When I woke up I was in a badly lit place that smelled of mildew and mold. I rolled over and bumped into a warm mass. I turned around to see Sailine lying next to me asleep. I sat up and analyzed the room. I appeared to be in Sailine's house or tree whatever you want to call it. I sat up and looked over her I noticed she had a sword on the floor next to the bed, "Hm, I wonder why she always has that with her." I asked to myself.
"Because you never know when you will be attacked," I jumped back and practically fell off the bed, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Sailine sat up.
"Sorry, I woke you up," I said blushing.
"I am never truly asleep. If you need to use the restroom there is one at the end of the hall," Sailine pointed to a dark hallway. I got up and headed to the bathroom. Not because I had to use it just so I could familiarize myself with her home.
When I got back Sailine was gone, I looked around but there was no sign of her. I went back to the bedroom and sat down on the bed. I thought of questions to ask Sailine as I awaited her return. I looked at the floor and noticed my bag on the floor. I took out my phone and turned it on. I had several missed calls and nine text messages. Most of the phone calls were from Kasey all saying he was sorry and shouldn't have rushed me into things. The last one was from mom saying she was sick of my s**t and that I was out of the house for good. That message I saw coming.
The text messages were a bit different. I had five from Sam all saying how sorry she was for not telling me about her suspicions and others asked me where I ran off to. One was from Lela saying she was sorry and that we were through, how heart warming. One from mom repeating her message from earlier. I got another from her asking if I was dropping out of school. Then the last one was a Jersey number that I didn't have programed. Who ever it was they knew who I was and told me to head to the lake where I met the selkie. I looked at the date and time of the message and it read today's date, October seventeenth, and the time was about half an hour ago, about the time I was left alone in Sailine's house. I thought about who knew about what had happened. "I guess I should go check out the lake." I headed out to where I thought the lake was and of course, I got lost. "s**t, where am I?" I sat on the ground and tried to concentrate on where the lake was and I was trying to retrace my steps in my head so I wouldn't get even more lost. I heard arguing and then the crashing of swords. I ran toward the sound and saw Sailine and a guy with long green hair fighting.
Sailine saw me and stopped fighting, "Jaimie run!" As she said that the guy caught her side.
I ran toward her and yelled, "STOP!" the man looked at me and bowed.
"I'm sorry your majesty," he spoke and then disappeared.
I quickly looked up to where the man had stood. I looked back to Sailine, "What can I do for you?"
"Take me home," I helped her up and walked her back to the way I came.
When we got back to her home she told me to grab some ingredients from the cupboard and boil them into water. I poured it into a cup and gave it to her. I then grabbed rag and ran to the kitchen and wet it. I came back to the room and put the rag on the cut then applied pressure to it, "I'm so sorry I distracted you," Tears started to well up in my eyes.
Sailine looked me in the eyes and wiped away the tears, "You actually saved my life Jaimie. I owe you my life. I will let you do or ask me three things."
"Do you have feelings for me, like I do for you?"
Sailine turned away, "Yes,"
I looked toward her, "Is Sailine your real name?"
Sailine looked at me and her eyes widened as she spoke, "My real name is Sabrina Sailine Silence."
"That is nice. Sabrina Sailine Silence," I smiled, "Sabrina Sailine Silence, kiss me." I joked. To my surprise Sailine pressed her lips to mine and quickly broke the kiss.
Sailine turned away from me and I looked at her in confusion, "Get out. I don't want to see you again."
I looked at her, "What? I...I...what did I do? Whatever I did I'm sorry."
Sailine kept her back turned. I picked up my bag and walked out of her home sullenly, "What the hell am I supposed to do...I don't have Darren's number and I am in the middle of friggin nowhere. And I don't even know what I did to piss off Sailine," I sat on the ground and started to cry, "********!" I heard steps approaching and I looked up. Darren helped me up. "Sailine called you to pick me up?"
"Yeah, what did you do, she sounded pissed off."
"I don't even know. She said she owed me her life and said I could do anything with her or ask her three questions. I asked her if Sailine was her real name and she told me her full name. And then I joked around and I told her to kiss me. She did and then...she said she never wanted to see me again."
Darren just shook his head, "You never ask for a faery's name and then tell them to do something. Guard Sailine's name with your life, Jaimie. I'll go inside and explain to her that you didn't know."
I took my phone out and texted Sam, "I'm fine. I ain't gonna come bak home. Bye Sam."
"U can't be serious. Don't do ne thing stupid. Come home J. We luv u."
"Even if I came bak u wouldn't understand, I'm sorry. I can't come home."
"Don't talk lyk that! I luv u no matta wat!"
"Sam, u don't understand wat I'm goin through. And I'm not wat u think I am."
"Then wat r u J :3?"
"U wouldn't believe me."
"How do u kno? >.<"
"I didn't even believe. Sam, just give it up. Find some other friends. I'm neva comin bak,"
"Please J don't leave T _ T. I luv u. U can't just take ur self out of my life. Meet me at CCMS n explain wat is goin on."
I sighed when I read that message, "Fine, just please don't freak or hate me cuz I don't want our friendship to end bad." I waited a few seconds but didn't get a reply. I waited a bit longer for Darren but he was taking too long so...I jacked his bike. I made leather gloves and put them on. Then I started the bike and rode off. Though I knew Darren would be pissed later I had to explain to Sam what was going on. When I got there Sam was wrapped up in her black trench coat sitting on the stairs that led into the school. I parked the bike in front of the stairs and Sam jumped up and hugged me.
"Where did you get the bike?"
"I borrowed it from a friend. He's gonna be so pissed cause I didn't tell him I was taking it."
Sam laughed, "Same old Jay. So what did you want to tell me?"
"It is more of show you." I said frowning.
"Ok, what do you wanna show me then?"
"Please, don't freak." I removed the glamour and watched as Sam's eyes widened.
"What the hell, Jay!"
I sighed sadly, "That is exactly what I meant by don't freak. Apparently, I'm a faery. I just found out like two days a..." I felt my pocket vibrate and took out my phone. The number was Sailine's, "Crap, I am sorry Sam. This is the last time you will ever see me. Good bye." I hopped back on Darren's bike and headed back to the forest.
As soon as I saw Darren and Sailine I stopped, "What the hell, Jaimie? I leave you alone for twenty minutes and you go off on joyride on my bike?"
"I'm sorry, I...I had to talk to my friend Sam. I had to show her why I wasn't coming back. Why I couldn't come back. I showed her what I was when you called. I headed back as soon as you called. Look, I can't just abandon Sam. She was there for me when the s**t hit the fan. I had to tell her why, okay."
Sailine looked at me and then turned around and headed back to her tree clutching her side. "She was going to listen to your side of the story when you went on a joyride, Jay."
"Damn, why is everything going wrong." I ran up behind Sailine, "Look, Sailine, if it is any consolation I'll tell you my full name. I didn't know. You know I am completely new at this you can't seriously blame me for not knowing. Sailine listen to me!" I stopped and watched as she walked away. I shook my head and turned away. "Why won't she listen?" I asked myself.
"Don't worry, Jay. Sailine is just like that sometimes," Darren said putting his hand on my shoulder, "Oh and the next time you want to borrow my bike ask!" Darren hit me in the back of the head.
I hopped on his bike, "We are leaving soon, right?"
He grabbed my jacket and pulled me off his bike, "I am leaving soon. You are staying with Sailine."
I looked at him, "You b*****d. Sailine hates me now and I am supposed to stay at her house. Lovely." I walked up to the house and walked in.
I woke up and got off of the couch. The night prior me and Sailine avoided each other. I only avoided her cause I thought she didn't want to see me. The most I saw of her was an arm or leg. The morning I didn't even see her. Around one she appeared and wouldn't let me out her sight. I looked at her, "What? Last night you ignored me and this morning you just disappeared. What the hell do you want?"
"Nothing." Sailine said quickly.
"Then what the hell. Leave me alone. Give me some friggin' space, Jesus."
"I can't your majesty."
I looked a her as if she were on crack. "What...the...hell...are you talking about?"
"I guess you don't know, Princess."
"Stop mocking me!"
Sailine looked at me, "I am not mocking you."
"Then why did you call me princess? I mean yesterday you friggin' hated me."
"I called you Princess, because you are the princess of the Valencia court. That is what I was doing this morning."
I looked at her and my eyes widened, "Wha...what? Me a princess? No...that's impossible. I mean what kind of court would serve under me."
"The Valencia court. Or the court of light,"
I looked at her again, "Stop joking around."
"If I am wrong I am sorry, but the real princess had the birthmark of a rose on the inside of her right thigh."
I looked at her, "There is no friggin way I am stripping for you after yesterday." Sailine walked toward me and held my face with her hands and slowly moved closer until our lips met. Sailine took off her shirt. I pulled away, "No, I am not doing this. Not after yesterday. You said you didn't want to see me ever again."
Sailine looked at me, "I was just upset...the most prized possession of a faery is their name," Sailine kissed me again.
I pulled away, "My name is Jaimie Dana Grayson."
Sailine looked at me shocked, "Why? Why did you tell me your name?"
"Cause I trust you. And I feel bad that I know yours." I looked down at the ground.
Sailine pulled my face up, "Jaimie Dana Grayson, kiss me." I felt the urge of her command and acted on it. Sailine lifted up my shirt and and started to kiss down my neck and stomach.
"Sailine you don't have to..." Sailine unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down.
Sailine looked up at me, "Hello, Princess," She said touching my rose-shaped birthmark.
I stood up and went into the bathroom. "Why does everyone use me?" I sat in the corner of the room hugging my knees to my chest. Someone knocked on the door, "Screw you, Sailine. You are just as bad as Ray!" The door opened and Sailine stood in the doorway, "Get away from me."
"What did I do?"
I got up and shoved past her and put my shirt and pants back on. I left her home without another word. I sat under a tree that was about thirty minutes from Sailine's place. All I could think about was how she used what I wanted to get what she wanted to know. "How could she do that? I thought she was different, but I see now that she is just a cold hearted b***h like the others." I heard steps coming from in front me by the time I looked up something grabbed me. I started to scream at the top of my lungs, "GET THE ******** OFF ME!! HELP!! LET ME DOWN!!" I looked down and I was like ten feet of the ground. To be honest I was scared. This huge a** giant had me on his shoulder and no matter how much I kicked and screamed he didn't let go.
I bit his neck but all that happened was he rolled his shoulders and straightened up. I did it several more times then I felt something hit my foot, I looked through the space between his arm and side and saw my foot was by his crotch. My eyes widened and at that moment the giant stopped and put me down on a fallen tree, "See what you did?" His voice boomed, "Be happy that the queen told me not to harm you." He must've seen the look on my face cause he started to laugh. "That isn't even half of it. But if you kept biting my neck you surly would've seen my full length," I turned around on the tree and started to puke. The giant rubbed my back as I puked, "Don't worry I would never do that to you, Princess."
I turned toward him and wiped my mouth, "Why does everyone keep calling me that?"
"Well, because you are Princess Jaimie of the Valencia court."
"Well, maybe I don't want to be!" I put my head in my hands, "Why does this have to happen now?" I said to myself.
"Because your mother is dying." A soft gentle voice said from behind me.
I turned around and saw Sailine, "What are you doing here?" The giant said turning hostile.
"I am coming back to the court," Sailine stepped closer to me, "And I will present Princess Jaimie to her mother."
"I am sorry but I have been told to deliver the princess without interruption," The giant said unsheathing a sword.
"STOP IT!" I screamed, "I am sick of this s**t!" Sailine moved toward me and knelt in front of me.
She cupped my face in her hands, "What's wrong Jaimie?"
"Everything," I looked away from her eyes, "I wish things would go back to normal, before I found out what I was."
"Well, that is impossible Princess," The giant said.
"Screw you," I said turning away from him, "This is ******** bullshit."
"Jaimie, you are a changeling. When you were born the Vosinth court forced their way into your kingdom. Your mother got scared and had you glamoured by the strongest faery knight she had. The glamour protected you from iron, metal, and cigarette smoke. However it couldn't disguise you from the ones with the true sight."
"How the hell am I supposed to believe that?"
"You trust me, right?"
I looked into her eyes and gently nodded my head. I grabbed Sailine's hand stood up, "So where are we heading?"
"Home." Sailine said leading me deeper into the woods.
- by The Original Syn |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 12/30/2008 |
- Skip

- Title: The Court of Two Queens Part 4
- Artist: The Original Syn
- Description: This has no relation to any of my other stories but The Court of Two Queens. Sorry for any misconceptions. Sorry for curse words yet again.....I have tried editing hasn't worked somethings didn't sound right. And the major cursing kinda goes with the character's attitude.
- Date: 12/30/2008
- Tags: court queens faeries
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