• Once upon a time, a young girl moved to Smyrna. But this was not an ordinary girl; as she could read minds. The girl had a happy life in Smyrna for her first week. She met and fell in love with this boy from her science class. Then, the worst happened. One day, an alien came to Smyrna. He took the boy and demanded that he get the girl. The girl was sent to the alien. Now the alien had wanted the girl, and in turn he said he would release the boy. The alien went against his word, though, and kept the boy also. So, the girl read his mind and noticed that he loved to make bets. She made a bet with him. Her bet was that if she won in a battle against him, she and the boy would be set free. If she didn't, they would be kept prisonor. The girl knew she could win, while the alien only thought he could. She and the alien circled around each other tentatively, her reading his mind. He made a few lunges, but she easily dodged. After a few minutes, she told him, "Give it up. I know your every move." Of course, the alien didn't belive her. He threw a knife at her head. She expertly caught it and plunged it into his heart, and his purple blood gushed out. In a matter of minutes she had set the autopilot, grabbed the boy, and had gotten off the ship just before it took off. Outside, the people of Smyrna cheered the girl, and she finally felt accepted for once. The boy grabbed the girl and embraced her lovingly.

    ~~The end... or is it?~~

    Coming soon... ~~The Smyrna Abduction 2- The Alien's Revenge~~