• "Skey wake up it's almost time to go!Come on we only have......"

    looking to the clock
    it's only 9:47am
    "about....ummm half and hour and it takes you for ever!!"says Raven.
    Skey wakes up to see that the party they had last night was semi still there with the music still playing and the house being picked up by the 2 boys while the 2 other girls were getting ready.

    God and they told me it takes forever when they aren't even ready.They better be lucky i love them
    Skey smiles slightly
    Winter yells over music which happens to be the begining of Fscene8 by The Medic Droid
    "God love you finally woke it's almost night"
    suddenly he's right beside her and whispers in her ear

    "Time to hunt and we have to find a present for Leanne &Shadow's anniversery come on." he holds out his hand for her to get up.

    Winter has the emo hair cut with white blond hair,blue eyes so so beautifully dark that it makes my skin crawl every time i see them they might all be vampires but he's my favorite skaterboy.Shadow is like his oppisite in colors he has night-shade black emo hair with dark purple streaks almost always smiling with us we always see his fangs and all his pearly white teeth
    *what a show off*.

    Leanne has the longest hair i've seen on a vampire it goes done to the end of her back long and black night-shade dark and slightly wavey.that's why she's such a good mate for Shadow.That's why she's married to him.Raven she has almost the length of Leanne's hair but all of theres' stays the same. Her hair color is a dark brown/black with a blondish bang. all the girls are small but not danty.Me i really don't think of my self as pretty but my love Winter insists that i am so i guess i'm lucky to have gotten him.He's waiting till i turn atleast 17-18 to marry me i can't wait i'm 16 but he won't turn me grrr i wish i was a vampire already!!! i have short- hair but i spike it up and put bows and a head band usually

    I whisper"what are we going to get them they already have alot"
    Leanne comes out of her bathroom"What are you GUYS talking ABOUT! Around me all you guys have been doing is Whispering!!!God can't you just tell me already!!"
    "Jeez Leanne calm down"
    we all start to giggle but not Shadow or Leanne who are oblivious

    "you're such a mean wife..."says Raven
    Me,Winter,and Raven bust out laughing

    "hmph"Leanne storms to her bathroom.
    I turn to Winter"So what did we do last night?"
    Winter"you passed out so i undressed you and put you in one of my shirts"
    Winter trying to act all inicent
    Skey"...Your are good at acting inicent but i know you...."
    He starts laughing becuase I'm all serious.

    "why can't you turn me yet Winter...."
    "Sorry hurry and get ready"
    He runs out of the room.
    I might as well get ready.I won't be able to catch him YET but i will.
    Might as well not ask i always trash it.Skey startles laughing hystarically!

    I put a new pair of undies and bra on,a black lacey goes up to the top of me belly shirt on,and a pair of skinny jeans.
    "flip-flops should do"i say to myself.
    I'm the only one that has to wear glasses going for contacts but Winters pulls the "NOOO they make you look just as awesome why do you want to change?"on me
    "Come one you guys it's been half-an hour"yells Skey
    Raven laughs"Ummmmmmmm I just said that to get you up"
    and runs i run after her laughing


    ......To be continued?