• Dec.29, 2008
    Dear Dairy,
    Today Me and Bob were walking in the woods and we found this old abandoned warehouse looking thing right? Well I'll tell you something..... Inside was another world and boy nobody believe us..... well me actually........ It's just another one of those sad tragic stories... dairy i think I'll tell you the story and haw at allll happened.TRAGICALLY. The story goes on like this:
    Bob: Wow! Look look! Anna!! It's a old house!!
    Anna:Bob.....it's a ware house......and lets go........ i dont want to end up like Hansel and Gretel you kno...ugh
    Bob:Anna, my twin, even tho u were born first by like 3 seconds ur such a wimp
    Anna: Bob it was 4 seconds sheesh u think something like dat would sink into ur brain by now!
    Bob: 3 seconds 4 seconds wateva lets just go in!
    And he ran to the Warehouse witch doing so saw a open window. Anna ran after him and well with small curiosity she and Bob looked inside.
    Bob: Boo...... It's nothing but boxes this stinks
    Anna: Come on Bob lets go........ this place gives me the creeps like that Haunted house we went to last Halloween
    Bob: Dude that was nothing! Anna u wi-
    Then there was a flash of bright bright light
    Bob: Hey look!!! Look! W8 W8... AHHH!!!!! I'M BEING EATIN ALIVE!!!
    Anna: AHHHHHHHH!!! It's a DEMON!! God is punishing us!!! AHHHH!! We're gunna DIE!!! NOOOO SAVE ME!!! AHHHHHHH!
    Bob: Anna............ STFU!!! OMG UR SOOOOOOOO ANNOYING!!!!!
    Anna: O.0 BOB! Ur so rude to a lady!
    Bob: wuteva >.> some "Lady" u r.... all you do is watch Disney classics and run around looking for ur "Prince Charming" like a 3 yr old
    Anna: Hey! ur so mean geez! hey.... w8 wut r u doing with dat tennis ball... dont tell me ur gunna........ omg!! dont dont dont!!!
    Bob: haha wut eva!!
    And Bob threw the Tennis Ball......which then i heard a thunk sound.. not good right?... well that "thunk" lead to our doom.......sigh brothers right? But i still miss him.....
    Demon: Who dare disturbs the almighty powerful fire demon of the underworld!
    Bob: (to Anna) haha! Sweet watch this!
    Stupid Brothers do stupid things...... Bob just happens to jump in through the window and takes out a pocket knife.......
    Bob: It is I, Sir Bob, Who has come to slay u mighty beast! Now surrender or prepare to die! Ohohohoho!! U r Trapped in the cage so wut demon could b powerful enof to defeat me!
    Demon: Oh so ur that man who locked me up in this dreaded cage.......W8 no ur just and offspring of that dreaded old man...........u little brat......... Well "Sir Bob" let's see how you like this!
    And stupid brothers get into stupid Fights.......... It soooo happens that Bob threw another Tennis Ball at the Demon and throw his pocket knife at the demon.......miss.........well a hit in the wing is really nothing....... tough luck little bro cause the Demon blasts out Blue Fire...........
    Bob: Ahhh! ANNA!!!! HELP ME!!!!!
    Well heroine to the rescue..........not really......cause a klutz like my self just falls in from a window not jumps in like a hero..........
    Anna: Ow.....
    Demon: Oh. So the princess has come to save the prince and live happily ever after.
    Anna:....Bob............ STFU!!!!!!!!
    Bob: Make me blehhhhhhhhhh >=P
    Anna: Ok bye. * turns to leave*
    Bob: w8 no save me.. ANNA RUB HE'S GUNNA GE-
    And Bob was gone........sniff.......
    Demon: Now for dessert..........
    Anna: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
    Luckily i found the door........ and ran out as fast as i could......... but there was a distraction............. my dog.........
    Anna: S-Sc-SCRUFFY!?!?!??!?!? W-wh-what r u doing here!?!??!?!?!
    Scruffy: (in a demonic voice) Well Anna....... Long time no c........
    Then everything went pitch black.........and then i found myself here in my room.
    I tried to tell mom and dad everything but no one would listen.......
    Well diary that's everyth-
    * Drops Pen*
    *Anna's body starts to glow*
    Anna: W-Wh-WHAT!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Were am I? No... no... NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
    THE END............. Or is it..........
    Demon: Well have a sweet dream Twins.................
    * spirit remembrance*
    Anna: This place.......... i kno it........... but what is going on...-
    *Bob: Anna Watch this!*
    *Demon: Die Sir Bob!!!!*
    Anna: No.............not again............ NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

    ( Well hope you like this story ^^ I will explain a bit.... Anna was actually unconscious and dreamed she was home writing in her diary and after finishing the story she wakes up and finds that she is actually dead and her spirit is forever doomed to watch the death of her and her brother. Now Scruffy was there lost dog whom was killed and the body was used by the demon to distract/ get kids so he could eat because the demon himself was trapped in a cage long ago by a Magic sorcerer named Sir Bob.... Weird Right...... )
    [ None of the characters r real just thought up of sum random names ]
    * This was for a avatar description but i made it to long so i put it as a story DX I may put the avatar if u guys want me 2 =P but i need enof requests but in the end i mite just do it*