No No No No NO!!!

    I refuse to give up!

    I will keep looking for it!!!

    What happened to never give up?

    What happened to you are who you think you are?

    We all lost our values during war...



    I can't believe it!

    I just can't! I've been looking everywere.

    I bet I even checked under the rock in my yard. And still nothing.

    If I don't find it within the next seconds I sware I'll... I'll... I WONT KNOW WHAT I'M CAPABLE OF!!!!

    Okay... okay... perhaps if I pray...

    Dear Lord, I know I have done some bad things recently... *pushes skull drawing away* I know I rarely talk to you. But... if there's something I want right now... it is that. I come to you, my humble master... Amen.

    *Sob* WHYYYYYY!?!?!?!?!?!

    WHY ME!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


    *Cries louder*

    That's it... I don't wanna continue with my life... my life's useless.


    All this time wasted!!! Big lies... I've been living a lie!!!!!!!

    I'm a fraud... I'm not who you think I am... *Sniff*

    *Whispers* I'm not jewish... WAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

    God, just take me now... just take me away!!!!
    JUST TAKE ME AWAY!!!!!!!!


    *Sniff* Hey you know... *Wipes tears* Maybe it isn't so bad after all. Yeah...

    *sniff* who needs that stupid thing anyway... I-I-I'm cool... I'm chill... I'm alright. I'm alright. *sniff*

    [This is the stupid part of the five steps]

    *Gasp* OH MY GOD!!!!!! *Grabbs the remote from under the couch*
    I found it!! I found it! Oh my God. I found it!
    It was under the couch all this time.....

    *Slams remote against floor* b*****d!!!

    You're the worst thing I've ever cried for!!! My X boyfriend is better then you!!!!