• Chapter 2

    Diana was not a very patient woman this evening. In fact, she was not a very patient woman at all and she is willingly to admit that she will never be. Especially tonight, tonight she was going to discuss, or rather criticize, with her son about his lack of partnership. A widower must marry.

    She said that so many times. Many times, he refused. And many times she found herself smacking him upside the head.

    “I want an heir! I want a full blooded heir!” She yelled the last time she was with her dimwitted son, Darius. Darius just shook his head at her. Then he walked away in his boxers. In her anger, she threw a vase against the wall.

    Not tonight, not tonight at all, he won’t walk away from me. She thought as she sat at the large dinning room table. This was her final stand. She had arranged already without him a bride. Whether he liked it or not it was going to be a demon and the baby is going to be a demon. Not some bloody angel and a little half breed child. As it was, years ago but both had tragic accidents. Well with both of them out of the way, she could have that dream possible.

    Servants came in an out checking to see if Diana needed anything. She growled a no, and looked towards the doors to see if her son was to attend. After a full ten minutes, she slammed her napkin against the table and was about to leave when the doors started to open. In alarm she immediately sat down and straightened out her dark blue dress. Then looked at the door again, who was opening wider, and started to smile.

    However, her smile faded when Malcolm walked in very calmly. He gave a bow to show her some respect. She frowned and looked away.

    “Where is he Malcolm?” She asked sternly. “I haven seen him all day.”

    “Well, your highness he is here somewhere.” Malcolm answered uneasily. “Maybe he isn’t that hungry.”

    Diana turned to look at him. His face was almost set in stone but his voice gave out straight away that there was something amiss. Malcolm really, really was a bad liar.

    “Well, I heard there was a commotion in the library, mind to share something with me?” She asked curtly. Malcolm’s face still set answered simply.

    “Nothing that can be said much you highness.”

    “Well what is this nothing?”

    “Just books dropping...that’s all.”

    “You know Malcolm; I have a lovely lady here waiting to see the king and would you be so kind as to fetch him?”

    Malcolm’s face paled so quickly that Diana could have sworn that he was a ghost. Her eyes locked in with the adviser and there was a long silence between them. It seemed like a full century that the two didn’t say anything until Malcolm broke away from the stare.

    “He, he isn’t here.”

    Diana frowned, “you said he was here.”

    “I did..” Malcolm trailed off. Diana’s anger was growing.

    “Which is it Malcolm is he here or isn’t he?”

    “He isn’t here, he...he gone.”

    Diana rose to her feet and look up at the other man. Her eyes were slowly beginning to widen and she grabbed a hold of him.

    “What do you mean he is gone?” Her voice heightened and she started shaking him. “Tell me where he is Malcolm. Tell me now!”

    The next words that she heard made her pound her fists and scream off the top of her lungs.

    “HE DID WHAT?!”


    Darius smiled slowly to himself. By now, Malcolm would have probably told his mother what he was doing. He had gone over the information with him carefully before he left and he knew Malcolm would retell it perfectly. Now, traveling towards his destination secretly by carriage and nothing was going to stop him.

    “Its wonderful, I can truly amaze myself,” he chuckled, “I can really blend in.”

    He looked down at his new clothing that he was wearing which Malcolm gave him. Large blue jeans with a chain dangling from his front to back pocket that connected to his wallet filled with human money. (Which he didn’t know how to use in the first place since their currency used coins instead of paper.) Along with jeans that seemed so large, he wore a larger shirt had various logos placed all over. Obviously, to him this Sean John was a bit full of himself.

    Traveling to the human world was sheer genius to Darius. He could easy blend in with the masses and nobody would haven’t even the slightest clue on who he was. Heck humans think of demons as these red beings that carry pitchforks. Or was that devils? He shrugged; usually humans consider the Devil and demons in the same boat. When in fact it wasn’t true. Demons are a different species of angel semi sorta. While the Devil and his little minions are the real evil.

    But you can’t change anyone’s thinking so why mess with it. Besides I heard half of the human population doesn’t believe in any higher being.

    He should have brought Malcolm with him. The man was more in keeping up with the human world then he was. After all he was the one that got him those boxers and the clothes the least he could do is give him a vacation. Another reason he should have brought the guy along was that he could have spared him from his mother.

    Well there was nothing he could do for now, but just wait and see. Darius felt the carriage slowly come to a stop. He looked out and saw he was in the middle of nowhere all except for a well-lit large house way in the distance. Out of all the servants that had retired in the last few years only one was able to settle down in the human world. And not only in the human world but in the countryside. This was an added bonus. In fact the houses only neighbor was the woods that carriage had stopped in.

    Taking his bags, which were only two small suitcases, (He really is grateful for Malcolm) stepped out into the dark atmosphere. He thanked the driver and watched it dive off into the dark woods. Once out of sight he slowly made his way towards the illuminated house. Once reaching the house he dropped the suit cases and knocked on the door.

    He heard the rushing of footsteps coming down a stairs and the door quickly opened to find a small black haired girl looking up at him. Darius was bout to say something when the tiny girl jumped on him, embracing him in a miniature bear hug.

    “Hello sir!” Her voice muffled in his shirt. “I heard you were coming!”