• After I calmed down I replied his question. “My sisters and I are born from ‘royal blood.’ Akira and Shirai were supposed to be future queens, but they’re twins. Their birth certificate, which has the exact time when each was born, was burnt along with our old mansion. The political governments are still deciding on the future queen.” When I was done speaking, Tokyemaru’s face changed from curious to confusion.
    “Wow.” He retorted. His voice sounded irritated other than surprised.
    “You don’t believe me, do you?” I asked, even though I already knew what his answer was.
    “Nope,” he replied, grinning at me. “I just think you’re crazy, but your story makes sense, in a weird way.”
    I nodded. If I were him, I’d be thinking the same too.
    After five minutes, he picked up our empty plates, placed them in the dishwasher, pushed a few buttons and then walked over to the living room. I noticed he looked a little unhappy.
    “Are you okay?” I asked, as I sat down on a couch across from him.
    “Uh… yeah,” Tokyemaru responded. “Just some trouble in the movie I was going to be on.”
    Was? He got rejected? I decided to leave the room. He already expressed that he doesn’t enjoy talking about bad news. I disliked it whenever someone was depressed, even Kyo.
    “Wait.” Kyo called. He paused for a few seconds. “Never mind, I’ll grab some pillows and blankets.” He got up and walked over to a closet beside the bathroom and threw them at my face, lightly. Tokyemaru left the living room, and almost slammed his bedroom door.
    After I had set up my “bed,” I lied down and my mind raced with questions. It has been a day, and I already miss Akira and Shirai. I wonder how they’re doing without me. Have they noticed I was gone yet? How am I going to go to the mall tomorrow with no clothes?
    With so many questions, I couldn’t go to sleep for a while. I woke up several times through the night, my forehead glistening with sweat. The same dream kept appearing in my head, the same nightmare.