• "Why me?" He sobbed. crying

    seconds later an earsplitting cry rang out over the allyway. Ky immidiatly raced into the tavern and stopped. There laying on the floor, coverd in blood and cuts, was his mother. His father walked into the room then and knocked Ky to the ground sticking a knife up to his throat.

    "Scream and you die." He murmured evily.

    "why?" He rasped and looked at his father in horror. "Why?" He choked back a sob.

    "Why, you ask? For money." He laughed maniacly. twisted

    "You could've-" Ky treid to shout but his father slit his throat.

    "Now, look what you made me do!" He shouted throwing Ky's limp body across the floor. He looked at his dead wife's terrified eyes and his son's saddend eyes. He felt a wave of dispair at what he did. "Now look what you made me do..."He choked out. Thoughtlessly he trew himself into the knife. Instantanious death.

    "It's so dark..." Ky thought as he floated in the darkness. "It burns." he thought as he rubbed his throat. "Mother!" The thought knocked him into reality along with the cry of his father.

    heart crying heart crying heart crying heart crying heart crying heart crying heart crying

    "Man I'm beat." Natako complained as he walked through the dark allyways.
    His stomach growled. "And hungry to." Where's the nearest hotel I wonder?"
    He turned the corner and found a small tavern with a puny sign on it proclaiming it the best of the best. "Well there's my answer." He opened te door and almost vomitted at the sight of all the blood on the wooden floor.

    He heard a small thud, and turned. There layed a small girl in a bloody dress her eyes closed and neck bloody.

    He turned to leave but he heard a small hoarse "Wait..." and faced the girl who now looked at him.

    "are you alive?" he edged closer to the small weak bloody body on the floor.

    "Yes, I think." She joked. And reached out. "Can you help me up?"

    "Uh..sure." He reached down and grabbed the oddly warm hand. He lifted her up and let go.

    "thank you." She wobbled over to the bar and grabbed a wad of fresh clothes, and ripped them to ribbons with unheard of speed and strength. She wrapped them around her neck and stumbled over to a large tub of murky water. She dipped her hands in and scooped up som water splashing it on her face and neck.

    heart crying heart crying heart crying heart crying heart crying heart crying heart crying :heart

    "I'm Ky" He spoke as he turned to face the boy that had helped him up. "Again thank you for the help."