• He came over for some old fation cookies and milk but we never thought of what happen later. He arived but not just him two girls, too. If you were like me you waold know why i did ."What are you doing with them?"I anouced to him and the world "Their two girls from school"he shot back at me. "just 'cuze your not devopled yet means nothing to me, dude. So let me through and gander what you have in here." I shut the door in hopes he will go but no he defiled my yarn! I find my little knife and opened the door I asked if we could go on a bike ride so all four of us did. As lony it was untill the girl i had high hopes for came up to me. Now i must stop and tell you why i had high hopes for her see she was hotter than the world and also she liked me back we went out twice but for only 3 days so lets go on with the story. " Your upset becuse it was just sapposed to be you two right." she sied to me. She talk to me to me in the camotion i feel on my pocket knife and it fell out to his feet "well well well you were going to kill us too late" he says. he punched me to the ground. now I was pissed off I grabed his hand and flung him to the nearest house. so this went on for 1 hour and then I got hit by a car fliped into the air and fell arms frist. I stood up slowly beg no pleading for help not only my arms were bent but something poped out of them red and wihte sharp crying for help. then the car came and it was ........................................ i passed out of pain and later I awoke in a lighter happyer place i knew it was heven. That day I lost a friend and my life. but im here happy and hes dead were friends and he' 30 he did kill him self to apolgize to me. I was 14.