• An ordinary day at school for Jane.Another day to try and confess.

    Jane has a crush on a guy named Dan.Everyday at school,she would try to have the courage to tell him so but she gets cold feet.Now,she really wants to do it as it was already the last week of school and she might not have another chance like this.

    They are classmates and sit next to each other.The problem why she can't do so is that they have known each other since they were young and she's afraid it might break the friendly bond they have now.

    In class,she thought of a while of how to tell him to meet her later after classes.She wrote on a piece of paper to meet her at the back of the school and passes it to him.He writes back why."I need to tell you something."

    He sees her worried expression and troubled mind on her face.He doesn't ask questions and kept quiet.

    Classes went by and lunch began.

    Jane and Dan ate together at a bench near the entrance of the school.Dan was curious of what Jane wanted to say.He asks her countless times of what is it.She doesn't reply back and just eats her sandwich.

    He gets a bit frustrated but then worried because it must have been serious.He thought of her having a serious disease or she's moving away in the summer.But he told himself,it's just in his head.

    The bell rang for classes to start and they went back together.

    Jane is nervous because the moment she hears the dismissal bell,she has to tell him her love for him.Dan is actually more nervous than her because he keeps thinking of something seriously bad.

    The bell rings and that's when Jane told Dan to wait for her at the meeting place because she had to get something.He goes ahead and waits.

    Jane rushes to the girl's restroom to throw some water at her face to calm down and prepares what she will say to him.She even practiced what to do if he rejected her.She looks at her watch and 23 minutes had passed.

    She runs to the back of the school to face him.

    ..But when she got there...

    She saw Dan making out with her best friend Megan!

    She was about to shout out the confession instead when she reached the corner but she's speechless.She's just standing on the spot watching them.

    That's when Dan sensed something.He looked around and saw Jane crying.He stops and tries to talk to Jane but she doesn't listen.She runs away from the scene with Dan chasing her.

    Her eyes are covered with tears blinding her and not knowing that she's on the streets.The sound of brakes screech through the whole school to hear and a scream.

    ~Silence surrounds the place.The noise of people and the siren coming are not heard by her.~

    She opens her eyes slowly.She was looking down and saw her hands covered in blood but she was breathing normally and was fine."W-w-who??"

    She slowly looks up and sees Dan on the bumper of the car with blood everywhere.He was bloody red,his body fractured and deformed eek
    She shakes in fear and walks slowly to the lifeless body.She sees his face smeared with blood.

    She was about to cry but closes her eyes and became calm.Her face looked like one of those dolls with a happy expression but meaningless.She touches the blood and puts some all over her face like a child,as if it was paint.She then sees something shimmering and picks it up.It was a piece of glass of the car.

    She looks around and sees a little child looking at her.She smiles at the innocent,now traumatized child.The child is frightened from her appearance and starts screaming"MOMMY!!She's killing herself!!"

    Yes.Yes she did.She repeatedly stabs herself at the vital areas.She keeps laughing while doing it.She only stopped because she collapsed and died on the top of his body.

    Paramedics were too late to stop her.When they went closer,the hands of Jane and Dan were holding each other.They tried to separate them but it doesn't work.They're stuck to each other.

    The school decided to bury them under the tree near the incident and that they were together forever.

    ....A week later....

    The best friend also suffered the same fate as them but it was different.The car never stopped rolling on her.It stopped when it was only blood and bones left.

    But what interested the police was the witness's description of the car.It was a red and black car with two small bobbleheads of a bloody-faced doll and the other a curved head of a boy's and it's bumper was two arms of a boy and girl,linking hands.