Shin made a large swipe for Suichi but he parried by quickly transforming Keira into his sword and their swords collided with a large clank as sparks flew about their faces, Suichi got a closer look at Shin’s face; it was very pale as if she hadn’t seen the sunlight in almost two years and her eyes were a vibrant purple as they glittered in the light from the sparks that had sprung up from where their swords collided, Shin had a blank stare on her face and she had a dark aura surrounding her body, Suichi knocked Shin back with a swipe of his sword and she landed directly to the left of Donna
“There’s no way that you can defeat her…she has all the power that you seven have…plus that of the Darkness from which she sprang from!” Donna laughed, Kouji tilted his head to the side
“Where did your accent go?” Kouji asked, Leiko looked at him
“I know RIGHT?!” Leiko exclaimed as she clenched her Shuriken ready for battle
“What the hell…why does everyone bother with my accent before cowering?!” Donna screamed as she stomped her foot and threw her hands wildly into the air, everyone else shrugged.
The mouse slowly looked up into Leiko’s determined eyes from the palm that she was still holding him in
“I need to get to Shin…without me her power will lie dormant and her dark side will consume her…” The mouse exclaimed as he looked from her to the entranced Shin on the other side of the room.
Shin dashed forward to kill the Mouse that was to become her Spirit Guide, Leiko threw her oversized Shuriken up as a shield, when a loud voice boomed from the door
“Knockout Light!” Kinoko screamed as a large silver light engulfed Donna’s large head and when the light vanished Donna’s head was rolling across the floor towards Kouji holding his spear at the ready, Kouji looked down at the blonde head of hair laying before him and let out a high pitched shriek while jumping into Meicho’s arms who was standing next to him, Meicho looked at Kouji as if he were disgusting and dropped him onto the ground.
Donna’s spell on shin had broken and Shin closed her eyes and landed face down against the rug that was covering the hard wood floor, the mouse jumped out of Leiko’s hand and scurried across the floor towards Shin
“she isn’t breathing” exclaimed the mouse as he pressed his hand against her throat to check for a pulse
“I’ll call and ambulance!” Leiko screamed as she pulled out her little purple phone and dialed 9-1-1.
The ambulance rushed Shin to the hospital and when the police showed up they found no trace of Donna’s body, because while they were distracted with Shin, she vanished in a large display of dark energy that only Kouji saw because he was poking Donna’s head with a cane that was found leaning against the wall behind him.
The seven of them couldn’t give the police very much to go on, so they lied to them by coming up with the story: “She just fainted we don’t know why” but the polieman just eyed them all suspiciously and took them down to the hospital to find out what was really going on with Shin.
Shin was in the hospital for a few days, the doctors just told them that she had severe trauma and she had a mild case of brain hemorrhaging that the doctors were working non-stop to try and get her to stablize.
“Another thing…this patient has small cuts on her inner theighs and her wrists, do you all know anything about this?” the doctor asked them, they all shook their heads
“what are they caused by?” Leiko asked as she grabbed onto Sucihi’s upper arm for support
“they seem to be self inflicted” The doctor replied suspiciously, he glared at them as if they knew something
“wait…why would she cut herself?” Kouji asked as he stood up from the waiting room seat that he had been sitting in for almost three hours since school had let out
“WHY WOULD ANYONE CUT THEMSELVES KOUJI!” Leiko screamed at him as she threw her empty bottle of soda at his head that bounced off and landed in the seat next to him, Kouji gripped his head and started wiggling in pain
“you’re so stupid sometimes…” Kinoko giggled as she rubbed him on the shoulder
“AHEM…” the doctor cleared his throat to get their attention again so that he could continue with his questioning
“Well…it would seem that her parents passed away early this year…which is why she moved to our city, she was staying with her aunt…who was found dead by the police early yesterday morning…” the doctor continued…
“but…oh my gosh….I thought that we were her friends…why wouldn’t she tell us any of this…” Leiko exclaimed as the doctor walked off continuing his duties
“I don’t know Leiko…but you have to admit that we didn’t know her very well…I mean…until the doctor’s stablize her there isn’t really anything that we can do…she’s unconscious…” Suichi pointed down the hallway that Shin’s room was in, Leiko glared at Suichi and threw herself into the chair on the other side of Kinoko
“I need your help everyone” the mouse whispered as he poked his head out of Leiko’s pocket
“Malik…you have to stay hidden…if any of the nurses see you…we’ll be in a lot of trouble…” Leiko whispered through clenched teeth as she tried to force the mouse back into her pocket
“no this is about Shin’s life…” Malik whispered to her and ushered everyone closer so that they could all hear him
“I need one of you to sneak me into her room…because her body is tryign to fight off the darkness and if I don’t awaken her powers…she will die and the prophecy will not be fulfilled…” Malik whispered, everyone looked at him as if he were crazy
“What prophecy?” Meicho demanded, Malik looked around at them all startled
“but…I thought that the others would have told you about the Prophecy already?” Malik thought hard about this but brushed it off in the end
“Alright…here it is:
This prophecy was written long ago
Of the battle of Good & Evil.
Seven for Evil they have vowed,
And seven for Good is what’s allowed.
Animal forms will Demi-gods take
To fight for dominance and the Earth’s sake.
The fight for centuries, until seven reveal;
Water, Fire, Wind, Earth, Thunder, Light, and Steel.
Until an eighth, wrought of Darkness’ Womb
And seven good will seal the Dark Master’s Tomb.
Good must triumph the Dark one’s mind
Or it will destroy all of man-kind
And Shin is the one that the prophecy speaks of…she needs to live for the eight of you to join forces and destroy the Dark master for good…” Malik whipped his forehead and looked at everyone expecting them to jump up immediately to help him
“So Shin is the GOOD representation of Darkness?” Leiko asked confused, Malik nodded
“Of course…the yin-Yang theory…that each side has to have a little of both or they will destroy themselves…” Kinoko announced excitedly, Malik nodded again and pointed at Kinoko
“Exactly…” Malik smiled showing his large mousy buck teeth that made Leiko want to take him home and keep him forever
“Alright…we’ll have to do this soon then…because from the look on the Doctor’s face…she doesn’t have much time left…” Suichi looked at each of them
“agreed…” they all said together
“we just have to figure out how to do it…we’ll need some sort of large distraction” Yuki finally spoke as she flipped her long blonde hair out of her face and flashed them a devilish look
“that’s what we’ll have to think about…” Suichi hung his head sadly
“What if I just kick Kouji in the face…” Leiko shot sarcastically, Kouji glared at her angrily
“OR what if I shock him?!” Yuki said excitedly while raising her hand as if she were in a classroom”
“or how about you all just say please?” said a voice from behind them, they all looked to see Miki standing in nurse’s scrubs with a large smile on his pretty face.
- by ZzTakeruzZ |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/08/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: Rising Sun High Chapter 25
- Artist: ZzTakeruzZ
- Description: This is Chapter 25 from my Anime styled story; Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess and the other Gods sense a great Evil is upon them; Suichi is recruited and he discovers his Spirit Guide and that he has to find others like him to stop this new Evil, can he do it? Or will the world end?
- Date: 12/08/2008
- Tags: rising high chapter25
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Comments (1 Comments)
- Vicious Mockery - 01/09/2009
- well, someone might cut themselves as selftorture, okay?
- Report As Spam