Zanna and David
“Do you think I should were this purple dress?” asked Suzanna Patterson.
She was picking out dresses with her friend Bella for the school dance.
Zanna had thick black hair, with big laughing black eyes. She was an expert at
drawing and painting. She was tall and thin. “I think you should were the black
one,Zanna, it matches your eyes.” Replied Bella Martinez.
Zanna was Suzanna’s nick name-everyone called her that.
Bella had soft blonde hair, with blue eyes. Bella loved to read. She was tall.
Not thin or fat. In the middle.
“ Okay, I’ll were the black one, now lets find you a dress Bella.”
“ I think I’ll just were my brown one.”
“ C’mon Bella, were something different! You always were that brown one.”
“ Okay fine, but I have no other dress”
“ Then I gues we’ll have to go shopping!!!”
“ If you say so Zanna.”
The two girls got there bags and Holly told her mom they were going to the mall,
And went out the doors.
They were walking to the mall, because it was near Zanna’s house.
“ Do you think a boy will ask me to the dance?” asked Zanna.
“ Of course someone will, you are so pretty.” Answered Bella
“ I hope – “ Hey guys!” shouted David, a cool and good looking guy from school.
“where are you guys going?” asked David.
“ Oh, were going to the mall to get a dress for Bella” answered Zanna.
“ Do you have a dress Zanna?”
“ Yea she has a dress.” Bella said in a rush.
Bella wasn’t a girl who liked boys.
She just hung out with girls, she was not a boy fan.
But Zanna was different. She liked to hang out with boys and girls.
“ I’m wereing a black dress.” Said Zanna.
“ Cool.” Said David. “ Do you mind if I tag along with you guys to the mall?”
“ You can come if you don’t say anything about what we pick.” Bella said.
“ It’s a deal.” Said David, gave a sly wave.
So the three walked to the mall. When they got there the girls went into the girls’
Section, and David stayed out of the girls’ section but waited on the outside.
“ I think you should get a white dress, then your eyes will stand out.”
Excaimed Zanna. “ But I want to get a blue dress.” Replied Bella.
“ Sure, its your dress, not mine, I was just giving you advise…Duhh!”
The two girls laughed. They searched everywhere in the room, finnaly they found
the right dress. When they came out of the girls section they found out that
David was gone. “ He probly left cause he got impatient.” Said Bella.
“ Back already?” The two girls turned around. And there was David, wish popcorn
In his hands. “ Are you guys, er, girls done with your shopping?”
“ Yes we are.” Said Polly. “ Okay lets go check out.” Said Zanna, who was fealing a
Bit awkaward with David and Bella glaring at each other.
“ Is it okay if I pay for you girls?” asked David. “ We can pay ourself.” Retorted
Bella. “ Why cant I be a gentleman, and pay for you guys?” David asked.
“ Because we don’t need any gentleman around here.” Snapped Bella.
“ Okay you two. Breack it up” said Zanna who was fealing really weird at
The moment. “ Sorry Zanna, it was my fault.” David apoligzed.
After that the three walked down to the checkout area in silence.
Somehow David was able to pay for the dress.
As David was walking the girls home, he talked about the Dance.
Finnaly he stoped and said “ Zanna, will you go to the dance with me?”
Holly stood frozen in her tracks. She though “ Oh my god! Sean, the cutest
Boy in school is asking me to the dance! I hope Bella won’t be mad if I say yes.
Yay!” “ I’d love to go with you David!” Zanna replied.
“ Great! I’ll pick you up at 7 okay?”
“ Okay.” Said Zanna. Bella was quiet the rest of the way home.
She said good-bye to David and Zanna and went into her house.
David walked with Zanna the rest of they way to her house.
They were silent for a while as they walked.
Finnally Zanna broke the silence.
“ Why, out of all the girls in the school, did you ask me?”
David seemed to blush at that.
He was quiet for a while, then he said “ I asked you,Zanna, because I think you are
A very special girl.”
“ You are everything a boy can have, Your not perfect, but your good enough.
Your beautiful, Zanna. But it isn’t just that your beautiful, I like the way you act
And stuff.”
Zanna was blushing really hard by the time he finished saying that.
“ Are you okay Zanna?” asked Sean. “Yea, I’m good” replied Zanna.
“ Can you and me take a walk tomarrow?”
“ Hmm, what time?” “ Any time, I just want to talk to you about something.”
“ Tell me now.” Said Zanna. “ I can’t, we will need more time to talk, I’ll talk to
You tomarrow about it okay?”
“ okay, why don’t you come around 10.” Said Zanna. “okay” When they reached
her house David said goodbye and left.
“ Mom, I’m back!” shouted Zanna. She waited for a reply. But she heard nothing.
She called again, but this time for her sister. But she heard nothing.
She looked over to the fridge. There was no note, so they should be inside
The house. So she went upstairs and saw her mother lying on the ground
With blood on her hands. Zanna screamed. She knelt down by her mom, and
Checked her pulse. It wasn’t beating. She called 911. After that, She started to
Look for her sister. But she had no luck. She searched the whole house.
When the police came, they asked her if she knew anything about what happened
But she said no. Zanna called Bella. Zanna said, over the phone, “ I think mom is
Dead.” “ aww, Zanna don’t say that…its hard for me and you.”
“ But I cant find Lucy!” Bella gasped over the phone. “Lucy is missing?”
“Apperently she is” “I’ll come right over and I’ll bring a search party
For you…don’t go anywhere, stay where you are until I come, got that?”
“uh huh, thank you soo much, you’re an awsome friend!”
Bella laughed. “ Aren’t I always?”
With that the girls said good bye and hung up. Zanna wait for Bella.
Zanna was starting to think that Bella wasn’t gonna come no more, when she
Heard the doorbell ring. She quickly got up and answered it.
She saw Bella and dozens of other people. In the croud she spoted David.
She let all the people come into the living room and settle down for a while.
Then when all the people were quiet, Bella stood up and started talking.
“ I bring you here today because Suzanna’s family had a very bad incident.”
At that people started to whisper.
“ Suzanna’s mom is badly injured. She is at the hospital right now.”
Some old women in the back of the room gasped.
Bella ignored that and continued.
“ But the worse part is…is that her little sister, Lucy, a very special girl,
Just like Zanna…is…is missing.”
Some people were crying at that point. Zanna felt a water coming
Down her cheak. Everyone was silent for a while.
Then a familiar voice broke the silence. “ What are
We waiting for, lets go look for Lucy. But we have to go in groups…
Its getting pretty dark out there.” Zanna realized that it was David’s
Voice. She got up and went in front of the room. “Lets pick groups.”
“ I will choose the leaders. I choose…Mr.Martinez, Mr.Stelzer……
Miss. Mittlesteadt, and…” She looked at David. “and David.”
David smiled. The leaders chose people for their group. When it was
David’s turn he glanced at Zanna and said “I pick Zanna”
Zanna blushed, then went to David’s side.
Charlie, a boy from Zanna’s 8th grade class, glared at David.
David saw this, but in return he gave Charlie a dashing smile.
Charlie rolled his eyes. When it was David’s turn again, he chose
Charlie. Charlie seemed glad about that.
Finally all the people were picked. David’s group had 3 less people.
“Where do you want to go first, Zanna?” asked Charlie.
“Lets go to the park, it is Lucy’s favorite place.”
“okay, your wish is my command” said Charlie, and he bowed to her.
David’s face grew very red, but he didn’t say anything.
When they got to the park, everyone split into smaller groups
Because the park was huge. David, Charlie, and Zanna was in a group
Together. “Do you have a date to the dance, Zanna?” asked Charlie.
“I..uhhh…er…” “YES SHE DOES!” yelled David, losing his temper.
Charlie seemed to be glad that he did, but he didn’t know that David
Was Zanna’s date. “who is your date Zanna?” asked Charlie.
“uhh…he…er…” “ I AM HER DATE YOU IDIOT!” shouted David,
And he pushed Charlie to the ground. Charlie glared at David.
Zanna was speachless. Charlie got up. He pushed David back.
Then Zanna thought David was gonna punch him…but he did
The rarest thing. He said “Sorry Charlie, I lost my temper.”
“Its ok bud.” Then David turned to lookat Zanna. “I’m sorry Zanna, for
Doing that in front of you.” He looked down at her, Zanna thought he
Was sooo handsom. “its alright, you didn’t mean it.” Then Charlie
Excused himself, saying that he had to take care of his younger sister.
David and Zanna were left alone now.
They searched in silence for a while. Then David said, “Zanna…I’v
Been in love with you since we first met.” Zanna stoped what she
Was doing and sat down on the ground to listen. David sat by her.
“I thought you were the most amazing person ever, Zanna.” He
Continued. “but I was…shy sometimes around you.” “But you
Shouldn’t be shy. I like people to act as if they knew me there whole
Life..even if they don’t.” said Zanna.
David looked at her. “I love you Zanna.” Zanna looked at David.
Then she said, “I love you too David.” David took her hand.
He bent down and kissed her cheek.
Zanna blushed, but David didn’t know it because it was too dark now.
“If mom hadnt gotten hurt, and if Lucy hadnt gone missing,
Everything would be perfect.” Said Zanna. She felt a tear rolling down
Her cheek. David saw the tear. He put his arms around her shoulder.
“everything cant be perfect, Zanna” he said.
“I know” replied Zanna.
They stayed like that for a while. Then Zanna thought she heard
Someone crying.
“ Did you here that David?” asked Zanna, she looked around.
“ Yea I heard it. Lets look aroud.” David got up and helped Zanna to
Her feet. Zanna took Davids hand. They followed the sound. Finally
They heard it loud and clear. The spound was coming from behind
The tree. David and Zanna went up to the tree, and looked behind it.
“LUCY!” Zanna shouted, as she pulled her little sister and hugged her.
Zanna and David took Lucy back to the house, and told everyone the
Search was over. Everyone said they would spend the night at
Zanna’s house. It was soo dark outside. When everyone was in a
Compfortable stop, Lucy told them what happened.
“Mom and I was going into Zanna’s room to get her clothes,
So we could wash them. When we opened the door, we saw a
A man holding Zanna’s gold Braceletts. Mom ran up to the man and
Tried to knock him over, she did knock him over, but he got up again,
And he had a knife in his pocket. He took it and stabed her.” Lucy
Was crying. Zanna put her arms around her. She sand Lucy a song.
“I think it is enough for her, let me sing her to sleep in her room.”
Said Zanna. Zanna carried Lucy to her room, David and Bella
Followed. Zanna put Lucy on her bed and put the blanket over her.
She sang. David kept looking at Lucy, as if she was an angel from
Heaven. Finally, by the time Lucy had fallen asleep, Bella was gone.
She went home, because her dad had a car do drive.
But David stayed with her.
“Lets go into the living room now, and lets bring blankets and pillows
To sleep on, for everyone.” Zanna said.
David carried all the pillows in the house, and Zanna carried most of
The blankets. When they went downstairs, they saw that all the girls
Were on one side and all the boy were on the other.
“I guess we have sides.” Said Zanna. And David laughed.
Zanna gave everyone a blanket and pillow. Then Zanna
Said, “lets get in a small circle and tell scary stories.”
Everyone agreed to do that. David quickly ran up to
And sat by her. Mr. Stelzer was the first one who told a Scary story.
It was very scary. “The ghost still lives In this very house…..BOOO!” he shouted. Zanna grabbed David and held on
to him. David laughed and whispered in her ear, “don’t be scared,
Zanna, I’ll always be with you…and God will too.” Zanna was very
surprised that he said something about god. Zanna was not christian.
She didn’t believe in religious things, especially god.David saw that
she was surprised so he said, “do you want to take the walk I asked
for in the house?” Zanna almost forgot about the walk with him.
“okay.” Then the two couples got up and went to the back of the
room. “lets not walk,lets just talk here.”David said. Zanna sat down beside David. “I really like you Zanna.” He started to say, but then a sound interupted them. Zanna heard someone scream. She grabed David’s hand. “What was that?” she aksed, in a squeeky voice.
“I don’t know but I’m gonna find out.”he replied. He got up and went
Up stairs, because that was where the sound came from. Zanna
Followed him. They kept following the sound until they came into
Lucy’s room. They found Lucy crying on her bed. “Whats the matter
Lucy?” Zanna asked, in a worried tone. “I had a bad dream” said Lucy,
Between her sniffs. “Can you and David stay with me?” she asked.
Zanna looked at David, as if she was saying, is she crazy? David just
Shrugged. Lucy started to cry again. She was only 5 years old. Zanna
Sighed. “okay Lucy, we’ll stay with you…right, David?” Zanna turned
To look at David. David nodded. He got a blanket and a pillow and
Plopped it on the ground. Zanna did the same thing, but on the
Oppisite side of him. They left lights open. That night, Zanna
Couldn’t go to sleep. She kept twisting and turning. Finally she got
Tired of it and got up. She went to the window and opened it.
A cold gust of wind blew into her face. “Arnt you cold Zanna?”
Zanna turned around, and she saw David’s sleepy face. “go back to
Sleep David.” She replied. But David didn’t budge.
- by _-iTs PaW-_ |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/25/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Zanna and David's Love
- Artist: _-iTs PaW-_
This story would be for people who likes love books.
this story is mysterious, loving, scary(not in this part yet..i'll write it later)
and more
find out yourself
i'm not done with it - Date: 02/25/2009
- Tags: zanna davids love
- Report Post
Comments (2 Comments)
- bindyblueeyes - 03/06/2009
this is pretty good!!!
added to favorites
5/5 - Report As Spam
- Fayne Darkness - 02/26/2009
- Nice story, I like it alot wink 5/5
- Report As Spam