• ****(Trace)
    Sword was getting restless now. He’d been sitting there for three hours. But that wasn’t the problem. The problem was sitting next to him, trying to speak to him. Light. Libra stood behind them. They were watching the given address. Ren’s given address – near to the college where Dark attended. Libra laughed quietly.
    “Light, I would stop bugging him if I were you. If he wanted to talk, he’d have said something.”
    “But Master...”
    “But nothing.” Sword smiled.
    “Master, can you go over the plan again?”
    “It’s simple, Sword. Sinistra delivers. We watch and track Senran or his proxy to wherever Dark is. Lucky Shield managed to cook it all in time...” There was a buzzing in Libra’s ear.
    “Master, I am in position. Deliver?”
    “Yes. Is the biological tracer in the food?”
    “Yes.” Libra watched the now visible Sinistra approach the door carrying the large basket. She was dressed in a casual t-shirt and loose jeans. She rang the doorbell. There was a silence before the door opened slowly. Raphael opened the door. He was cautious, understandably so.
    “Are you from the University?”
    “I am, sir.” She presented the basket, and he received it, putting it down behind the door. Sinistra presented a sheet. “If you can sign here, sir.” The sheet had many signatures on there, next to different codes. Light had sat there, doing all of these signatures so that it seemed legitimate. Raphael signed. “Thank you, sir. Have a good evening!” And she walked away. Raphael closed the door and the people watching the house watched more intently. Three hours passed before any worthwhile movement was detected. In the shadows of the night, Raphael streaked from the house carrying the basket. Light and Sword followed him loosely for three hours as he spiralled, backtracked and changed direction randomly before he reached large grounds surrounded by three lakes with a large house standing central. Sword boggled.
    “Just as Mi-chan said...” He smirked. “...and the gardens really are ruined...”
    “We’d better get back now we have the location.” Sword nodded grimly and Light sighed. “There’s trouble brewing... And I’m afraid that Dark is in the middle of it...” Sword looked to his left and pulled Light backwards and down. Gunfire rang across the night.
    “Yeah. There’s some here, too. Automated sentry machine guns. Retreat.”
    “Yeah, but what’s the range of the protection? Where are-”
    “Shh.” Sword had pulled them behind a mound of earth. “I’m trying to hack the system.” Light nodded and crouched by his side. When Sword hacks, he is vulnerable to attack because he can’t move. Dark was the only ETHER admin to be able to function normally while she hacks, but she was too innocent to hack well. Minutes passed before he moved again.
    “900 meter distance from the house. The house is heavily armed, and there’s a system similar in size to ETHA. Hmm. There’s a large room and several smaller rooms with no data.” He paused. “I... I can feel something from that large room... so familiar...”
    “Let’s go... we need to report this all.”
    “I’m going to disable them somewhat for the big push.” Light sighed. He wouldn’t listen.
    “Fine. And check the construction. I need data if I’m going to bust in.”
    ***(Decisions I)
    I was standing at the window of my room. I could sense something moving outside – I could almost see the flash of gunfire. Ri-chan... I was thinking of smashing the window and running to him. The collar around my neck tightened sharply, cutting off my air. Ok, maybe I won’t run away. I’d be dead before I reached them – my head would probably be squeezed right off! And I doubt that I could return to my body if I didn’t have a head... I turned away from the window and sat on the bed once more. My thoughts began to wander onto the chocolate delights Tsu-chan was bound to have made. The collar loosened. My thoughts then began to wander further.
    Miscenco... what kind of food do you like? I could feel her surprise that faded to uncertainty.
    I... I don’t really know... I don’t tend to eat...
    You... don’t eat? How does that work?
    I... Well, put it this way. The Caragiri version of things isn’t right. My turn for surprise.
    I don’t get it... She laughed. It was almost melodic, and very calming.
    Don’t worry. You’ll see why eventually.
    If you say so... I got the distinct feeling she would’ve ruffled my hair playfully if she could, but she resorted to giving me the hug feeling. I could almost feel her touch on my skin... Does that mean the link’s getting stronger?
    ***(Decisions II)
    Raphael kept checking the basket with the scanner. After around twenty minutes, he didn’t bother anymore. It was... just chocolate and seafood. But why the suspicion? The feeling that something was going to happen just wouldn’t go away. He checked the goods again. No local surprise. Local surprise – what is that, exactly? And the gunfire outside... was this a setup? There was occasionally a deer stray across the grounds, but... rarely was it shot at. The sensors are smarter than that. He shrugged. No matter. I’ll just have to get everything ready sooner, he thought.
    “Let the b*****d come. I’ll just perform the ceremony tomorrow. She is mine!”
    I was tired. My worrying only caused Ren to cling like a child to my arm, even when Raphael tried to order her off. I even slept like that, Ren still holding on. I knew that this time, Ri-chan wouldn’t be there. Gut instinct. But my dreams were still dark... a hundred different deaths imagining what the ceremony would involve. I wished that Ri-chan wouldn’t see the pain I’d go through, but... I wished he’d rescue me. These dreams faded to black as I heard hushed whispering around me.
    “...asleep a long while, will she want...”
    “Yes.” I opened my eyes. I was still on the bed, thankfully. Ren had gathered her Rens, each laden with Tsu-chan’s cooking. Well, if I am to have a Last Supper, then... this is the way to go. Chocolate pudding and torte, all the way. I don’t think my stomach could’ve put up with that. Not knowing what’s in store. Miscenco was keen to try the chocolate, and although she was trying to reassure me... it wasn’t working too well. How well can someone reassure you if they’ve got a mouth full of chocolate? It was at that point that Raphael stormed in, throwing open the door. He was wearing very extravagant things, which made him look stupid. What’s with all the feathers? Nothing matches. And I can see too much for my liking. Not even Ri-chan could’ve pulled off this look, unless you counted strange blue movies... at a stretch. Raphael stopped and flushed – an odd sight for his pale skin.
    “You like?” I tried hard to keep a straight face and looked away. “I look ridiculous, don’t I?”
    “Umm...” I put my face in my palms. Too late. The image was burned into my eyes...
    “I look...” He looked at himself in a mirror. “...like a right t**t.” Ren was incapable of speech. In the thousand years she’s been alive, I don’t think she’s seen anything like this. I don’t think she really wanted to. Poor Ren... but... what about this... Athe? If there is a link between them anything like there is between Sinistra and Dextera... Poor Athe. A chill ran down my spine. Ceremonial robes. If this is what the robes are like... I don’t want to know how the actual thing’s going to go. Raphael stopped preening himself and walked over to the bed. I narrowed my eyes.
    “You plan to do it today, don’t you.” Statement, not a question.
    “I do.”
    “I won’t go easily.”
    “I’m sorry.” He clicked his fingers and my airway began to he cut off by the collar. “I am really sorry... but this is the beginning of the ceremony.” The collar became very tight and I couldn’t breathe. I tried to get it off of me, and I thrashed about in pain...
    “Get... this...” I couldn’t finish the sentence as the collar squeezed harder. Everything went black. Ri-chan... please come...
    Wet. Soggy. Muddy. I could breathe again, I noted. I was wet up to my thighs, and it was getting deeper. I wanted to climb, but my ankles and wrists were chained to the floor. I opened my eyes. I was in a strange tank – big enough for one person – which was filling up with some water. The water was stirring up the dirt around my feet as it went. Hence the mud feeling. I finally looked outside of the tank. The front was a little dirty and hard to see through. The sides were worse. I used my hands to clear a little viewing window. It seemed as if the chains were long enough to let me reach my head. Looking out of the tank, I could see part of a complex circle. Raphael was bent over, apparently drawing part of it. It looked occult.
    Well, it probably is occult, Mi-chan.
    Really? I thought these things only happened in movies...
    I’m sorry, Mi-chan, but this is real. And probably more... High Magic part of occult. I am a goddess, after all. I was about to tap on the glass when I had a warning feeling from Miscenco. I wouldn’t do that. That circle determines the whole spell thing. If that gets messed up, a demon could be summoned into you. I suggest not disturbing him. I paused. He’s taking a long time to draw a little bit...
    How long have I been out?
    Not long. Only four hours. It’s nearly midday.
    Not long, indeed. After a few more minutes, Raphael stood up. Finished. The murky stuff was up to my chest, now. I began to thump on the glass. Raphael turned around to face me with a sorry sort of look on his face. His voice was muffled, but I could make out words as he approached the tank.
    “I’m... sorry. Forgive... me...” The water began to fill up faster. I hit the side of the tank harder.
    “Raphael! Raphael!” The water had reached my chin now. I also noticed that some of that foul liquid from before had been added, and so, the odd splashes tasted horrible. I hit harder on the tank front, stirring the dirt up so I couldn’t see. I had to shut my eyes, holding my breath because I knew there wasn’t enough oxygen in the liquid for me to breathe. So why have it? And then I was aware of a warmth from above me. There was some sort of light from above... was there fire? What’s happening? Help... It feels like I’m going to boil, too!
    Calm down, pleeease, Mi-chan. I’m here for you. She gave me the hug feeling, trying to keep me calm. He’s trying to use all four elements, Mi-chan. She began to be a little hesitant, but then she just went right ahead and thought it. Mi-chan, I’m going to be honest. You’re going to die. And you won’t be able to come back. I give you a choice. I can stop your heart now, and make it quick... or I can let this continue.
    What a choice. Tell me... Miscenco. Will Ri-chan come? Will he-
    Look for yourself. I cleared the dirt from the glass again. Raphael was sparring with Ri-chan, and everyone else was fighting Rens. There was one extra person... who on Earth was that? And... Where is Ren? I suppose she was the one pouring the liquid... The tank kept filling up, and I pounded once more on the glass. By now I was under liquid, and couldn’t breathe in to shout. I kept pounding on the glass.
    I refuse to give up!
    Mi-chan? Ri-chan’s voice. I nearly began to cry, even underwater. Mi-chan... where are you?
    I’m in the tank... I... can’t breathe... Then... I could see Raphael being restrained by seven identical girls. Who...? Someone yelled...
    “Athe!” Must be... Ren’s twin. Ri-chan pounded on the glass... but I couldn’t hold my breath anymore, and I inhaled water. Ri-chan tried so hard to smash the glass... but couldn’t. Raphael was laughing. Something about it not being the time. Was... was there a seal on the glass?
    Yes... a seal is placed on the glass... it will not smash until... Miscenco and Ri-chan in unison.
    I’m going to... die... aren’t I? Noone would answer me, so I just took it as definite. Well, life’s been kind to me... I was able to do amazing things, I was blessed to have someone who loved me for me... I paused. A lack of oxygen was making me hazy... things were going silent, things were confusing... so I just decided to speak my heart. I didn’t care if anyone could hear me... it helped me cope with the hard reality. I am going to die. Last chance to say anything... I am so thankful... I am so happy to have been on this Earth to have met you, Ri-chan... please... when you’re feeling empty... keep me in your memory... And with the memories... I felt nothing more. The glass smashed.
    The tank of the glass fell to bits, and the contents went all over the floor. The girl chained to the floor slumped into the arms of the one trying to save her, the chains melting into nothing. She had drowned – fluid filled her lungs, and although she technically had died... her body refused to give up. Sword cried out in pain. He knew that as long as her heart was still whole... she kept being brought back from beyond, only to die again. Raphael laughed.
    “Caragiri... there is only one way to end that cycle of torture, and you know it. However...” He paused. “...it is the next stage of the ceremony.”
    “I came here to save her, Senran. If that means I have to kill her... then so be it.”
    “Can you really do it?” Sword formed a blade from his Mithrim.
    “Noir... give me the strength...” He paused, blade ready over Dark’s sternum. He still couldn’t do it. Dark revived again, and the look of... pain on her face gave him the strength. The blade was forced through, and her face became peaceful. One last cough, filled with blood.
    “Forgive me, Mi-chan... Forgive me...” He kissed her forehead, and the drawn circle began to glow. Raphael began laughing.
    “It all timed out perfectly! Now... when the clones fade... then Miscenco can rise!” Ren entered the circle, followed by the mysterious seventh member. Then, everyone else entered the circle. Sword refused to move... he refused to let go of Dark’s body. He had pretty much blocked everything else out. He had even ignored the new member, even as they set out from EA. A new member, not known... Sword snapped out of his haze as this new member touched his shoulder.
    “You should let her go, Alex.” He looked at her. Ren touched his other shoulder.
    “You can’t hold onto her, Alex.”
    “What the ******** is going on?” Everyone else, who were wondering why all the clones were fading looked at him. Sword placed Dark down gently on the floor and stood up. “Everyone knows, but not me. Alright... spill it!” The strange ETHER member sighed. Her Mithrim wasn’t black – it was red and gold... unusual Mithrim.
    “I am Athe. Ren’s twin.” She paused, and Ren took her hand. “I am the basis of your ETHA network. Just like Ren, who makes clones of herself to armour and weapon Raphael... I clone myself to form Mithrim and Mod Units.” Athe sighed again. “You really were kept in the dark, weren’t you? Poor Caragiri leader who had no idea.” Libra murmured an agreement.
    “Yes... Alex... HaKura ordered me to not tell you. It would’ve made you question your love, if you knew it was pre-ordained.” Raphael snickered.
    “Oh, and telling him this now isn’t?” Sword remained quiet. Raphael had hit a nerve.
    “Alex... You felt sparks when you touched her, didn’t you?” He paused, thinking deeply. Had he really felt that way about anyone else?
    “Yes... And, Raphael, you are wrong. Nothing makes me question how I feel about her. Not now.” Athe’s clones vanished, as did the last of the Rens. Raphael laughed as he broke free.
    “It is time. Now watch as the majesty of the...huh? Nothing’s...” He stopped. Nothing was happening to Dark. Something was happening to the circle – the engraved parts were now glowing and provided a physical barrier to escape by means of a force field. The painted parts were difficult to get through. No-one could break out of the circle. Raphael looked bemused. “I... I don’t get it... She should be unlocked. There... should’ve b-b-been light and...” Ren and Athe held hands. Ren sighed.
    “I knew this would happen. Rafi...” Athe then sighed.
    “It won’t work because Mirari-chama is not Miscenco.”
    “Explain yourself.”
    “She is not the direct vessel. The ceremony would only work on a direct vessel.” Raphael looked like he would explode.
    “********!” The rest of ETHER sighed. Sinistra giggled. “And you-”
    “You just killed the last link to your Goddess, Raphael.” Dextera laughed out loud.
    “You didn’t even check. You’re more stupid than we thought.” It was then Shield came out of her shock to hold Dark in her arms, sobbing. Sword, meanwhile, had gone into shock again. Tears fell down his face silently as a ruckus erupted around them about how to get out of the circle. No-one fought... Raphael would lose against two or more people, he knew that. Ren and Athe wouldn’t fight, anyway. And they were all grieving in some way or another. Raphael had lost his goddess and someone he thought he loved. ETHER lost a valued member, and a good friend. Shield had lost her nearly love and sister figure. Sword lost his lover and his heart...
    “Mi-chan! Wake up.” It was warm, even with the breeze blowing. Warm arms held me to a soft chest and it was her voice that was trying to wake me. Ach, what a dream... I opened my eyes. They met light green eyes with long lashes.
    “Mi-chan, I won’t beat around the bush. You’re dead.” I had a small flashback, and shot up. This was Miscenco, and we were in a meadow full of flowers. I was in my logged out form, in a long white dress very similar to Miscenco’s grey one. Miscenco had a form similar to my logged in form, just with cat-ears and the light green eyes.
    “But... Mi-chan, this is a funny place to be dead...” She had a slight look of surprise that faded to amusement.
    “This is one of your favourite places. Do you remember it?” I nodded. This was the field that I always ran to if anything happened. The place I died before.
    I was a scared seven year-old, running from my Uncle. There used to be a large sandy bit in the middle of the field... well, not sand. Quicksand, the dangerous kind. I ran so far into the field and forgot about it. Until I got stuck in it – and no matter what I did, I couldn’t escape. I kept sinking further and further down... eventually I went under, choking upon acid sand. Now that I think about it, it was then that I first felt Miscenco’s presence. She was the one to force my body out of it...
    “There used to be quicksand here.” Miscenco smiled. “And... you saved me. Thank you.” She giggled.
    “It is no problem. You have served as my vessel for all these years...”
    “A consequence of the saving...” She nodded. It seems as if we are still linked because I can still get the gist of her thoughts.
    “Yes.” She sighed. “Maybe it’s time I told you what really happened last time, Mi-chan.” I blinked twice.
    “You mean... the Caragiri story wasn’t true?” She shook her head.
    “Everyone is under the impression that my vessel died. It isn’t true. She did not die.” She lay back in the grass, pulling me down to lay beside her. I suppose she doesn’t worry about grass stains in her dress. Neither would I. She took a deep breath, then began. “Just over one thousand years ago, you know I took a vessel so I could try and stop the Senran and the Caragiri from fighting. I screwed up, as we all know. The Caragiri leader wasn’t torturing me for information – he was trying to unlock me, so to speak... just like Raphael. In fact, Raphael’s ceremony was based on that... because that’s what they thought would work. I did appear under those conditions... but it wasn’t that at all. None of your Earthly binds affect me.” She pouted. “That and the Caragiri leader was a sex fiend.”
    “So... what happened?”
    “The same as what’s happened now. The etched magic circle has created a force field that traps them. They can’t escape, even if they want to.”
    “Can we do anything?”
    “I... am not allowed to interfere... unless...?”
    “...unless I ask you...”
    “...as a wish. And...?”
    “...there is a large price.” She nodded.
    “Because you hold in your hands the power to change the world. The Chaos Wings. All eight of them. And you have done things, on a small scale... unknowingly. All I have to do... is boost your power a bit.”
    “The human brain cannot cope with the amount of power you need. You pretty much overload your brain, and you total your body to channel that energy.”
    “So I’m screwed.”
    Only if you choose to change the world... Only if you accept the consequences.”
    “Which are...?” She sighed.
    “You lose your memory. You go comatose for a while. You will not remember Alex. Actually... You’ll forget everything. And if you meet again, you can’t guarantee that you’ll still be in love. Actually...” She paused, looking wistful. “If you meet again... you will suffer severe mental trauma from any resurfacing memories, breaking down again.”
    “Can they get out any other way?” Miscenco shook her head sadly.
    “I have no idea.” She paused. “You don’t have to ask me for the boost. Alex may be able to get out on his own. He has wings, too.”
    “Can I see them?” I get the feeling that he... can't.
    “Look yourself. Just close your eyes and wish for it. It is in your power...” So I did.
    Tsu-chan and Raphael were arguing. Ri-chan was holding my body tightly... and Libra, Sinistra, Dextera, Ren and Athe were trying to break the circle. It looked like they’d been at it a while – they were showing signs of wear and tear. Literally. Skin was hanging off fingers from pulling and scraping, bruises from rough landings. Yeah, although they were healing up, their healing was slowing. They must’ve been going for hours. I realised that there was no way for them to escape... so. I can either be selfish and keep my memory of Ri-chan and die peacefully, them dying too... or I can do what is right and tribute myself.
    “I have an answer, I see.” Miscenco did not sound surprised.
    “I’m dead, either way. Miscenco... please help me to save them! Please boost my power.” I sat up, opening my eyes. Miscenco had already done so, and she gripped my hands in hers.
    “I am sorry, Mi-chan, for the pain I will put you through.” A tear fell down her cheek. “I am so sorry for using you... I offer my condolences for your loss. Just know... just know that I will be there for you always... my covenant... Close your eyes and think of what you’d like to do...” She kissed my forehead.
    “We need to get out.” Everyone but Sword and Raphael had given up.
    “Yes, Ren. But...”
    “I know, our twin powers didn’t work.”
    “So...” Dextera sighed.
    “We’re doomed.” Libra rolled her eyes.
    “Try and be positive, Dextera.”
    “Okay... I’m positive we’re doomed.” Sinistra smiled as Libra sighed.
    “Slightly better. Lose the doomed.”
    “Okay... I’m posit-” The circle lifted suddenly, breaking their captivity. Everyone began to look around in amazement.
    “What happened?” Raphael grabbed Sword by the shoulders and pointed towards Dark’s body, which had been put down when they all tried to break the circle. Her body was levitating, glowing faintly and looked like it was putting golden threads out that faded into nothing.
    That, Caragiri!”
    “She’s... MI-CHAN!
    “Mi-chan? Ah...” Sword ran over to Dark’s body, which, upon his touch... reanimated. He wrapped his arms around her as she inhaled and opened her eyes. He kissed her on the forehead.
    “Mi-chan... Mi-chan...” She began to sob into his chest.
    “OH! Ri-chan...” He began to comfort her, but... she wasn’t calming down. “I-I-I-I’m so sorry... Ri-chan... my Ri-chan...” She put her arms around him, and squeezed.
    “Shh. You’re back... that’s all that matters...”
    “Ri-chan... not for long... just long enough to...” She began to sob again. “I am s-s-s-s-so sor-sor-sorry... Ri-chan... Ju-ju-just know th-th-that I love you...” He began to cry.
    “[********]... Mi-chan... you speak as if you- NO! NO! No NO! No-no-no...” He took her face in his hands. “You can’t... YOU CAN’T! No... NO! Don’t leave me... please, no... don’t!” She began to cry more, her tears running down his hands. Tears ran down his face, too.
    “Ri-chan... It’s because I love you that I’m doing this... you won’t feel the pain of loss...” She closed her eyes as eight wings sprouted from her back, then opened them as she was taken higher and away from Sword.
    “Mi-chaaaaaan!” He reached for her, but to no avail.
    “Ri-chan... Thank you... thank you so much...” She deliberately put a serene look on her face as she began to glow. “Thank you, everyone... Thank you...”
    “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo!” The next thing surprised everyone. Sword began to glow, too. A pair of wings sprouted from his back, and he flew up to her. “You are not making us forget, Mi-chan.” Everyone was blinded by the light that followed, except Ren and Athe, who grabbed each other’s hands and shut their eyes.
    All I could feel was his arms around me and his face in my hair. The light was still burning...
    “You can’t make me forget. I’ll never forget.”
    “But... things are set.”
    “You’re not the only Chaos Winger, Mi-chan. I may not be so powerful... but I can change things, too.”
    “You can’t...” Miscenco put a hand on both of our shoulders, gently.
    “You have to pay a price, Caragiri.” We then heard Ren and Athe calling through the light.
    “I’ll pay his price.” Ren...
    “I have a wish of my own.” Athe...
    “Then... I see your payment, and your wish. Let it be so.”
    “Wha-what’s going on?”
    “Mirari-chama... we won’t let you sacrifice everything.”
    “So... we’ll take the fall.”
    “You can’t do that for us!” I could feel his voice. “You can’t...”
    “We were the weapons of your war. We want to end it.”
    “We caused too much pain. There’s a giant set of scales somewhere that needs balancing.” Miscenco laughed, and Ri-chan leaned so he could kiss my lips. His lips touched mine and his tongue gently began to roam my mouth... probably for the last time. Sparks flew between us. His farewell.
    “Well, if that’s all. There are wishes that need to be granted, and payments to be made.” Tears ran down our faces.
    “Ri-chan... farewell...”
    “This isn’t a farewell... it’s a really long see you later...” He kissed my forehead. “I promise I’ll watch over you... I promise...”
    Everything faded to white...
    Things... changed.
    Who am I?
    Where am I?
    What happened?
    Why don’t... why can’t I remember anything?
    I opened my eyes. Where am I? There were... nurses around my bed. They were whispering something as they tended to the tubes that seemingly were attached to me. I hurt.
    “...poor thing. Lost her friends in that accident. Severe crush injuries...” I managed to find my voice... ish.
    “She’s awake!”
    “Okay, love... can you tell me your name?”
    “I... I don’t know...” A tear fell down my face. “I... don’t remember anything...
    The world changed. She tried so hard to set everything right, to make sure that she used what power she had to make sure everyone got along. She even generated more fossil fuels to try and get the rest of the world acting peaceful. It didn’t work. She tried so hard, and got so far.
    But, she didn’t count on Alex Caragiri’s last stand – she wanted them all to forget so that they wouldn’t feel the pain of loss. But... things never work out that way. Alex made sure they never forgot – and the price was paid, willingly, by the twins Ren and Athe. In the end, it didn’t really matter.
    And how did she leave things?
    Alex Caragiri, Katherine Caragiri and Raphael Senran were the only ones to remember the events, and ended the family war. They live together, and they understand most of the events.
    Everyone else... forgot ETHER ever existed. To the world, ETHER never existed. Ren and Athe were remembered by few.
    And herself?
    She was involved in a traffic incident returning home from town after shopping in town. She was partially crushed by the lorry that collided with the bus as she pushed children to safety – she was lucky – her friends, Ren and Athe were lost to the lorry. After being in a coma for seven weeks, she wakes with no memory at all. She is starting again with her life.
    And me?
    I sat in the shadows, watching her. Two other shadows were by my side, watching too. We watched her and the figure that also watched her.
    He promised the same thing as I; we promised to watch her.
    And so we shall.