• Dragona Scorpio , a born leader, always sticking up for her friends shes tricky and can make the strangest things make sense in the strangest ways,
    Shadow Tauros ,short tempered and dangerous at first glance, not to her friends though to them shes a girl with a weird sense of humour,
    Violet Aries ,the energetic one, always bouncing around she keeps the others on their toes,
    These three girls are soon to become the best of friends at the magical school, Dragon's of Above, unexpected these three girls will pull the magical community out of hiding but a journey through life has its bumps and not everything goes to plan.

    "I don't want to go to a posh school!" Dragona wined she didnt wanna go to a posh boarding school where everyone was the same she wanted to go somewhere exciting different not this stupid non-magical place
    "now now I know you believe you can do magic but its unheard of and besides theres no such thing" Dragona's mum, Silver, said sighing Dragona screwed up her fists then relaxed them again as she stared up at the 'perfect' building full of 'perfect' girls and her mother wanted her to be one of them? no way on earth was she going to that school but she guessed shed have to unless someone else asked her to join their school sighing she stared up at the sky
    "Mum can I walk home please?" she asked Silver
    "do you know the way?" Silver replied Dragona rolled her eyes didnt she think shed know by now? she spent most of her time out of the house just checking out the new neighbourhood and shed always managed to get home before dark hadnt she?
    "yes mum i do!" she said trying to hide the annoyance in her voice sighing her mother smilied a forced smile
    "ok hun you can" Silver said before hopping into her car and driving in the direction of the shopping centers Dragona noticed her shaking her head as she drove off and sighed
    "she wants me to be perfect and so does all the other parents who sent their daughters to that retched school and what have they turned out as? perfect biatchs that spend all their money on clothes without a second thought" she said shaking her head turning into a deserted side street and i mean really deserted the houses were wrecks and no one wanted to live in them she smilied waving her hands she sent random things into the air she knew no one was around because for some strange reason she couldnt do magic when others were around it was almost as though shed lose her will to do it sighing she stared at the sky Dragona was the only girl in her family she had six brothers and what a hell it was she had the smallest room and was treated lke a slave by her brothers of course she didnt do anything for them then they got annoyed and yelled at her then itd turn into a brawl but it was fun to make her brothers bleed and they couldnt even land a bruise on her soon enough they were going to learn to leave her alone she knew it she was to quick for them her big bully brothers she was small and quick at school everyone loved to be ehr friend the bully to the bullies mainly her brothers she always tried to protect their victims and had made a name for herself at their school sighing she looked at the things she was levitating suddenly they hit the ground frowning she waved her hands again they didnt levitate someone was there
    "hello? is anyone there?" she called out looking around quickly these deserted streets she knew were also home grounds for fugitives and she wasnt sure what to think now then a young girl walked out from behind rubble she had to be about Dragona's age
    "sorry" she heard the girl mutter
    "hey are you alright? I'm Dragona Scorpio" she said trying to sound inviting but the curiousness in her voice was a big give away
    "I'm Shadow Tauros" the girl muttered looking down she had black hair like Dragona's but she had a funny feeling she didnt have black eyes
    "what are you doing out here?" Dragona asked as politely as she possibly could but her curiousness shiied through her voice
    "I ran away" Shadow said simply
    "oh how come? tell me on the way to my house" Dragon said holding out her hand Shadow stumbled painfully over, that was when Dragona noticed that someone had tried to twist it to breaking point but she had obviously broken free before her leg broke
    "hey do you need some help?" she asked Shadow shook her head Dragona sighed and started to walk slowly towards her house making sure that Shadow wasn't to far behind she got to her house first and ran inside
    "what hun?" her mum asked she was home from shopping and putting the groceries away
    "there's a girl named Shadow coming her legs been hurt and she says she ran away when you see her mum i think you'll understand" she said hurriedly gathering a blanket and a bag of ice she bolted straight bck out side and almost slammed into Shadow
    "oh there you are here" she rapped the blanket around her and, despite her nudges to let her go, helped her limp inside the moment they wlked into the loundgeroom Shadow collapsed on what looked the most comfortabe thing there the couch laughing slightly Dragona gently put the bag of ice on Shadow's leg she winced then sighed with relief SIlver came in with three mugs of hot choclate thinking that Shadow would just be a crying girl with a grazed leg but the moment she saw Shadow she knew it was way worse Shadow's hair was ragged and neglected her ribs could be seen through her shirt she was so skinny.
    Freezing Silver turned back around and came back with about 5 bowls of noodles balanced on her arms she put them down in front of Shadow who immediantly started to scoff the food down hungrily
    "wow you were right hun she looks terrible" Dragona nodded
    "do you want anything else Shadow?" Shadow shook her head slightly she was grinning obviously even the quickly made noodles made her happy Dragona nodded and switched the TV on it was on full blast and scared the living the daylights out of both of them
    "DRAGONA!" SIlver yelled from the kitchen she had gone in to get Shadow some more food
    "SORRY" she yelled back before turning the TV back off and sitting next to Shadow
    "would you like to tell me why I found you with your leg half broken and starved?" she asked her softly to her relief SHadow nodded by her face Dragona could tell she had wanted to tell someone for ages
    "I used to live with a wonderful family I was my parent's only child and they worked at home sometimes my dad went out but niether me or my mum knew why but then one day we did find out my Dad was addicted to drug's but when he neglected to pay a debt a man came after us all my mum was the first to die shot in broad daylight at a shopping market after that my dad pulled me into hiding with someone he thought was his friend this friend started to hit me and when my dad came back to check up on me a few days later he was shot in the back right in front of me the man was the person trying to kill us but when he turned on me he decided I would be useful i spose and spared me but if i didnt do everything right he'd shoot me he still hurt me he hit me and all that stuff today i finnaly got away after 10 horrible years with him" she finished her story in tears Dragona wasnt sure what to think after a few minutes she came to a conclusion she told Shadow just to sit and wait for a minute and then went into the kitchen she recited Shadow's story to SIlver who was busy cooking a huge boneless chicken for Shadow
    "so mum i'd like to ask if Shadow would be able to live with us?" she asked her hopefully
    "yes of course with the life she's lead she'd need to have someone like you to be friends with" SIlver said clapping gleefully Dragona ran back into the livving room where Shadow was
    "welcome to your new home" she said happily Shadow froze for a second then sat up
    "you are now officialy living here in my house no more going back to that retched man" Dragona said clearly suddenly when it had finnaly sunk in SHadow jumped up with a small wince and hugged her
    "im so happy that i ran into you" she cried happily they both laughed and Dragona went on to show her around the house.