• Hunter blood drenshed from killing 20 men searched the surroundings, when out from behind a tree comes a joung girl with hair as white as snow, light white skin, and armed with 2 katans.

    "So the rumor I heard of the lone warrior that is untouchable are true."

    "Who are you?" said Hunter as in a flash he appeared next to the girl with one blade to her neck.

    "What you dont remember? Im dissapointed in you Hunter McQueen."

    "I said who are you and how do you know my name?"

    "WOW you realy dont remember do you? Im Chaos from the lab. We meet about 6 months ago."

    "Chaos?" said Hunter

    "Yes you helped me escape."

    Hunter removes the blade from Chaoses neck. "I remember now you were the girl that GeenTech tryed to experiment on."

    "Yup thats me sooo tell me what have you been up to?"


    "Yes you. Sheesh you havn't changed at all cence that day have you?"

    "No I havn't. Is that a problem?"

    "No not at all."

    "Good. Tell me Chaos what are you dooing here anyway?"

    "Me? Well I was going to try my luck at that group of soliders you just killed but I guess I got here a bit late."

    "Yes you did but with the skills you had back then and the new ones youve develloped by now they wouldnt have given you a decent fight."


    "Yea I barely even thought about trying and befor I knew it they were dead. Didn't even break a sweat."

    "Oh if thats the case than I thank you."

    "No need to thank me."

    With that Hunter turned and started heading east towards the setting sun.

    "Wait Hunter I was wondering if I could join you?"

    Hunter stopes and turns her head toward Chaos.

    "Are you sure you want to join me?"

    With enthusiasim Chaos replies "Yes thats the reason I tracked you down."

    Hunter chukkels under her breath.

    "Alright but im NOT stopping for any reason other than food, water, sleep, or an enemie attack and if you get in my way at ANY point i'll kill you."

    "Understood." Chaos replies as she hurries to chatch up with Hunter.

    Hunter resumes her travel east.

    "Say Hunter where are you going anyway?"

    "Im going east toward the Cave of Regret."

    Chaos stops.

    "But isnt that were the Dark One lives?"


    Chaos starts walking again.

    And for the next coupple of days Hunter and Chaos walk in scilence.