• Prologue

    " I show no remorse for the mistakes you have made Katrina." He rumbled. " Your carelessness has caused us mistakes that will take forever to fix." He threw another log into the burning fire. "Please my lord I will do anything! I will take the weight of the world in my hands if it means forgiveness!" Katrina cried trying to get on her hands and knees, begging. He was silent. " Why should I give you another chance and not throw you into the time warp? You have failed us and now have delayed us giving them more time. We could be found any minute and because you let yourself get spotted and had to have protection come we might be finished!" He roared throwing a log and narrowly missing Katrina. Katrina staggered to her feet, her heavy chains following her. " If you give me another chance I will not fail. You have known me for 100 decades and you know when I take an oath I do not turn my back on it. I am loyal to you, until the very end." Worn out, she slipped back onto the floor. He was silent. "Fine. If you want my trust, faith, and loyalty to you back you must do this task for me." Katrina cried in happiness crawling over to bow to his feet. He put up his hand for her to stop. " Your neice Haley? Kill her.