• It was a dark and stormy night. Okay, that's a little overused. Hi, im a vampire. How long have I been a vamp? All 3000 years of my life. Those stories about us being bit, poison changing DNA, blah, blah, blah, are all bull. There is no possible way for that 2 happen, so dont get your hopes up. All vamps? they're just everlasting individuals who suck blood 4 a living. We're demons, and are born from 2 parents, just like everyone else. end of story. Just a little more exiting. No more details on that one, (change of subject...). Anyhow, I'm just a little on the naughty side. For a vamp. Which is SUPER naughty for a human. Oh, and we're also a little bit stronger than the average human... on steroids. and hot. So we don't really have a reason 2 celebrate xmas. until I met Brian. Uber cute hot GOD LIKE!!!!! For a human. u now the story. guy meets girl (in my case, vamp) girl falls for guy, guy finds out girls a vamp, doesn't know what 2 do and now we're here. Okay, that last part was a little different, but hey, Im a vamp. Brian has ordered me to celebrate the disgustingly cheery holiday. Of course I'm powerless against his persuasion skills (aka kissing), so I go along with it. I don my black leather skirt, find some holly, and im set to go. shopping, that is. I set to Hot Topic, scoff at the twilight stuff, find some awesome clothes for my hawt boyfriend, and force him to wear it. hey, he presses his values on me, i press mine on him. ha! take that fluffy spirit junk! twisted so on xmas day, i go crazy. literally. I forgot 2 feed this week. so I accidentally devoured some kids. Brian saw, and broke up with me crying . I hope I can at least see how he tastes twisted , but I think that would be bad to deprive the earth of his hotness. Wait, I dont care about the earth. twisted ttfn