• tab A hedgehog layed in the shadow puzzled he thought abut the last words Maria had said. What did she mean those words?
    A flash of blue came in his sight sighing he yelled to Sonic.
    "What do you want!" sounding annoyed Sonic was on his alert.
    He shouted back "Please Fight Eggman!" Sonic yelled back. Sighing Shadow ran there equal with Sonic.
    "So....Eggman what do you want?" He said.
    "Muchahahaha I JUSTED want to say this LOOK at my newest brand robot!!
    I will win this time!!" Eggman jeered.
    "We'll see about that!" snickered Sonic but the snicker turned to a yelp as he crashed in to one of the robots.
    "SEE! I told you so this tme I'll win!!" laughed Eggman as the team try to beat the robots. Even If Sonic and the rest turned into their SUPER forms. But Shadow was certain he saw a flash of brown.
    "Its no use!" Knuckles shouted at Sonic. "Muchahahaha!! I will win I can't hardly belive it!!" Eggman laughed. "We'll see about that." A Mystery Hedgehog chuckled.
    "As always Dr.Robotnilk you always say that but end up losing." The mystery hedgehog whispered barely enough to be heard.

    tab All heads turned to her.
    Shadow's eyes were wide something about her was a creepy feeling. The hedgehog saw him looking at her Her whole body stopped.
    But in a sudden she went to a place.
    A place where all the contorls for the robot was. She shut it off.
    "NOOOO!!" Eggman wailled as millions maybe even billions of robots were destoryed.
    The hedgehog speed off.
    Catch off guard Shadow ran after her.
    "Wait! Who are you?" He yelled.
    The hedgehog screeched to a stop. "Whisper the hedgehog..." she replied.
    "Do you know Maria...?" He spoke unexpected
    "Yeah I do...." Whisper answered.
    Shadow felled to the ground causing him to faint....

    tab Several days later....................
    Shadow woke up to see a blue hedgehog poking him he groaned. Squeaking in surpise Sonic jumped. "What do you want Faker?" He spoke sharply.
    "The strange and pretty hedgehog wants you..." Sonic dreamily said at the mention of the hedgehog.
    tab Shadow snickered at Sonic because he noticed a VERY ANGRY Amy hammering Sonic in to the ground as he went downstairs.
    Jumping on a chair Shadow asked " Where are you from and how did you know Maria??".
    " I created by Dr.Robotmilk, and I was created first you were almost ready.
    Dr.Robotmilk let me out of my cage he said "One day we'll be untied as a family Whisper please find a cure for Maria.
    But Black doom knew I was coming so he teleported me to Twight cage. I fleed from the prison.
    "I was there the day Maria died." Whisper spoke sadly.
    Stunned with shock and surpise Sonic went mad he beguned to attack Whisper for no reason.
    He almost hurted her untill......
    Glaring at Sonic "Back off Faker or you're getting a fight." Whisper said her voice as icy as she spoke.
    Shocked Sonic backed off "I've never heard any one else than Shadow say that word...".
    "Now you just did don't you have to thank me?" She snickered.
    "For what?" Sonic retorted. "
    "Dumb as an bat aren't you still Sonic? Did you forgot the fight with that Robotbutt?" Knuckles glared at Sonic.
    tab "Hey! We could had turned off that contorls!" whined Sonic.
    "But you didn't did you?" Shadow retorted.


    Whisper layed in the shadow of the tree staring at the stars.
    A certain blue hedgehog walked up to her.
    "You should be in bed...." Sonic said as he yawned.
    "Do I? Yeah right beside I'm not tired." Whisper retored.
    "Whatever." Sonic glared at Whisper.
    "Oh and I heard that you like Amy." Whisper spoke suddenly.
    "WHAT I DO NOT LIKE AMY!!!!!!!!! And how did you know the thing Amy has for me???" Sonic Yellled.
    "Who couldn't tell?" Whisper smirked as Sonic ran away........
    A flash of blue appeared.... once again it was Sonic.

    tab "Hey you wanna me to show you our city?" asked Sonic.
    "Sure.... but why at night?" She responded.
    "It's more nicer at night. Shouldn't you know that since you're the one out here?" joked Sonic.
    Then he retorted at Whisper "I DO NOT LIKE AMY!!!!!!" and partily shouted.
    Then a flash of Pink appeared. So did Everyone in Mobuis.

    "What did you just say!!!" Yelled Amy as she prepared to smash Sonic.
    A flash of brown knocked her down.
    "Amy...." Shadow gazed at her small crumped body in the dirt.
    He layed a hand on her body.
    Why am I doing this?! Shadow realized in time.
    "Whisper! Why did you do this to her!" He retorted.
    Silence came from her.
    Then faint sobbing..........
    "Its not Amy......."
    "WHAT!? Are you going to tell me she's an clone??" Sonic stammered.
    "Pretty much...." Whisper