chapter 12 - Project Haven - part 1
(Music playing- "Good times" Can you feel the sunshine- Sonic R )Download
*The Flutter was flying South West of the Abagale continent and was heading toward the beach resort where there were supposed to have been a maverick breakout. Learning that Leviathan had already scouted ahead to investigate, John and Roll received word from Harpuia the others couldn't go and help her. John jumped on a hovercraft and ejected from the Flutter and onto the beach surface equipped with Model L biometal, John was ready to head towards the resort.*
John= Roll, have you picked up Levy's location?
Roll (radio)= I can't pin-point her location right now, I will fly around and check it out and I will let you know as soon as I do.
John= Thanks Roll!
Roll (radio)= Anytime!
*John was still racing through the resort and around the beach and the tourist center buildings spotting and dispatching any hostile mechanloids nearby that would attack people. John opened fore at a few of Daltons robots that were vandalizing private property and scaring people.*
John= I haven't been to the beach for years, now for some fun!
*While John shot a few rouge robots, John drove to the nearest vending machine and grabbed himself a Pepsi, the drove off to find more rouges and robots to blast. John fired a galactic blast and froze a mechanloid attacking service robots.*
John= Score one for the home team. *whew* *John takes a few drinks of his Pepsi*
Roll (radio)= JOHN! What are you doing!? Are...are you drinking a soda on the job!? Harpuia will not like that John.
John= Relax Roll. Beaches always makes me thirsty. Besides, I get hot too quick.
Roll (radio)= *guh* ....Just be careful.
John= Ah ha. No problems.
*John was taking care of the resort crisis around the beach with no worries. All of a sudden, a weird submarine came out from the sea and it had Dr. Wily's insignia on it.*
Roll (radio)= John, did you see that?
John= I see it.
Roll (radio)= It's going to attack the resort, take it out!
John= I got it.
*John turned his speeder towards the ocean and hit full throttle towards the submarine. The sub fired a few torpedoes but John had a jump boost system equipped in the speeder which easily avoided the torpedoes.*
John= Ha, they missed.
*John took it forward closer to the submarine when the robots of Wily's began to walk out on the deck and began to open fire with their plasma blasters. John spun around the sub and fired a stick on grenade and managed to stick a few on the engine exhaust veins and speeded away and as John passed the e sub completely, he threw a gang sighn taunting the robots on the deck of the sub. Then John picked up a remote and pressed the red button on it and the grenades on the sub set off and blew the entire ship to pieces and the rest began to sink.*
Roll (radio)= Great job John! You managed to sink the enemy sub all by yourself.
John= Oh yeah. I sure gotten better haven't I?
Roll (radio)= Yep. You sure have. *gasps* Oh! John, I finally pin-pointed Leviathan! She's in the ocean plant not too far from here. Can you go see if she needs help? I can't seem to call her by com-link.
John= Im gonna check it out!
(music dies down slowly)
*John turns to the direction of the ocean oil plant near the resort and John parks at the landing dock and pulls out his CCunit and pulls the speeder back inside it, and put's it into his inventory pocket.*
John= So..... this is the oil plant they have here. I better be careful not to shoot at any cans or drums.
(Music playing- Ground man remix/ Megaman & Bass by ZombiePossesor)Download
*John walked around the docks and he came to seeing mechanloids invading and causing havoc on the catwalks and they headed toward John. John was still in his Model L so John took a few shots at them with his ice beam and the mechanloids ended up frozen metal pops. John did not hesitate to teleport them back to H.Q. and John kept on going. John then opened up a door to the elevator trying to go up and find an available entrance to the oil plant's facility. John managed to find a nearby door and inside the building, there were scattered drums and cans of oil and fuel. John spotted mechanloids and humanoid shaped troops patrolling the area, so John avoided them and tried to find another route.*
John= Where are you Leavy!?
*John's com-link activates suddenly*
Leviathan (radio)= John, is that you!? You appeared on my scanner so I knew it was you.
John= Leavy! Are you alright?
Leviathan (radio)= Im sort'a stuck and I can't get out.
John= Where are you? So I can find you.
Leviathan (radio)= Im in the far lower levels of the facility. It's an underwater chamber so you need the biometal of your possession that looks like me.
John= I have it and im wearing it.
Leviathan (radio)= Good, now listen. You can use your item tracker to find not only items but you can also find hidden passageways and secret rooms with it too. Im glad you came anyway. Good luck finding me.
John= Don't worry, im coming to save you.
*John jumps down the nearby shaft which he found by using the item tracker Leviathan mensoned and actually found a better way of reaching the lower levels of the oil facility. John slid down a shaft and reached a lower floor where there was a place to jump into the underwater area where Leviathan was located. John jumped into the water and dove in the flooded area searching for Leviathan. Later John finally found another area where he spotted a hidden room. John found a tunnel which had an entrance to an underwater cavern.*
John= Levy was right. Good thing I listened to her.
*John dove and swam through the collolisis of the hidden cavern which used to be a temple and then he spotted Leviathan waiting for him. She was standing within a ray shield trap*
Leviathan= JOHN! Watch out ! It's a trap!!
John= What?! You said to use my scanners....
Leviathan= That wasn't me!
(Music changes to- Vile stage/ Megaman X 3 )Download
John= Ah, s**t. It's Vile!
*Vile was riding a ride-armor equipped for underwater mobility and looked like he was rebuilt and restored*
Vile= You were quite a lucky little man to survive the trap from your pathetic guardian H.Q., but now im back once more, im going to turn you into scrap now!
John= You made a fool out'a me to think you could trick me with your voice trick.....
Vile= You managed to fall for it twice. *laughs* This shows how pathetic you are you outworlded simpleton. Now your going to make this place your watery grave!
Leviathan= Not if HE makes it yours!
Vile= Patience my little mermaid. HIM first, than YOU!
*Vile opened fire at John with his aqua-armor's cannon and John darted out of the way and fired at Vile shooting him with a few ice shots that were actually quite ineffective.*
John= Damnit! I need something stronger.
Vile= Give it up you ancient loser!
John= Don't estimate ancient s**t war boy! Eat this!!
*John casts (thunder 2) on Vile's aqua-armor. It was very effective*
Vile= Arghhh! You managed to give my armor significant damage, but it's not enough!!
*Vile fired some homing torpedoes and tried to ram John with his hull, John jet out of the way and landed near the surface of the temple chamber.*
John= That's it! Now im pissed! *John changes biometal to Model X and activated the upgraded version*
Vile= What the heck!? Where did you get......?
*John set the weaponry to auto-charge and dashed through the chamber for a good place to land a good shot at Vile.*
John= Let's say I have connections!
*John opened fire with a fully charged blast, landing yet another shot on Vile's aqua-armor.*
Vile= You little stone-ager!! You think you are good in the water, let's see how good you are without it!
*Vile aqua dashed to the corner of the temple and throws a hidden switch that drained all the water from the chamber.*
Vile= Now let's see how you like this!
*Vile's ride armor changed from water mobile to a hovering mid-air assault vehicle. Then continued to fire heat seeking missiles and bombs.*
John= Aw crap!
*John dashed out of the way and got away before the missiles could hit him. But John tripped on a few rubble and a few blasts hit him in the back.*
John= Ahhhh!! oh, uhhhh.
Leviathan= JOHN!!!
*John only received a little damage due to the enhanced biometal. John opened fire and tried to shoot Vile but he was too fast and too high up.*
John= Can't ... hit em!..... ohhhh.
*Suddenly John received a hailing channel from Roll*
Roll (radio)= John, are you ok!?
John= Busy right now!
Roll (radio)= I just picked up Vile's signature just now. I can't believe he's back. Oh John im so sorry.
John= Don't be. I found Levy! Gahhhhhh!!
*Vile landed on John with the flying ride armor and was pressing him on the surface attempting to crush him.*
Vile= Hahahahaha! Looks like this is the end for you.
*Suddenly, John's biometal changed into Model C automatically and the hover-armor rose up against Vile's will and crashed into the nearest pillar.*
Vile= Damnit! It's that pink biometal again! Im not becoming a biometal myself!
*Vile opened up his com-link and made a call*
Vile= Sea base, Sea base. This is Vile, I need emergency back-up! This John guy has gotten stronger and I can no longer handle him. Request back up!
Bass (radio)= You should'ive brought reinforcements or at least taken me with you!
Vile= If you think your brave enough, why not come on in and try it...
Dr. Wily (radio)= Both of you knock it off! Return to base Vile.
Vile= You got lucky human! Just you wait till next time!!
*Vile teleports from the temple*
(music dies down slowly)
John= Bass alive too?
*The ray shield restraining Leviathan de-activated and she was freed.*
Leviathan= Thanks for coming after me John. That Vile trapped me as soon as I got here and held me hostage so he could use me to get to you.
(music playing- Ruined labs/ Megaman Zero)Download
John= I don't get it. Why doesn't Vile get his reinforcements and runs away. It's not like him.
Leviathan= I don't get it either. Vile is definitely not the one to chicken out in a battle especially if he's designed to be a war machine.
John= Man. huh? Look, there's a caved in tunnel, and im picking up a strange reading. Wanna check it out?
Leviathan= Well, ok.
*Later on they walk through the area and John spotted a piece of the tablet similar to the one in the crystal mines.*
John= Oh yeah! The 2nd piece. Yai was right about that Arcane file stuff.
Leviathan= John!?
John= Crap. Me and my....
Leviathan= You are not getting others involved are you or is it one of Ciel's crazy plans that nearly got you two blown up?
John= Please... don't tell Harpy. I know he said not to take anymore of her orders, but this time, talking to those kids from the residential area was....sorta my idea.
leviathan= Do you know what Harpy would say if he heard THAT from you? You could get disqualified from using those biometals.
John= I know, but please don't tell him. Ciel may be a bit crazy sometimes but this has found us some really good information. We managed to find out about that base in space or Weil's and the Arcane files that helped pin-point the tablets.
Leviathan= uhhhhhh,
Leviathan= Ok. I believe you. John, im sorry but Harpy can be very strict with things.
John= Yeah, I once dealt with someone like that back in my own world. *chuckles*, hey, what's this?
*John picks up a large broken gear/top shaped disc*
Leviathan= What are you doing? That's a piece of junk.
John= You know what they say, someone's junk may be somebody else's treasure.
*John's com-link activates*
Roll (radio)= John! re you alright? You didn't tell me you defeated Vile and...
John= You will not believe this, he chickened out. That's not like him.
Roll (radio)= You found another tablet too?
John= Yes I did. It's just as what Yai predicted.
Leviathan= John I can't believe you were to get information from those children and managed to succeed.
John= Yep. Sometimes listening to kids can open to paths that adults can't help you with.
Leviathan= Can I ask you something? Do you like kids that much?
John= Well,...... yeah?
Leviathan= do you and Ciel have ..... something going on between you?
John= Woah..... what do you mean?
Roll (radio)= Excuse me, are you 2 done ignoring me? Im transporting you 2 back to the Flutter.
*John and Leviathan teleported from the temple chamber.*
(music dies down slowly)
*John and Leviathan were at once on board of the flutter.*
John= By the way Levy? Did Harpy send you here all by yourself?
Leviathan= Harpuia told me not to tell anyone about it. It's none of your business.
John= Please? I told about mine to you....
Leviathan= He told me to find the tablet and to go by myself without letting you know about it.
(music playing- Story theme/ Metroid Fusion)Download
John= WHAT!? He actually knew about the locations and didn't even bother to tell me!?
Leviathan= I just.... followed orders.
Roll= What's going on in here?
John= *concerned voice* Harpuia actually told you to WALK INTO THAT PLACE!?
Leviathan= It couldn't been helped....
John= *looks down for a second and sounding worried* And he didn't let you at least take someone with you in the first place? Especially with Dr. Wily and Dalton at-large?
Leviathan= ..... yes, he told me to go alone.
Roll= Are you suspecting something? What's going on here?
John= Sorry Roll. I found you something. I found this broken device for you. Could you take me to see Mr. Biggs?
Leviathan= John.... are you doing what im thinking?
John= Im going to have a talk with Mr. Biggs and report about Harpuia and his behavior!
Roll= John.... are you actually mad with Harpuia!?
John= *angrily* Hell yeah! I don't see why he should've let Levy have some backup, not even let Fenfir or Phantom to aid her!
Roll= Why are you wanting to report Harpuia to Mr. Biggs?
John= He may have some connections about the guardian thing. He may know someone to turn to. Don't you remember how hard he was with Ciel?
Leviathan= John, he also told me he was going to find the third tablet by himself as well.
John= That's it. Roll. You go ahead and make way for west Abagale city hall.
(music dies down)
*The Flutter flew to West Abagale city hall and everyone on-board was in the attendants office.*
Attendant man= Im terribly sorry, Mr. Biggs is not available. He received an important call from another place from another continent and cannot be called at this time, and he will not be back in a few days.
John= Thanks.
Roll= Now what John?
John= Let's go see Mr. Lucus then. I like to know how he's been doing?
Attendant man= Im afraid Mr. Lucus has gone too. With Mayor Biggs.
John= ........, thank you. Let's go everyone.
Roll= What now?
Leviathan= where too now?
John= I got it. Where does Lan's dad work?
Leviathan= He works in a lab located in Abagale Valley. It's a private lab with experiments on nature and aggerculture and sometimes with the guardian activity. That's where the guardian chief lives.
John= And that's where were going. Lets go everyone.
*The Flutter took off to Abagale valley*
(music playing- Apple market- Megaman Legends)Download
*The flutter landed at Abagale valley's small town called Cramer town, which was known as the smallest town in Abagale. It was filled with grass, open fields, skinny trees and a greatly green colored scenery. The Flutter landed at the opened space near their small shopping center.*
John= Well, well, this is a rather nice place to be putting a lab of some sort here.
Roll= It's quite a nice place. Now you said something about Lan having a father?
John= Levy, you said he works somewhere around here?
Leviathan= Yes he does. Follow me.
*John, Roll, and Leviathan walked through the opened markets and around the park like street until they reached a dome shaped building with glass domes that looked similar to a greenhouse. They walked inside the building and was greeted by a manager woman.*
Manager woman= Hello there. May I help you?
Roll= Were here to see Dr. Hikari.
Manager woman= Oh, yes he's available. Right this way please.
*They followed the woman right to the office.*
Dr. Hikari= Oh, John. You found my lab. Welcome. What brings you.... hey, you brought Roll, and isn't this Leviathan? Good to see you.
John= How you been?
Roll= John, do you wish to tell him why we are here?
John= Oh yeah, Harpuia has been in a bit of a funk recently and I wanted to report this to the mayors but there gone and can't be contacted.
Dr. Hikari= Oh that's just too bad. Do you know who to go to about Harpuia's problem?
John= No, sir. Do you know the guardian leader?
Leviathan= You mean the Guardian chief advisor.
Dr. Hikari= Oh yes, that's Mr. Kener. He's in charge of the guardians. And he lives in this very town.
John= Thanks.
Dr. Hikari= Oh, John. I got something I want to give you. I had someone named Ciel who delivered me a rather unique biometal and had me to finish it for her. This is called Model A.
John= That's the biometal I found in those woods.
Roll= We went there before, the place where I dropped you off to chase that Dalek that day.
Dr. Hikari= I heard from Ciel about that Dalek thing some time ago.
John= Hopefully I hope that's the only one this world will ever have.
Dr. Hikari= I will get Eugene to take you to Mr. Kener's place. Eugene! We have visitors.
Eugene= Oh, hello. I met you in the mall that day haven't I?
John= Sure did.
Roll= Oh, I don't think we have been introduced. Im Roll by the way. I believe John mensoned you that day.
Eugene= Pleasure. And Miss. Leviathan. Good to see you too.
Leviathan= Good to see you too.
Eugene= Right this way please.
*The 4 walked from the labs and into the residential zone and came across the largest house. Eugene pressed the button on the brick wall's communication panel.*
Woman's voice= Hello, who is it.
Eugene= Is Mr. Kenner available, he ahs visitors.
Woman's voice= Oh yes. Very well Eugene. I will open the doors for you.
*The 4 walked through and entered the house and they were all seated in a fancy lounge.*
John= Nice place. Looks similar to Mr. Lucus's office.
Eugene= Try to behave yourself John.
John= Ok.
Leviathan= Eugene told you that time. *giggles*
John= ha ha very funny.
*Then a man with blonde hair entered the room. He had long blonde hair and square glasses. It was none other than Mr. Kenner himself.*
Mr. Kenner= Oh, Hello Eugene. Nice to meet you again. You brought 3 friends with you. Hey It's Leviathan one of our 4 guardians and is this Roll. Ciel told me about you. And you must be John the outworlder.
John= Oh, hi.
Roll= Hello.
Leviathan= Nice to see you again.
Mr. Kenner= So what brings you here today.
John= There's a problem with Harpuia. He must have some sort of funk or something. He's been rather harsh on the team lately. Ever since the ordeal with the Dalek he's been more stubborn and being like a jerk.
Mr. Kenner= Harpuia has had this before, ever since Zero was around. He can be a bit touchy.
John= Well, he also scolded Ciel for leaving without permission and disqualifying her from the team. She was quite helpful even though her actions were a bit wrong. But this time he sent Levy and denying her backup when she needed it. I say Harpy's been more rough not just to Ciel but to the other guardians as well. I say he needs someone to talk to him.
- by Tanooki John |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/14/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Megaman Heroes - Chapter 12-1
- Artist: Tanooki John
Submitted to sheezyart Apr 15th 2007
My fanfiction/crossover based on the events after Megaman Zero 4.
All characters (c) there respected owners. - Date: 02/14/2009
- Tags: megamanzero megamanx
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