• Tangerine illumination washed into the dirty windows of a quiet unkept apartment room. Rushing through a dark gravel like carpet, and hitting the equally orange walls. Whose paint had began to fade. Dancing around a cornder, and squeezing through a maple door. Which had been left ajar.

    Low, tired and dull eyes slowly followed the lights. As noon was descending on the city around the tired yet, youthful looking man. Breaths deep, and forced. An ease that had never met this man before in his life had wrapped it's lacy fingers around his neck, and began to squeeze.

    The thought of leaving now, would have seemed insane to most. But for some reason, this man had been waiting for this day all his life. His self destructive life style, had finally cought up with him. Angular gray eyes squeezing shut to a smile.

    Thoughts of whom he had deemed his family graced his mind. Droplets escaping his eyes, and slowly tumbling down his fat cheeks. He felt bad, he lamented over leaving them. But, he had done what he had thought needed.

    He wasn't much of a shield. He was not a protector, so what good would he truly be? This man had out lasted his purpose. Thoughts of the past, pushing even more tears down his smiling visage, a large hand finding it's way to clumsily wipe up the tears. He had inevitably released. "I'm sorry." A high, almost false like voice expelled.

    "Abit young yea...but I'm tired of this world."

    The male thought. Lights dimmed, and his head felt as if it weight nothing. Or maybe his eyes had rolled into the back of his head? Whatever it was, it was distinctly warm and comfortable, yet threatening. Like sleeping in someone elses bed, after two-days without any sleep.

    His large body lay limp. Sitting in on black carpet. Back against a velvet and gold bed, his head fell limp. Eyes ever so slightly open, staring aimlessly downwards. Neck having slumped over, his chin found it's way burried into his chest. Right hand loosely folded over his waist, and left placed upon his stillled chest. A way to go wasn't it? Dieing, and not even knowing why, and yet this nameless adult was content.

    The days to his demise had grown near, and despite him even knowing this. For some reason this man had never wondered. Like the rest of his life, he had lived quiet. Doing almost nothing, and as all that he had known dissapeared from the shell of his former brown body. A single question found it's way to his fading thoughts.

    "I wonder how many people will be at my funeral? 'ell will I even have one? Well here's to hoping..."

    All was dark, the darkness was never ending. No gardens, no lights. No bearded white guy welcoming him. Where had he gone wrong? Was this hell? Was this to be his punishment, for whatever error in his life he had made.

    The man went to open up his mouth, but nothing came out. For, he had not mouth, no eyes, no ears, no skin, no form. He was simply floating, and so he floated, no longer a man, no longer a human, no longer anything. It drifted in this dark nothing.

    No sensations to signify movement. Even his thoughts seemed to run from him.

    Time passed, and something happened.

    It was no more. Nothing, absolute peace. Only resonating memories. Emotions, and thoughts that had no name. Questions of whose they belonged to, and what they were. A mystery to the very presence thta had spawned them.

    A million eternitys passed by in the blink of an eye. As expeditiously as the grain fell to the bottom of the hourglass. Had the hourglass been turned upside down again.

    And their was light, but of what?