead of me. Was I going to turn into the street and get run over by a speeding car, or woul I run into a stranger? The thoughts of everything that could go wrong lingered in my head.
    i continued on the side walk-- or at least that's what i thought I was walking on, but how could I be sure-- into the darkest of the night.
    Just then the sight of headlights aproaching me with great speed, came to sudden rubber burning stop. The tiers squeeled as the car skidded on the black icey road. I litteraly had the Dear-in-headlights-stare.
    Then everything came at me in a rush. I almost got run over by a speeding car!
    The person who was driving the car, opened the diver's door and ran to my assitance. It was a woman who appeared to be in her early twenties, she was wearing a large black trench coat, and sunglasses unapropriate for the time of night. I could't see the look in her eyes to see what she was thinking. It frustrated me.
    "Are you alright?" She had a very calm voice for someone who almost ran over a teenager. I hadn't noticed that I had droped my umbrella exposing me to the wat snow that had me dripping wet and cold. She took off her trench coat and wraped it around my shoulders. "What is a girl your age doing out in the cold at this time of night?" She was wearing a green turtal neck and dark washe tight flare jeans. "Don't you know the type of preditors lurking in the night." There was a bit of hummor in her voice.
    All of a sudden, the street got lighter. I turned my head to the source of the bright light. All the street lights had by now turned on. I turned my attention back to the woman, but where was she. Her car gone as well. I spun around searching for the missing woman, but found nothing.
    My breathing quickened as i ran down the narrow road into the distance. I had no idea where I was now going. All i knew was I was in no place to be hanging around. I slowed my pace as I reached a familiear road that lead to the Wal-mart with a telephone so I could call my twin sister to find me.
    I aproached the large building slowly, not wanting to run into another reandom person. I noticed the W in Wal-mart was glashing, the classic haunted building story.
    Once I was at the wall of the building i fumbled to get a quarter from my jeans pocket. A phone booth want but inches away from where I was standing. I heard the quarter roll down the slot and click, telling me I had one phone call.
    I quickly dialed my sister's cell phone number, and let it ring.
    "Hello?" The voice on the other line said. I didn't answer, I had no idea what to say. "Who is this?" This time i noticed, the voice sounde a little like my sisters, yet it sounded like the woman i encountered this evening.
    "Autumn?" I said stupidly, of course it wan't my sister, but what else was i suposed to say?
    "No dear..." She hesitated, "this is Kristina Bell. Sorry."
    "But--" the phone was dead. I put the phone back on the reciver absently. The ringing of the dile tone was sting humming in my ear. Mabye I dialed the number wrong, I thought. Imposible. I've known it since I was five, I argued with myself. There's always a chance-- My train of thought was interupted by some rude by passer clearing their throut. There was no other way home but to walk in the dark icy weather. The snow had strted to pick up while i was using the phone. The womand jacked was just hanging on my sholders, so i placed my dangly arms in the sleaves to keep warm. It stareds to rain and snow, and I started to shiver.
    The high way was deserted, all but for the ocasional vehical. My head was tilted to the ground to keep the stinging rain out of my face. Unshed tears were forming at the conners of my eyes, I was lost and alone. Just then, a car came to a halt behind me. I payed no atention the the driver as they got out of the car.
    "Miss!" shouted a familiear voice. The woman... How did she always manage to get tangled in my situations?
    I spun around to stare at the aproaching woman. It was, indeed, the woman from earlier this evening. "You must be Katherine Bell, no?" I asked as the woman strod to my side. i was so firghtened and tiared, but annoyed with this woman, yet my voice was extremly calm. She was stalking me!
    "Yes, but--"
    "You answered my sisters number" my tone just as icy as the weather. "I'm sorry, but why are you following me?"
    "Would you like a ride home?" I couldn't belive how nice she was... her coat, now a ride. Why not?
    "Yes, thank you, that would be nice." I said in me sweetest voice.
    Katherine lead me to her car and opened the passenger door for me, and I hoped in. It was a nice little compact and i could hear the radio was on the oldies station as back ground noice.
    Katherine walked around to the drivers door and got in. I still was unable to see her face, for she was wearing the hidious large sunglass. She drove down the emtpy highway with great speed. I paid no attention to her drive, but to the music. The soft melody hummed in my ears, and the rythme had me humming along to the unknown song.
    Something brushed my arm closest to my window. "Whoa! What was that?" i turned my attention to my arm. "I think it was a bug!" With out thought i reached the to light buttin above my head and turned it on. There was nothing. I looked back at Katherine, but no one was driving. The car was aimlessly speeding down the high way.
    "What th--" I didn't have time to finish my sentance, the car was off track and now heading into the think woods about to crash into a large tree. I scooted over to the drivers seet and pullled the car back onto the highway. My heart was beating twice as fast than normal. Finally, i had the car on the road and then pulled over tp the side. I siged with relefe.
    Something was wrong. You don't just disappear into thin air! I searched the car for anything that could help me get out of this mess. Nothing. The whole car was clean, nothing at all. I decided to open the glove capartment to find something. Sure enought there was a tiny cell phone.
    I dialed my sisters cell phone number yet again. It rang once than went into voice mail. It was her's, but it was asking for a code to listen to messages. Quickly, I clasped the phone shut. I studied the phone. It was the same modle as my sisters... katherine had my sisters cell phone. What was going on.
    I fumbled with the phone a couple of moments befor I dialed the only other number i knew, 911.
    "Hello. What is your emergency?" The soft femine voice answered.
    I couldn't think of why I called in the first place. Should I tell her I was lost? What help would the police be? I quickly hung up the phone. If they really do trace the call from where you are at, they should find me, I thought.
    I thought about calling my mother, but i had'nt memorized her new cell phone number. All of a sudden it hit me, This cell phone was my sisters.
    I searched through the list of numbers. Yes, it was my sisters cell phone. I founf the entry that was albled MOM. It rang twice befor my mothers familiar voice answered.
    "Mama!" My voice was thick with relefe. I was goignt o get out of this alive.
    "Diana?" Her voice was questionable, but then she relized it was me. "Oh! Diana! Where are you? You had me worried!" She spoke a little too fast, but I kept up alright. "I was scared you died with Aut--" She broke her sentance quickly.
    "Mama?" My tone was now filled with terror. I know she almost said Autumn... "What happened to Autumn?
    The sound of muffled cries filled the reciver. As much as I wanted to cry, I couldn't.

    The past few days went by quickly. The police officers did trace me down with the cell phone. Autumn's Vewiwing was the day after, and the following day, her funerul. Cops clarified she was driving her car and a semi truck ramed in the side and she died on impacet. They were'nt sure where I was, so they thought I was with her and died as well, until they found me.
    My mind was int a different world. All I could think about as katherine... Where had she gone? I had this wild theroy that she was not real, but then how did I and up in the car.
    Th night of Autumn's funeral I lied out side un the giant hill gazing upon the stars bright in the night sky. Diiiaaanaaa, the wind wispered my name.
    Diana, It repeted with more sound, it almost sounded like...
    "Katherine?" I felt stupid shouting a name of someone who was probly a figment of my imagination. I sounded like her for sure. I knew it was her, I couldn't deny it.
    Then I saw her. Yet It wasn't her. She was wearing a Silk blue blouse and an elegant waxy pale blue skirt. She looked like an angle. She wasnt wearing her glasses. That's when I noticed it... Autumn. why hadn't I figured it out before? The voice. The politnes. How she knew me. But autumn had been dead at that time.
    Katherian had been mt gardian angle. No. Autumn was my gardian angle.
    "It's time to go..." Her voice ringing as she spoke. Go where?
    Almost as answering my unspoken question she implied "Hevan isn't bad at all."
    "I'm not dead!" I shouted. Is that whay she was here.
    "Not yet sister..." she spoke with certainty.
    Out of no where, pain struck my back. A cry of pain escaped my lips. I reached to my back where blood was now oozing out or a deep wond created by a bullet. I fell to the ground unconcious.
    It felt so peaceful to be dead. My soul was floating above my body. I felt so wrong, yet so right. I stared down at the limp body srwaled across the freshly cut grass. Then something flashed in my pereprial vison... A man running in the oposite direction of my body. He was holding a gun... Who was that man. I pulled my weightless body into his direction. I saw his face... Alic.