• i knew I'd be dying later that night, but there was so much i wanted to say to so many people. i wanted to apologize for what pain i had put people through this entire years i had been sick with cancer. Everyone would start crying, and i knew that if i hadn't gotten this sickness, we'd all be smiling, instead of crying our hearts out. the love of my life, was sitting there holding onto my hands. and i began to speak to them all.

    I am sorry for putting all of you through this pain, and emotional roller coaster. All my life i had pictured getting married, having kids, and never did i see myself sick in a hospital bed. Most of you i have been friends with for years, and years. others i have just met these past few months or years. But time doesnt matter in this place of time, all of you have taught me something about myself that i never knew before. You all have been here through this tough time of mine, and after i pass, i know it will still be a struggle for you all. But i want you to know, i'm leaving because i dont want to feel this pain inside my body anymore, i want to live peacefully without pain. i love you all, and i am sorry for leaving.

    everyone sat by my bed, and i could feel myself closing my eyes, looking at everyone for the last time, i slowly closed my eyes, and saw the white light. i could still hear everyone, many were crying, others were telling me how i would never be forgottten, and i hear my mother tell me how much of a struggle this was for me, and she'd miss me. and then i couldnt hear nothing, just totally blanked out.