• It was an October night. An evil, eerie sensation crept through the air, yes it was Halloween. The night of gouls, ghosts, witches, and werewolves. My town, Memphis, was no place for the weak minded. No body was out, I was lying in my bed, thinking in the dark corners of my mind. The loneliness that I went through most people could not survive. I lie in my room, holding onto the locket my family gave me, right before they left earth. One by one they all died, leaving me with less and less hope, and people to love. The devil was torturing me, playing some horrible joke on me, watching my misery, and laughing at my pain. I opened my eyes, to find someone hovering over me, a ghost? A werewolf? Whatever it was, it was anything but human. I screamed, trying to find a way out, but he got a grasp of me. And as I screamed, I felt some needle sharp fangs, sink into my throat. And the venom spread quickly through my veins, no way out. The creature left. The smell of blood and chocolate remained in my room. I cried,I was now marked as a vampire, I had to leave the world my mind lurked in, and accept what I now am. Having to suffer the pain of no family or loved ones, through eternal life, no one could baffle. Forever cursed with eternal life, though my heart (the organ that loves) is already dead. I sat in the corner of my room, watching nothing, thinking nothing, feeling pain. And forever may it be this way. May I haunt the night, searching for my prey, and every special Halloween night, may I remember this day.