• I tossed and turned all night, dreaming of succubi and what they did to men. It creeped me out a whole lot and as much as I wanted to wake up I couldn't. Something kept me in dreamland. Although it creeped me out, a significant part of me wanted to witness what the demonic creatures were doing. I feel awful admitting it, but it's true. I actually wanted to stay there.

    Finally, I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock. I hit the button and got out of bed. My pajamas felt damp with cold sweat from the erotic dreams. I peeled off my nightclothes gratefully. I slipped into a pair of jeans that hugged my body and showed off the rather well-formed curves of my body. I worked my way into my bra and form fitting shirt. Then I brushed my hair and looked at myself in the mirror.
    I sighed at my appearance. My long, dark hair flowed perfectly down my back. My heart shaped face stared at me with its blue, orb-like, seemingly innocent eyes. And as much as I hate to say it, my bust was fairly sized. It wasn't too big, but it sure wasn't small either. My appearance always wrecked my entire day with wolf-whistling and sexual comments from boys. With a grim sigh, I headed downstairs and went through my morning routine.
    My morning routine is simple. Eat cereal for breakfast. Go to the bathroom. Brush my already white teeth. Put my stuff in my backpack. Then I have about half an hour of time to do what I want. I usually dance to music or read a fantasy book.
    But I couldn't even concentrate on either. I was too busy thinking about that guy from yesterday. He was so handsome that I couldn't get my mind off of him. I blushed as the thought of a crush crept into my mind.

    Finally I got onto the bus, a train of torture on my way to Hell. The boys made raucous comments as usual and I hit them if I could get close enough to doing so. A dark cloud of anger hung over my head for the rest of the day.
    My day went downhill from there. I wasn't paying attention in gym and ended up getting hit with a basketball in the back of the head. Then in English, the teacher called on me for an answer and I just stared into space until she yelled at me. In computer class, I screwed up my freaking assignment. Then in social studies I had a quiz and I messed that up for sure! Then in math there was another test and I probably botched that as well. Then it was lunch and I was in the most foul of moods.
    I was about ready to punch something when I entered the lunch room and gasped. For sitting right at my table, next to my usual seat, was the guy from yesterday. Only this time he was wearing a blue button up shirt, khaki pants, tennis shoes, and a black tie. I ran over to him and almost collapsed onto the seat. I nearly fell into him.
    I was about to say that I'd been thinking about him all day. But then I remembered what he had accused me of being and my temper flared.
    "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT I'M A SUCCUBUS! WHO THE ******** DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO BE SAYING SOMETHING LIKE THAT TO A THIRTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL?!!!!" I snapped furiously, about ready to claw him to death. He smiled calmly.
    "A werewolf." he replied coolly, biting into an apple that I hadn't noticed before. Now I collapsed onto the seat. A WEREWOLF! No way! First he tells me I'm a succubus! Then he says he's a werewolf! This guy needed to be in a mental institution!!