• He let go of me too soon... but it had felt like a long time. I didn't care. Shortly after doing so, I went out for the hunt, and quickly found two plump rabbits. We cooked them and ate in silence, and again while washing up. Wondering why in the world did I become this monster, he broke me from this train of thought.
    "Did you get 'em all?"
    "Y...yes s...sir there was only the man." I stamered as I spoke for he was only a couple of inches from me.
    "Good. By the way; I'm sorry if for some reason you started to see yourself as a monster, for it is my fault actually."
    "How in the seven hells did you..."
    He sighed, and looked away from me for a moment.
    "There's something you should know about me."
    I sat on the floor and stared at him while he sat down next to me on the cold, stone floor.

    "Three months before we met, there was a vampire attack.The vampire bit me and started to feed, but had to go before he was done. Shortly after, I started having a craving for blood, and saw that I had become the very monster I feared. I had been very sensitive to thoughts home to others, so now I can read minds. But I cannot read your's for some reason, I only saw it in your eyes."

    "So your saying that your thirsty for MY blood??"
    "Yes, but I can abstain from it."
    "I don't know, I think about what you would look like to be frozen on the floor, white, and cold, to never hear your voice or see you blush scarlet again has pained me so." He sighed and looked away from me. I reached out my hand and turned his head towards me.
    "Look, I don't care if I've become a monster because of you. I do what I do FOR you."
    "I know but I still feel bad-"
    I took his face in my hands and pressed my lips against his, and I felt his body go from shocked to pleased, given that his shoulders slackened. He placed his arms around my waist, as I placed mine around his neck, and we both parted our lips to breathe in each others scent.