• Chapter 3

    Things did not go as planned. They decided to go to the museum first since they found it closed at 5 pm and the mall could wait since it closed later. Cara was quiet and trying not to sulk at having to spend the day at the doll exhibition while Helen and Naomi did most of the talking during the seventy minute drive. They did stop to buy some drinks and burgers on the way. When they reached the museum, there were still a lot of people there. Naomi went to buy the tickets and they had two hours to roam around.

    The place turned out to be a really interesting place. They found out that every part of the world has it's own distinctive folk toys. The style and character of folk toys vary from region to region and from country to country. The exhibition included history and materials that was used to make the dolls. They loved to see the Japanese Kokeshi dolls that were made from wood. Some of the dolls there were like creepy looking piece of arts. Cara and Zach were drawn to them immediately, but Helen was afraid of them so Naomi grudgingly has to take her to other less creepy dolls display. Cara and Zach knew how Naomi are thrilled by mysteries around these wicked dolls.

    "Too bad we don't have cameras to take pictures of these cool dolls," Cara told Zach, turning to look for him when he didn't answer.
    She saw Zach wasn't beside her anymore but over talking to a cute girl. Cara sighed as she saw him successfully get the girl's phone number. He waved at Cara and she waved back then continued his conversation. Cara groaned and walked away from them.

    Suddenly there was a scream and Cara recognized Helen's voice, quickly tracing where it came from and rushing over. By the time she got there, Naomi was already comforting Helen who was crying. Some people had already gathered around them, murmuring and offering help. Cara took Helen and hugged her, gazing at Naomi. Helen had calmed down, now just quietly sobbing.

    "What happened?" Cara whispered to Naomi.

    "I don't know. She was jumping up and seeing the dolls here when suddenly she started screaming," Naomi replied as she patted Helen's head.

    Cara turned to the exhibit to see what might have terrified Helen so much but there was nothing unusual about these dolls. They were regular dolls with realistically detailed faces and very cute and she couldn't see anything that might make Helen react that way.

    "What's wrong?" said an old guy in a calming voice who had stepped forward.

    He was wearing an expensive coat and the way he carried himself made him seem like he might be someone important.

    "I'm sorry for what happened," Helen said, gripping Cara's arm.

    It was clear Helen didn't like the old man and Cara couldn't blame her. She didn't like him either, getting a bad feeling just being around him.

    "I'm sorry. She fell down," Cara lied.

    "Oh I see," the old man replied, gazing at Helen with too keen interest.

    He patted Helen on the head and she winced. His eyes narrowed after touching her.

    "For such a young age, you are already SO gifted," he said with a menacing smile.

    Naomi backed away from him, accidentally knocking over one of the glass cases a doll was in. It fell to the floor and the glass shattered.

    "Oh my god, I'm sorry," Naomi said.

    Naomi reached to pick up the doll but her hand froze, seeing water coming from its eyes that looked like tears. She was knocked aside before she could even touch it.

    "CLUMSY GIRL!" scolded the young man who had pushed her away from the doll. "THIS IS MY MASTER'S ART! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO GET THIS THING COMPLETED?"

    "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to ruin it." Naomi kept apologizing.

    "Terence, that's enough." the old man spoke.

    "But...but master.. she ruined this doll." Terence said.

    "Its doesn't matter. I can make another one. This one isn't my best anyway. Put it with the rest of the broken arts. It might be a use fit."

    Terence obeyed and brought the doll at the back room.

    "I'm sorry for my disciple rude behavior." He hold up his hand to Naomi and pulled Naomi easily off the floor. "You look like a beautiful girl." he gazed up and down at Naomi. Naomi blushed when she was called beautiful. "You look more beautiful than Karen."

    "Pardon?" Naomi asked.

    "Karen is the doll Terence just took away, And where are my manners? I'm Zunko, the master that makes these dolls. Would you like to have tea with me?" he replied, looking at the three of them.

    "I want to go home," Helen whispered.

    "I'm sorry but I think we have to pass," Cara answered, not feeling comfortable with the way Zunko was looking at Naomi and Helen.

    "Yes, we have to go," Naomi said regretfully. "We're terribly sorry we made trouble and ruined one of your dolls."

    "Okay, until we meet again," Zunko said, bowing and moving away.

    The girls rushed to Zach and pulled him away from the girl he was talking to. He wasn't happy about it but followed them, seeing the frightened look on their faces. They told him what happened once they got in the car. Zach was shocked to hear what Naomi had done. Cara put her arm around Helen in the back seat and caressed her hair, asking what happened.

    "The old man is torturing the dolls," Helen sobbed. "They were all crying for help!"

    "It was just your imagination, kid. No dolls can talk," Zach said, still sour about having to leave the girl.

    "No one trusts me.. but you do, right, Cara..." Helen pleaded.

    "No, the dolls can't talk, Helen. You must be too tired," Cara said, rubbing Helen's hair.

    "Weird kid," Zach murmured in a low voice, but Cara heard it and knocked his head with her hand.

    Naomi was unusually quiet on the ride back. All of them were.