Chapter 1:Within the Walls of the Emperor
A dark figure jumped down into the street. His blonde hair ruffled slightly as he looked above him towards the window he had just climbed from. It seemed a bit cliche to tie bed sheets together to escape from his balcony, but it was their fault for not barring the windows this time. It was night, and the magical research facility of the capital district of the empire towered above him. He rubbed his knee a bit. 'Man that was a tough drop.' He though wearily. Suddenly, something whizzed by his ear.
"Tch soldiers! Already. And with enchanted musket rounds man the empire knows how to treat her guests."
Smirking slightly he dashed off into the streets. it was night, and the stone buildings which were so closely crowded made the town look like a giant labyrinth, though he doubted it would be a problem for him, Gray Locke.
Mean while a little ways away a young brunette girl hopped up to the sliding door of her private room. Her name was Bella Rainier and she was more than the young girl she appeared to be. She was a shape shifter. Silently she slid the door open and crept out onto the balcony. She phased into a owl and swooped down to the fence below. 'When will they learn to lock my balcony door?' She asked herself.
As she phased back to human she jumped from the fence to the ground landing on silent feet. She whistled lightly and a bird flew down to her shoulder. It was a swallow named Kait. Whistling and cheeping to him she gave her instructions. He was to fly a head and alert her if someone was coming. Nodding he swooped off her shoulder and she dashed after him.
Behind her she heard the sound of musket fire. She cheeped a 'Wait a minute.' to Kait and went to investigate. She got to the end of the road and watched as a boy a little older than her was shot at. She peered after him as he darted away.
Curious she phased into a swallow herself and whistled a good bye to Kait. She flew speedily after the boy, tracking his movements trough the city.
Even closer another young girl by the name of Saya Rodan grumbled as she bashed in the head of yet another soldier.
"God... Some idiot just had to go and start a commotion. Right when I'm trying to break into this hellhole. This is fantastic."
Ducking around a corner, Saya continued to mumbled about her misfortune, dodging and whacking those who tried to stop her. Thankfully, the moon hadn't risen that night, and she was aided by the cover of darkness. She slowed her pace and crept along, listening intently to her surroundings. As she continued to sneak through the streets, the sound of hurried footsteps came up behind her. Whirling around, she launched herself at the man behind her, grabbing him by his throat.
Instinctively Gray reached for something as he felt something reach at his throat. Before the shock set in of the aggressive attack, he had noticed that there was a beautiful girl, but all notions had changed as she threatened to do him harm.
"And your pocket just had to be empty too, eh dear?"
He struggled to say this calmly. A rifle round was embedded into the back of his thigh. The rifles were primitive and could barely break the skin, but the empire had developed enchanted rounds balls of iron that were imbued with magic. There was bolt or lightning magic embedded deep within this one. But Gray did not reveal his pain. He always put up a brave front in the presence of women no matter how unfriendly they were.
"If you're going to kill me, then please do it out of the street. I'd hate for even my body to be easily recovered by those empire freaks."
Directly above the two Bella landed on a ledge with swift and silent wings. She phased back and sat on the ledge. Drawing her bow with a goose feather arrow and she stared calmly at the girl before aiming it at her.
"I don't think that's such a good idea." She said to the other girl. "No blood needs to be spilt tonight, so I will not sit by and let you kill an... innocent... man."
"Now that's a voice of reason, isn't it dear? After all, we have quite the busy schedule to keep. I have... my business, and you no doubt have yours." Gray said cheerily, calmly as he could he looked up to see the little voice of reason...
"I assume girls can't suddenly appear onto impossible landings nowadays can they?" He asked himself aloud rather than asking the girl or the lady holding him at bay. "I assume I'm hallucinating." He said this reasonably calmly.
Saya blinked at the man before her, and loosened her grip slightly.
"Kill you...? Wait, you're running away? You're the one that caused this commotion?!" Saya groaned, annoyed. She released the hold she had on his throat, but stayed on top of him.
"Do you have any idea how much trouble you've caused me?! Those soldiers are attacking anything with a pulse, not just you! I've been bashing skulls since I set foot in this place." Irritated, she glared down at him and crossed her arms.
She was suddenly startled out of her glare by the sudden voice above her. Looking up, she spotted a girl about her age, staring down at the two of them.
"I wasn't planning on killing him. Just... maybe knocking him out, or something," Saya replied from her position above the man.
When the man below her commented, she returned to her glaring.
"A 'busy schedule to keep?' You ruined all my planning!!"
Bella blinked and released her taught bow string carefully. "Oh." Was all she said. She put her bow back on it's strap and put her bow back in her quiver. "Well you don't have to knock him out either." She told her. She jumped down from her perch and landed lightly on the balls of her toes.
"I'm Bella." She told them brightly. "And no your not hallucinating. But I'm not telling you how I got up the either as that is entirely my business." She put plenty of emphasis on my to tell them that she trusted neither of them.
Saya watched the girl jump down gracefully, and introduce herself.
"Bella? That's a pretty name. I'm Saya. It's nice to meet you."
"Knocking me out?!" Gray fidgeted uncomfortably, "Now that's just unreasonable. And you say I'm ruining your plans." He looked in the direction he came from and heard footsteps getting louder. "Listen, dear, if you're having trouble with the authorities, it's your own fault. You shouldn't be doing anything suspicious when you're just a citizen. As for me, I have no choice. You may not believe me when I say this, but I happen to be a magic user." He said in a tone that made it sound very extravagant.
"So you'll excuse me for ruining your plans, but you see, if I die whether it be from your hand or their's, my plans will most definitely be postponed!"
The man below her jerked, catching Saya's attention. When he was done speaking, Saya was slack jawed.
"A magic user? No way! I don't believe you."
Bella could now see lights approaching the end of the Alleyway. She gulped. "Um guys... maybe this isn't the best place for this conversation."
The sound of footsteps bouncing off the walls caught her attention. When Bella suggested they move their conversation elsewhere, she reluctantly agreed.
"Oh crap. Fine, I won't knock you out, but I'm staying with you. I don't need you getting caught and blabbering about me to these tin headed soldiers."
Saya got off the man, and held out her hand to help him up.
Gray was happy for the help. "Well it's good to see a higher view of your morals." he said as he took her hand, got up, and patted himself off. "And what shapely morals they are." he said jokingly.
Bella lifted her hand after a long argument with herself and a solid wall of plants raised itself at the end of the alleyway to prevent the soldiers from getting in that way. She had decided it was all right to tell them she was a magic user but she definitely would not tell them she was a shape shifter as well for they a few and far between.
"Come on!" She said quickly, "I know a great hiding place." She had been all over the city during her frequent escape attempts.
Gray watched silently as the plants slowed down the troop movement and he suddenly felt stupid for making a big deal over being a magic user. "We'll good to see I'm in good company, the name is Gray. Gray Locke, the great treasure hunter!"
Saya rolled her eyes at her new companion. If the hellhounds weren't at their heels, she had half a mind to punch him good.
"A treasure hunter, huh? Sounds exciting."
A ways away Griz Nox slept. Hearing the musket shots his peaceful slumber was disturbed. He laid with his wings spread out in order to absorb the starlight which fed him so well. He was napping perched at top a spire settled in the courtyard of the capital building.
'Excitement at last.' He though with growing excitement. The city had much to do during the day, but nearly made him guilty of sloth during the nights. Warm glowing embers gathered around him and with a sigh, an inferno burst from his white down, launching him high up into the air. The Emperor's chief fire magic authority was headed towards the gunshots.
Bella changed her ears to bat ears. Though in the dark the difference was unnoticeable. She heard the sound of approaching wingbeats. 'Nox!' She thought with a gasp. She changed her ears back to normal. "Guys we have to go now! Nox is coming!"
Bella definitely couldn't let Nox catch her. He drag her straight back to the palace. She shivered fearfully, panic like that of a startled deer showed in her deep sapphire blue eyes.
"He's a very, very bad person! You guys don't want to be any where near when he gets here!" She cried.
Griz found the soldiers as they were looking for a way around the plants. "Fools." Griz sighed as he reached towards the plants and incinerated them. "I am Griz Nox! Who is in charge around here? What is all of this commotion?" As he received his information he erupted with excitement. "Magic user eh?"
Bella's eyes opened even wider as her wall went up in flame. "We have to go NOW!" She cried. She prayed to god Nox didn't recognize her. She knew she couldn't phase anymore. She could not let the empire know her secret. She threw up another barrier, this time of solid
Saya looked upward sharply at Bella's frantic yells. She grabbed Gray's hand and give it a sharp tug.
"C'mon guys, let's move it-" She was cut off by the sounds of the plants being incinerated behind her, and a male voice yelling over the crackle of the flames. "Oooh Crap." She said simply.
"Nox!" Gray gasped. "Oh this better be some bloody hell of a hiding place!" He yelled!
"Just follow me!" Bella cried back, "They've never found me there before." She added. Without waiting for a response she turned and fled down the alleyway. Her feet moving fast and light.
Saya released her grip on Gray followed Bella down the Alleyway.
Gray gasped at the huge pillar of fire which was slowly melting through the ice that was more than a bit frightening. "Listen it's not like we have many options here. Either we're close to your hide away or we have to fight." and he followed them frantically. He felt a bit useless, Here he was a magic user and he was running away. "Alright" He simply said to no on in particular.
Through the bright flames, Nox could not see a thing, but he sensed them, their presence. Four of them, all with magical essences. He did not know who they were, but any magic was good magic. dead or alive, he would retrieve them. There were no soldiers that were insane enough to fight along side Nox. He was extreme enough to burn anyone to a crisp, be they friend or foe.
Saya looked ahead at Bella and called out to her.
"Hey, Bella! Where are we going?"
"Just keep running!" Bella cried back. She turned a corner at the end of the alleyway. Dodging obstacles she sped surely through the labyrinth. She turned a final corner and there it was. The enormous hollow oak tree that used to a rebellion hide out. She pushed a hidden button and the door popped open. "Get in!" She whispered fiercely.
Saya followed Gray through the doorway into the tree "Damn..." She said through her teeth, "It's just raining magic users tonight isn't it?"
Bella climbed into the tree after them and shut the door. "This should keep us safe. The walling blocks magic from escaping it so they won't be able to sense us." She breathed out deeply.
Meanwhile Nox, excited as he was, burst through the remaining ice, shattering it, sending long shards in every which direction. his inferno still was blazing as they wrapped around him licking his unscorched body. the black corpse of one of the soldiers from earlier was no lucky enough to escape the flames and now was turning to ash. the flames had yet to die out and smoke clouded the air Nox slowly walked out of the black cloud feeling around making sure no rock was unturned, he sitll could not see far enough to view the runaways. "Ha, there is nowhere you can run, you have the smell of magic on you. magic always draws magic close to itself. You'll fall into my lap." He spread out his enormous wings in order to fan the flames away. but he was in no hurry to do so.
Back with the group Saya turned to Bella and gestured towards their hiding place. "Where are we, exactly? Some sort of old hideout? And how do you know about it?" She asked forcefully.
Bella looked at Saya briefly before answering as she measured her answer. "Yeah this is an old resistance hideout. I found out about it a long time ago on one of my first escape attempts. The tree told my. My main element is wood or nature. So the tree told my where the secret button was and what it used to be used for. I'm curious... If you don't mind me asking... What are your powers?" She asked hesitantly.
Saya listened to her explanation, and nodded. "That's actually pretty cool. I'd ask where you were escaping from, and why, but I don't think we've known eachother long enough for me to ask that."
"Look here, as I'm sure you all know there are eight elements known to man, light, fire, water, wood, wind, earth, bolt, and darkness." Gray said informantly then he laughed. "I'm water, and bolt." He said then winced in pain and knelt back down the bolt round in the back of his leg was still buzzing it bled freely now due to the active movement.
Saya sighed, sitting down one of the nearby chairs that littered the vast room, and stretching out her legs. She blinked suddenly.
"Hey! I know what all of your guys' elements are, but you don't know mine. How rude of me. I'm wind and water. Though, I'm still learning as well, so I don't have the best control in the world."
Bella turned to Gray who seemed to be in pain. "Are you hurt?" Concern was completely evident in her voice. She blushed a little.
"Ironic. a resistance hideout in the capital city of the empire. Like rats living in an old arsenic box." He chuckled as he put a hand on the wall. Gray suddenly pulled out a chain which had a hook at the end. He threw the hook which seemed to curve around a chair and slammed into the wall directly behind him the chain dropped to the ground. "I don't buy it. Something smells fishy about it" He was getting tired and his face was losing it's color. Little did he know, he was feeling the effects of blood loss.
"Well, what other place to be if your going to disrupt the empire than in the empire itself?" Bella replied calmly. "I don't know how I learned my abilities. I needed a little help with water but nature just sort of... came to me."
"Gray, you are hurt. Please, just sit down and let me look at your wound." Saya said firmly.
Bella watched calmly. This had to be told sooner or later. She would tell him her story later.
She went to a dresser and grabbed her healing herbs out of it. "Let me." She said to Saya. "I understand herbs and healing better than most physicians."
Gray's heart began beat much faster and and his senses became hazier and hazier. he could barely stand up anymore. the bullet that had embedded itself into the back of his thigh suddenly gave off a spark. Gray was letting off a discharge of bolt magic which was the same magic that the iron ball was charged with. Suddenly he gasped and collapsed, it was like watching a robot toy shorting out.
Bella gasped and rushed over to his side. She started by checking his pulse and to see if he was breathing.
Saya slapped a palm against her face, and sighed. "God Gray, you masochist. Why didn't you say something about that wound earlier?!" Bending down next to him, Saya pulled out a roll of bandages from her carrying pouch and handed them to Bella. "Anything I can do to help, Bella?"
Bella nodded."Help me get the bullet out, please." She almost begged.
"Sure." Saya replied calmly, "The human body is made up of mostly water, so I should be able to push it out with the water in his body. I might even be able to start the formation of a scab, if I can dry out the blood around the wound..." Saya placed a hand on either side of the entry wound, and breathed deeply. She could feel the blood flowing through Gray's veins, and slowly, she was able to move the blood around the bullet, putting a slight pressure on the intruding item. Taking another breath, she added more pressure to the bullet, taking care not to interrupt the normal flow of blood. Within a couple of minutes, she managed to work the bullet out, and it plopped to the floor with a distinct 'clink'.
Gasping for breath, Saya removed one hand from Gray's leg and gestured for Bella.
"I don't think I'll be able to close up this wound right now. I can keep it from bleeding for a few minutes, but I need you to wrap it!"
Mean while up above Griz roared in anguish as he let them escape, he felt as if he let the emperor down. He flew into the sky and let out a tremendous bellow which sounded not much like a lions roar or and elephant's trumpet or a whale's moan. It was inhuman, and it was loud enough to stir the rest of the citizens of the neighboring towns.
Back in the tree, Bella grabbed her herbs and immediately set to work. She sprinkled some on the wound to stop the blood flow and other she rubbed into the skin to take away the pain. Finally when she was done prepping the wound she grabbed the bandages and wrapped his leg. Then she tapped the side of Gray's unconscious face. "Hello?" She asked, "Anyone in there? Wake up Gray." With no response she and Saya settled down to wait for him to regain consciousness.
~Chapter 1 end~
- by rebelliousOracle |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/02/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: ~Glory to the Empire~Chpt 1~
- Artist: rebelliousOracle
- Description: This is a story based on a role play I did and loved! characters belong to Me, Gray Seraphim, Agrikar the Hidden, Yami no Hoshi, and her OIL (Official Illegitimate Lover)! I hope you enjoy it, this is only chapter one by the way. I will post the next chapters soon. Read, rate, and reply! Thank you!
- Date: 12/02/2008
- Tags: glory empire fantasy adventure
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Comments (3 Comments)
- rebelliousOracle - 06/12/2009
- Do you blame me? He was an incoherent idiot anyways.
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- Gray Seraphim - 12/16/2008
- Lol, I noticed that you've left out a certain illiterate detail.
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