• Dieing with the sensation of asking a what if question? Well ask me this; What If your life was hidden under a pile of lie’s the Untied States of America maid to cover up a big project and that the things that you didn’t believe were real actually were? Well the answer to that question would be it wouldn’t be a big If to me because that is my life. If you had asked me a couple of week’s ago I would have said “that’s a pretty big If but it isn’t true.” You see my name is Stephaney Morgan. I am Seventeen years old and this is my story of how I came to know my true life. How I started to pay attention to what was happening around me and who was doing it to make me suffer. This is my life and I’m going to tell you it word from word.
    Moving every two years gets boring sooner then later. Ever since I was little, my dad and I have been moving because of his job as something in a huge agency. But I don’t complain because of the money he gets. The things I get I consider a great deal in making me happy. Gifts that my father gives me so I can forget that he’s barley even home anymore.
    Today he had bought me a new Porsche. Black as night with flames of blue and a dark purple with tinted widows you can barely see through from the outside. Another few gifts were a couple new outfits from very expensive designers. I wore a blue blouse with a black sleek pair of jeans that fit perfect, not to tight and not to lose. The shoes were just regular white pair you can get at any famous shoe store. The brand I can’t remember even for the life of me. My hair up in a ponytail I went down stairs to grab an apple and left the house with my keys in my left hand. I sat the apple down on top of the car and opened the drivers door and got in while grabbing the apple and closing the door. Turning on the car and driving onto the street then heading towards school. I had thought I saw something walk into the middle of the street and just stand there watching me as I drove off. Imagination?
    Not enough sleep?
    Whatever it was I did not care enough to stop and see who or what it was, and check if he or she was stalking me or anything. My mind did not think of things like that. So when I had gotten to school I didn’t think I had been in danger. First day at a new school hadn’t ever bothered me because in two years I would never see them again. When I entered the school’s office to get my schedule I ended up bumping into a girl and making her drop her stuff. She glared up at me while she was picking up her things. I muttered a deep apology and went to the assistance desk. When I left she told me to have a great day and if I need anything to come and ask her. First day somewhere new they always told me the same thing which is gets annoying. My first class had been fun, English. The teacher, Mr. Whiterberg had asked me, since they were doing poetry this quarter, to write a short poem on the board as an example. When I finished he told me to take the empty seat at the forth table in the third row. I put my stuff next to the table and sat down.
    The boy that sat next to me quenched in his seat as if I was a plague he didn’t want to catch or death himself. Every time I moved he’d flinched and his hair a red o dark would move, is skin would quiver and make his skin oh so much paler, and his eyes would brighten. You wouldn’t be able to notice if his eyes were brown, a deep brown but his were a light brown mixed with green. Kind of like a forest inside his eyes.
    His eyes turned to me looking at me dead on. We held each others gaze for a while till he looked away and the spell that was on us broke.
    I looked up at the bored then at the teacher. Mr. Whiterberg was talking about how Romeo had fallen for the daughter of his enemy, Juliet. How at the end he and Juliet had died together because their family would not tolerate them to be together. Then he wrote on the bored how Romeo and Juliet can be put into how the twenty-first century works and then write an essay on how we can relate our lives into a story close to Romeo and Juliet. The bell rang and I got up and took my things and left. Next hour had been the worse. Calculus was one of my most hated classes not because I didn’t understand it, I was actually real good at it but because I just hated it. I gave the teacher my slip to sign and sat down at an empty desk next to a blonde, pale, very beautiful like the boy I had sat by in English , tall, and skinny, real skinny. Her fragrance was very erotic in a way you would say how a rose smells so good but because of it’s dieing. Very hard to explain.
    She caught me staring and I looked away and caught a glimpse of her grin that spread across her lips like a snake knowing its been caught and was about to strike to escape its capture. Mrs. Lee didn’t make me stand up and tell everyone a little about me and I was grateful for that. I kept my eyes on the clock the whole hour and when the bell rang I got my stuff and the slip and headed to my next class which was History. Perfect. The same boy from English was in the same class with me. When I walked in he stopped talking to the boy who looked just as beautiful as the girl and the boy who now looked up at me. The other boy looked up at me and just stared like a kid that stood in a candy shop for the first time in his life. “Alright, get in your groups and start drawing the subject you were assigned.” Assuming that was Mr. Anderson talking I walked up and handed him my slip. I took a seat in the back room and thank god I was no where close to the two boys.
    A girl with auburn hair with highlights of black, dressed in a light colored green dress, came up to me. “ Hi I’m Kayla, I heard we were getting a new kid here and here you are and I was wondering , since I’m in the school newspaper and all, I could get an interview with you.” Wow and I thought everyone was avoiding me. “So are you available for an interview today or tomorrow?” Kayla asked. Yes or no? I didn’t want any attention towards me at all. “Umm...I don’t know. Maybe.” I answered. Great. Now I had sounded stupid. Kayla’s smile got bigger and she left saying ok. I got up and went to Mr. Anderson asking for a subject. Mr. Anderson grabbed a sheet of paper and handed me it with another paper but blank. Hitler. Directions informed me that I had to create a poster that showed others what he did and what part of history was he involved in with some background. I went back to my desk and read the inscription on Hitler which I don’t know why because I already knew everything Hitler did and what he was like.
    Through the whole hour I had a feeling that I was being watched and I was so glad when the bell rang. I put the poster in my bag and grabbed my things and the slip I handed Mr. Anderson and left for lunch. The cafeteria was big. The tables were full by the time I had gotten my lunch. Kayla went over to me and asked if I would like to sit with her and I happily accepted the invitation. “Stephaney this is Rickey Jones, aka R.J” Kayla said pointing to the guy in front of me who had a buzz cut and an outfit that could fit the ghetto. “Then the beautiful lady next to him is his girlfriend Josephina Lane.” She was beautiful but not like the two boys and the one girl who had a grin like a snake. “The boy next to R.J is Luke Gerwin.” A African American like R.J and a little on the handsome side with his hair the color of dirt that fit his head and muscular body perfect. “Then to left of you is me of curse known as Kayla around here by the teachers but I go by Kay. To the right of you are Argie Richardson and next to him is Markess Richardson.” Both were twins. And one thing that I love about twins is that you can’t tell them apart. When Kay was done we all said hi like we’ve been friends for god knows how long. Then they showed up, the two boys, the girl, another two boys, and another girl. Together they looked like a cult full of beautiful teenagers. “Those guys are the Storm family. The one with red the color of flames is Alexander, he goes by Alex, the blonde that looks like she’s ready to go off is Rachael, the calm looking blond boy is James, the auburn colored hair girl is Rile, I think she’s depressed, the hot muscular tall one is Kirk, and last but not lest is the dark one, his name is Dylan. Rumor has that there all into the vampire thing.” Kay said. Vampires don’t exist. Sure they were pale and sure they were beautiful, but one thing that I knew was vampires didn’t exist.
    Alex looked at us and grinned, no fangs at all. Kay looked down and the rest just started talking about the Halloween dance. “What you goanna be Stephaney?” R.J asked. I smiled just now making up my mind. “What? You ain’t goanna be one of those psychos who go all out and do rituals are you?”
    “Me, I’m going to the dark side. And no I am not. I’m going to be a v-a-m-p-y-r-e” Y in vampire because that’s how back then they use to spell it. And what was best that the dance was only a week away. “That’s cool but I’m going to be the ‘Black Knight’” R.J said.
    “Lame, me, I am going to be a dead football player” Kay said. After that we got into a conversation on what we were going to be for Halloween. The lunch bell rang and we all left for our fourth hour. Mine was art.
    When I entered the art room I was given a project to do, lucky me. First day and I already got lots of things to do. I was to draw a picture that reminded me of an emotion. I got a list and out of sorrow, joy, lonesomeness, anger, jealousy, surprised, and frustration I chose anger. When the bell rang for fifth hour I gave my project to the art teacher, and what do you know her name is Mrs. Storm. Beautiful didn’t even hold onto what she looked. She was beyond beautiful. “Ms. Morgan may I see you?” Mrs. Storm asked. I went over to her and she asked why I had chosen anger and I simply told her because anger leads to rebellion and rebellion leads to freedom. I went to leave and she asked this one question I could never answer because I didn’t know the answer till she asked me the question. “What does freedom lead to Ms. Morgan?” I turned around and said “freedom leads to destruction” and left to go to my next class. Earth science was next or did I take chemistry? Chemistry. When I entered I saw R.J and Luke with an empty seat which they wanted me to sit in. I put my stuff down then went up and handed Mr. Reeds the slip and went back and sat down. “So how do you like your first day here in a big town?” Luke asked. How was my first day here so far? Well it sucked; a cult of beautiful teenagers all looked at me like I was food or a plague. But I couldn’t tell them that. “My day so far has been good. I miss the sun that rarely even shows and cold wind.” I answered back. Luke grinned and that made me a little uncomfortable. R.J was about to say something but Mr. Reeds started the lesson on how tomorrow we were going to dissect a cat fish. Gross. Then Mr. Reeds put a video in the TV and told everyone that if we fell asleep there was to be a pop quiz the next day.
    The bell rang and I got my stuff and R.J walked me to my next class which was gym. In gym the class had to get into a group of four and play two on two basketball. Some had to have five but lucky me I got to be in a group of people who knew ho to play real good. Close to the end of class each four got back together and played knock out. The only ones left were a kid named Jackson, May, Izzy, and R.J. The bell rang and we all went back to the locker room to change. The girl’s locker room was crowed but I managed to get my stuff and be the first one out. A crowed surrounded my car and I got my keys out and about two yards away I unlocked the Porsche and everyone looked at me. Great now because of my car I get the attention I never wanted. I threw my stuff across in the passenger seat. I got in and closed the door and started the car and everyone just backed up. Now I felt like a freaking celebrity. I stopped in front of a car that was stopped in front of a couple more cars. My eyes looked around till they found the Storm’s.
    They all stood by three cars. Nice looking cars which looked to be sport cars. One was black with tinted windows, the one in the middle was red, and the other was white with orange spikes painted around the edge like an outline. God, how it toke so long to leave the school parking lot. The way home was short since I went around every car and went past the speed limit by twenty which was 60mph making me go 80mph. I parked and got my stuff and locked the car. I put the keys in my pocket and turned around thinking that someone was watching me but no one was there. I went into the house and down stairs to my bed room. A mess with boxes every where.
    An hour and then some everything were put away. The only thing that needed to be done next was the paint. I got the tarp from the garage and put it across the floor of my bedroom. The paint I chose was a deep crimson rose color and a black can of paint. Half way through painting my dad came home and helped me finish painting the crimson red. I took a small paint brush and started to paint shadows from people. Around two o’clock I got done and cleaned up and got another can of paint but white and filled in the details for the shadows to make out the people. After the painting was done it was around five am. Two hours left till I am suppose to get up and get ready for school. I went to take a shower knowing that sleep was on the corner. I dressed in a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt and went outside for a jog that was to wake me up but did nothing but get me in danger.

    Running through the woods had been a bad idea. The trail which wasn’t much of a trail was full of rocks and small problems. I tripped and fell but got back up and kept running. The cold and falling at least woke me up. I looked at my watch and noticed I had an hour till I had to leave. I turned around to head back knowing that I’d probably be late for school. Half way back I tripped but this time instead of getting a small cut I got a cut deep enough for stitches and gushing out blood, perfect right? The wind that had been just barley even blowing picked up and I felt something touch my neck and I swirled around but like before nothing was there. Then the visions hit me like a lead pipe to the chest.
    Running through a house with walls covered in blood and a man yelling at me, I turned around and faced the man who so much looked like the devil himself. “Your dead you little b***h. I don’t care what the hell you are but your dead.” I grinned knowing that he was twice my size at the age of four and twice as strong. He was as much a challenge as the young boy who fought for his dear life that morning. Dead. I killed them. The women, the boy, and the animals. Then it came again. I sat there on top of the dead man who had just minutes ago vowed to kill me, playing in his blood and flesh like it was mud. Sirens were heard and I didn’t move just sat there even when the cops came in pointing guns at me. A tall woman came in and slowly walked towards me. When I didn’t move she picked me up and carried me out and put me in the back of a vehicle that had five men in it and no windows. The inside had a table and some machines which they hooked me up to. I didn’t protest till they took out a needle with something in it that didn’t look right and I fought. Two out of the five men were killed and they somehow had managed to tie me down. The vision changed and I was around six and in a room with glass walls and outside the walls was a lab on each side. “Let me out and I’ll be good, I promise.” I whined. “Go to bed tu Diablo.” A man said behind the wall. I got up and went to the wall and looked him straight in the eyes and he put his hand over what looked to be a red button. “Bed.” He said again. I shook my head and put my hands on the glass. Then the vision changed. I stood in the lab where the man who had called me a devil was gushing out blood from his chest. I walked and walked till I got to a white hallway that led to a door. I opened it and went through which lead to another hallway. It was like that for a while. I got fed up with the white walls and decided to go through them. Again it changed but I was hooked up to a machine and I was screaming. Then nothing but a major headache.
    How long had I been day dreaming. I looked at my watch and cussed. Twenty minutes late for school. I ran to the house and changed into what my hands could grab and left with my stuff and through it all in the car. Luckily that no cops were on the rode and when I got to school I practically parked like in the movies which when you turn to hard you spin then stop. I ran into the office and singed myself in and jogged to English. When I entered the room every eye was on me and I took my seat next to Alex who just froze. That was going to get old to me very fast. I opened my English notebook and started to take notes. After five minutes I got bored of writing notes and started to draw. The bell rang and I looked at the picture and grinned. Faces covered most of the page and so did blankness but what got me was Alex was one of them. I tore it out and crumpled it up and on my way out I threw it away. I went to the bathroom and groaned at the outfit I was wearing. The shirt was black with the words “you touch” then on the back it said “you hurt” then for bottoms was a pair of blue jeans with a design of barbwire going around my ankles with vine with two words on the butt, “Hex You”. I left the bathroom and went to Calculus. God I hated the outfit which I made sure no one could see it by going to the lost and found a minute before the bell and got a coat. I zipped it up and took my seat next to Rachael and not surprised that she did grin at me. I really wish she would stop doing this, it’s getting aggravating. I didn’t much care or pay attention to what the teacher said because I was staring out into space when it hit me.
    Blood covered most the walls with several bodies on the floor in front of me as I walked towards my freedom. They kept coming and they started to shoot. One hit me in my upper left torso and I staggered but kept walking when another hit me. It had taken me two seconds to realize that they were trying to hurt me and that had made me mad. The vision changed. I was outside covered head to toe with blood and flesh. It had only token me five minutes to walk to the edge of the felicity till more came. All in white coats and camouflage with guns pointing at me. Guns had run through my mind and just that small word had pissed me off. The lady from when I was littler who picked me up from my house after I killed my family was walking towards me. She put me in here. She was the reason why they were shooting at me. Maybe if she was dead I could be free. The lady had stopped about two yards away from me.
    “My name is Dr. Haul. Can you remember me?” she said in a calm sweet voice as if talking to a three year old. That had just pissed me off more. I nodded and then in a calm death hold voice I had said, “You’re the one who put me here. Making all them hurt me” then in a sweet sing song voice I had said. “You’re going die.” I repeated that for about a minute when the first bullet went by my head. I looked up an- someone pushed me making the vision retreat from my mind. Rachael. She had touched me. I looked over at her then up at the teacher which said “the answer is?” Crap. Rachael handed me a sheet of paper with one number on it. 24. So I said it and waited for the bell to ring. A minute passed and the bell rang. Rachael was first out the door and I was glad. Up until lunch my day was fast. I sat with Kayla and friends. We talked about how the politics were ruining the government instead of helping it which I had no idea what they were talking about.

    Just something i started for the heck of it