Chapter 1

    Do I remember that day? The day she was taken, the day she was gone, the day I should have saved her, that day. That day I remember her screams, the day I was ignoring her and thinking it was a joke that she was trying to trick me to showing her where I was hiding. The day we played hide and seek, and she didn’t want to seek. The day I was trying not to laugh, thinking to myself, she is so full of it, so fake. The day I heard his voice. The day I thought it was dad at first, than her screaming again, and silence. The day I only remember bits of the rest, for when I just saw her bracelet and a few drops of blood I screamed and was woken up in the hospital. Yeah, I remember that day.

    I was hiding behind the hay stack, while she was counting in the grass, barefoot, and wearing her purple polka dotted shirt, with skinny jeans. I could hear the pigs sloshing through the mud, and the horses stepping in place in there stables, I caught a whiff of the foul manure, and the wind was blowing hard, but it wasn’t cold. I stopped paying any attention to the wind, and started listening to her count, she was only thirteen at the time, but she still lost count at where she was sometimes, well who could blame her, she was counting to two hundred… I loved making her count to two hundred or higher to make her think that she had to look in the hard places to find me, and she would just skim right over me, because I was right in front of her. When she finally reached two hundred I pulled my head back and started listening to her footsteps coming closer than further, until I couldn’t hear her anymore. I figured she was standing still to try and hear me, or she was too far. I decided to peak my head, and just in time pulled it back. Her shadow was coming around the corner. But her shadow seemed awfully big, even if the sun was high. I didn’t care at the time what her shadow looked like. I just cared about winning. That’s when I heard her screams. “Help! Someone please!” I thought, “Oh bull!” And I completely ignored her.

    It was silent for a total of ten seconds; then again I heard her screaming for help. Silence… I peaked, ever so slightly. And she wasn’t there. Only her bracelet and a tiny puddle of blood was where she was standing. The wind was picking up and the blood traveled down hill… I followed it to the end of the hill. And screamed. I fell to my knees, and the water in the grass soaked into my knees. “Maddy...” My voice cracked, and stopped after her name. Everything was fading, and the lights were diming. Before I could do anything about it, the world went black. And everything was gone.