• Prologue

    I felt my body hit the ground at a tremendous speed, a crash that would shatter a human to pieces. I lay there for several seconds, folding my wings silently against my back.
    I gasped for breath, pushing myself up. The rain ricocheted off my body, creating a flow of cold against my aching body. I looked up at the dark skies, my vision blurry and unfocused.
    ‘How could this have happened?’ I asked myself. An angel thrown out of heaven; left on the human streets to die.
    Someone stepped out in front of me, catching my attention instantly. He was tall and muscular, with the sharpest eyes I had ever seen. “Well, well. I never thought I’d actually find one of you down here.” He said, slowly walking closer.
    I tried backing up, my wings hitting the back of the alley instead. “There’s no need to be frightened, my little angel. I’m here to help you.” He said in a soothing voice, holding out his hand.
    My eyes darted from his hand to his face, uncertainty clouding my thoughts. “I won’t hurt you,” he whispered. I gulped, grabbing his hand lightly. It felt different, it felt good.
    His hand was warm and held mine gently but protectively. He led me down the alley, walking at a slightly faster pace than I thought possible of humans.
    He stopped for a second, leaning down to whisper in my ear. “You might want to fold in your wings. It’s easier if you just fit in as a human.” I nodded, making them almost disappear behind me.

    That was the day I met Damien; the day I went from heaven into the dark depths of hell.

    ~2 years later~

    The dark apartment room was subtle, quiet as I walked in. It had been years since I had last been here. I gulped; I wasn’t supposed to be here. Everything was still in place as it had been that night; nothing had been touched after that night.
    I closed the door behind me, letting my wings unfold as I did. The counter tops were still littered with food; probably stale or moldy by now. The couch still had the same blanket on it, with its mysterious patterns of red and black. The TV set was still in the corner, dusty from years of non-use.
    I tried turning on the lights. Still all burnt out as they had been that night. Demons were more powerful creatures than I thought possible. I was just as powerful of course but I didn’t think we could be that equal. Hushed memories were starting to reappear in my mind, sending me into moments of flashbacks.

    “I’m a demon, Kiko! What am I supposed to do?” I backed up, this couldn’t be happening. “The heat isn’t something I can just...ignore.” I turned to run but he grabbed my arm, pulling me back against him. “Besides...” He ran a hand down my side, wrapping his arm around my stomach.
    “I’d much rather get rid of the heat with you than any other girl in the world.” He whispered into my ear, his lips gently touching. I felt my breath catch. I couldn’t do this, no matter how much I loved him for helping me. He must have felt my body stiffen.
    “What’s wrong? Do you need a little persuasion?” he whispered, turning me around. He held up my chin, leaning in. The kiss was gentle at first before it became rough, demanding. For the first time in my life, I was scared. I tried pushing away but he kept me in a firm hold...

    I shivered. That was the one of the worst nights of my life. He had promised it to be pleasurable. To me, it was pain beyond my darkest dreams. Damn the heat, I told myself.
    I walked farther into the apartment, looking into all the rooms. I felt myself shivering like crazy. I had to get out, besides I had school to go to. I turned to leave, folding up my wings. Some places are better left never to see again. I had found that place.

    ~Damien's POV~

    The early morning sunlight settled over the shadow filled city below. I growled, slinking back in the shadows. Sunlight burns the demon, it doesn’t kill but it burns like hell. I should know...I’ve been there more than once. Not many people were out and about yet still their thoughts shouted at me from all directions. One of the many unfortunate qualities of a demon was being able to read every person’s mind even when you didn’t want to. I could see dreams, relationships, hearts breaking at the very seams everyday.
    It was like heartbreak every time I turned a corner. I sat next to an empty trashcan, leaning my head back against the brick wall behind me. Some how, all these memories just reminded me of my own. I sighed. “My dear Kiko,” I whispered to myself, feeling my body heave in sadness. “My one true love,” I whispered again, letting my hand drift through my hair in frustration.
    Demons weren’t supposed to feel this way for a girl. Demons weren’t supposed to love; they were supposed to lust and disappear. But with Kiko, it was different. I cared about her; I didn’t want to see her hurt. And yet, I hurt her in the worst way possible. I sighed, pressing my face into my hands. ‘That night was a mistake’ I told myself over and over. I pushed myself off the ground, growling in frustration. I didn’t love her! I threw the garbage can at the wall. I couldn’t feel like this! ‘It’s been two years,’ I told myself angrily. And yet, her memory was stuck in my mind. I pushed myself into the sunlight, not bothering the burning sensation that singed my skin. I walked down the street, throwing my dark hood over my head. Kiko would get out of my mind, even if I had to kill her myself.

    ~Kiko's POV~

    The blank stares of my classmates told me I wasn’t welcome here. Like I didn’t know that already. I was an outcast in high school society, a loner among everyone. I closed my eyes, pretending they couldn’t see me. Nobody knew my secret, nobody needed to. To them, I was just a human. And it was going to stay that way until I said so. I pulled open my locker, searching for my lost history book. I was a smart student, don’t get me wrong.
    But the whole trying part was just not my piece of pie. I felt someone walk up behind me. I turned around, looking into the eyes of one of the guys in my grade. “Hey Rick.” I said, shutting my locker behind me. “Hey Kiko, you look down today.” He said, his head tilting to the side slightly. I grinned. My outfit told my mood at times. My dark jeans, pink long sleeve shirt, gray vest with fur on the inside was one of my many “I’m not in the mood” looks.
    I sighed. “Yeah, the preps are getting on my nerves yet again today.” I said, leaning back against my locker. Rick was my only friend in this school. He used to be popular, a prep in my book, but once I came to this school he changed completely.
    He hung with me when none of the guys wanted to hang. He wasn’t bad looking but for some reason, the girls just weren’t interested. It made me sad, watching him get rejected over and over. We were too good of friends to be anything like boyfriend and girlfriend. Or at least, that’s what he’d told me. I remember that day when we met...2 years ago...

    I walked through the school, holding myself tightly. I didn’t like humans in the least but I would have to blend in so I had no choice. A group of kids stood at the end of the hall, glaring at me. I frowned, walking closer. My locker was by there...what was I supposed to do? One of the girls walked up to me, her smile fake along with the rest of her. “Hi there! Are you new here?” she asked, her high pitched voice ringing in my ears.
    I nodded, not speaking. If I spoke, there might be trouble. She looked back at the rest of the group. “Well we’d like to show you around the school...If that’s ok I mean.” She said. I looked up surprised and confused. Weren’t humans supposed to be mean? I smiled.
    “Thanks, I’d like that.” I said, shoving my stuff in my locker. She grabbed my arm, pulling me down the hall while her group followed from behind. She stopped in the middle of an empty hallway, turning to look at me. Her fake smile had disappeared and a scowl had replaced it.
    “I like your outfit, freak!” she said, pushing me back. I fell back, surprised. “Now we’ll teach you what it means to be new to this school.” She said, her head snapping up to look at the guys. They nodded, grabbing my arms. They pulled me up against the wall, their faces unemotional. The rest of the girls gathered around me, glaring at me. The lead girl stepped up, her hand raking across my face.
    Her nails were sharp, pointed. I felt a trail of blood, drizzle down my face. They took turns, scratching every part of my body until I felt like I was going to die from loss of blood. The lead girl snapped her fingers. The guys dropped me, hard, letting me fall to the ground with a crash. Then they were gone as I laid there, my mind racing. What just happened? Why did they hurt me like this? I tried getting up but my arms cried out in pain.
    I laid on the floor for what felt like hours. I heard footsteps. I tried to move but my body protested. I felt a hand on my shoulder, running down my body softly. It didn’t hurt like I thought it would. “Are you ok?” a voice asked. I nodded weakly. I must look like a mess.
    I looked up at my savior. It was a man, his blonde hair falling into his eyes. He looked muscular but not enough to look scary. His blue eyes were filled with sympathy and worry. He placed his arms under me gently. He picked me up, holding me close. “My name’s Rick and you’re safe now.” He said, his eyes telling me he was telling the truth.

    That day was the worst and best day of my life. I had found my first friend in my life that day. But the questions still stayed in my mind. Why did they hurt me? Why did he help me? And more importantly...Why did the memory of that night two years ago stay in my mind?