• There once was a small pretty little town out in Tennessee that had fragrant flowers in beautiful gardens.In that little town there was a 5.7ft. tall 18 year old man with brown hair and sky blue eyes.He was 18 and had a nice tan.His name was Max and he always wanted to be an actor.So he bought tickets to San Francisco
    On December26,Saturday,he got on the small train and left for California.As he searched for an available seat he saw the woman of his dreams.She had long curly blond hair with ocean blue eyes.She was tall and had an amazing singing voice.How did he know that?He heard her singing while writing songs.
    "Hello,may I sit next to you?"he asked politely.
    "Sure,"she answered.
    "What are you into?"he inquired.
    "Singing,you?"she answered.
    "Dancing,"he answered
    On and on they talked he kept wanting to tell her that he liked her,but couldn't muster up the courage.Sooner than wished for her stop came.She got up to leave and he did nothing he just sat there confused on what to do whether to tell her his feelings or leave it alone.So she left.

    When he arrived in San Francisco he went to his nice little hotel and went to sleep.
    3yrs. later.......

    Max was now famous and as he went home to his huge mansion,he started to remember her.He knew her name Emily Martinez.His heart became empty all of a sudden.He knew he had to try and find her some way some how.......

    The next day he got a plane ticket to LA.When he got there he went right to a studio.
    "Hey,have you seen a gal named Emily?"he inquired.
    "Yep, she lives in the hotel down the rode,presidential suit,"he answered.
    Max thanked the man.And left to the hotel there he found her in the cafe.He ran up to her and told her who he was then asked her to marry him.She said yes instantly.

    At the wedding.....

    "Do you Max Russo take Emily Martinez to be your lovely wedded wife?"asked the preacher.
    "I do,"he said.
    "Do you Emily Martinez take Max Russo to be your husband?"asked the preacher
    "Si,senior,"she answered in Spanish.
    "I now pronounce you husband and wife,you may now kiss the bride,"he pronounced.
    (they kiss)
    the end