• That reminds me...
    I wake up and the sunlight is beaming out of the tiny gap in the curtain's on to one little picture,
    its me and my little yellow toy holding hands in the field 20 years ago.i didn't relies how important he was to me until i stared at him in the photo.
    That reminds me...
    I leap out of my bed cover and open the squeaky door slowly so i don't wake anyone up.Step-by-step i tip-toe to the attic.I knock the latch on the attic and slowly comes down the ladder.I walk up the unstable ladder trying not to break it and make a sound.I'm at the attic entrance.
    That reminds me...
    I can not see a thing so i struggle to find the light switch.The lights flicker on and off.I see boxes and boxes of unwanted things and memories.There is wood and chains in a big pile in the corner of the attic and a table on its side.I walk to the boxes and find the one with my initial written on the sides of it.
    That reminds me...
    I rip off the cello tape holding the lid of the box closed and open the dusty box.I see medals,trophy's,letters and toy's from the past.I gently take out all of the memories of mine until i find him.My little yellow toy.
    That reminds me...
    He looks different to what he used to look like before.Now he has stitches and a cut nose and his colour has gone darker.He heals me when i hold him and he makes me feel warm and cosy.I can still hear the roar that he used to make when i was a child.Only i could hear it.I hold his hand as he holds mine.
    That reminds me...
    I softly put all my memories into the box with my initial on.I walk to the entrance and turn off the light then walk down the unstable ladders then into my room.I put down my little cuddly toy next to the photograph of me and him.
    He reminds me...