The morning sun begins to rise upon the city of Los Angeles illuminating the faces of buildings not really to wake up yet. A faint orange glow skims across the ground and streets as pigons and birds take flight to scavange for their morning meal. Across the west from the heart of this city, a house begins to feel the morning warmth coming from the suns glow. A girl feels the ray of light on her face and groans sitting up looking at the blurred wall with her tangled brown hair sticking out. She yawns rubbing her brown eyes still dazed, then throws her covers over to the side thinking about the next page for the book shes writing. She hops out of bed wobbling to keep balanced, she flattens her shirt out after it was climbing up to the bottom of her ribs. The girl walks out of her room rubbing her eye again slightly woobling to her non-biological sisters room. She kicks into the door lightly and leans ageinst the door frame watching the other girl stir in her sleep.
"Hey, wakey wakey Lonely. Come on get up sleepy head...", she takes a stuffed animal off the shelf and throws it gentally at Lonely.
Lonely moans tired as the stuffed toy hits her shoulder and bounces to the floor. She turns over facing her 'sister' letting one arm hang out on the egde of her bed, staring at her sister as if she was a wall.
"Juno.... its...too....EARLY!" Lonely takes the stuffed animal that was thrown at her and chucks it back, before pulling the covers over her head, "Dont you have to work on starting your book Ms. Author of the Year."
Juno chuckles from the frame and watches as the toy zooms by her, completely dodging its target, "Heh... Im still working on the first page... Alright alright.... What do you want for breakfast?", she rolls her eyes before stepping out of the door way.
Lonely stirs abit under the covers, "Just pancakes.... maybe waffles..."
Juno chuckles abit and walks out to the kitchen quicking taking out a few pans and a mix for pancakes. After an hour, Lonely walks, as if zombiefied, out of her room following the smell of pancakes and bacon. Juno sets the plates of food down onto the table while Lonely sits down looking quite awake. She sits down across from her sister and takes a few pancakes; bacon and starts eatting breakfast.
After an hour of talking and enjoying their food, Juno and Lonely pick up their plates and wash them in the sink. Juno clicks the TV on with her elbow so her soapy fingers wont ruin the electronic. The news immediatly comes on as the first station, the ancor clears his throat and pats his papers straight on the desk.
"This just in..." the ancors face looked stern and his eyes filled with fear trying so hard not to show it, "The homicle maniac Ted Jacobs, a former college student at Santa Monica College who murdered half of his classmates within the basement of his house. Leathal experiments of weapons and medical science...all...a-all" the ancor studders abit as if a memory came back into his mind, "all caught on tape."
Lonely sighs walking next to Juno as she watched to TV, "Why dont they just execute the guy..."
Juno shushes Lonely as the ancor begins to speak again, "Now we bring you urgent news that Ted Jacobs has escaped the asylum where he was being kept, and is now lose within Los Angeles without any trace. We spoke to the doctors from the asylum earlier..", the screen switches over to the doctor in front of a broken down gate, "Doctor? What is your conclution on why could he have escaped...?
Lonely bursts out in small rage, "Thats a HORRIBLE question!! Why ev-"
Juno covers her mouth with a rag to shut her up, the doctor answers "Well....er....to what he left in his cell before it...um....exploded, was a note... 'Im not finished with my work...' it plainly said... so by conclution... hes going to find more...m-more subjects for testing.."
The ancor comes back on, "O-ok, so far the maniac has not been seen, or heard of throughout the entire city, pray to god no ones hur-" The TV suddenly shuts off as well as the lights over the sisters heads.
Juno, slightly freaking out, jumps looking around as Lonely looks around angerly, "Damnit blackouts...", she pats Junos shoulder to calm her down, "Calm down I'll get a light..."
As Lonely starts to head toward her room, a slight creek within the floorboards is heard from within the house. Juno jumps again looking around.
"Stop being paranoid... jee-" as Lonely entered her room, her voice was cut off by a muffled scream and a slight thud.
Juno, confused and frightened, walks quickly towards her room and looks in the dark space. She looks carefully around for her sister, she was not there. Juno softly calls out her sisters name to see if she just tripped over an obsticle, no responce. Juno slowly starts to back up, before she hears the slightly pad of a footstep behind her. Juno quickly turns around wide eyed only to see the faint sillohette of a mans stubble face, and the flash of his glasses.
Juno wakes up from only god knows how long, chainned up like an animal in a dark room. She shakes her head as her vison becomes less blurry and accustumed to the darkness. She looks around and tugs on the chains that have her armsand legs pinned together and connected to the wall, she looks around and spots a mass toward the corner of the room. Juno, praying, hops on her knees ageinst the metal floor toward the mass, she doesnt get far until falling to her side hard. She whimpers and looks toward the mass calling out her sisters name. The metal walls of the room open with a quick and short creek with light flooding into the room and a sillohette in the middle of it. Juno peers toward the opened wall and her nose winces at the scent of ocean water filling into her lungs. She looked towards the mass again with the light, it was Lonely.
The sillohette strools in without a care in the world, Juno looks towards it and sees the stubbled face and bright glasses, "Ted Jacobs..." she growls between her teeth as her voice becomes less raspy.
He smiles while putting his white gloved hand towards the brim of his sailor hat, "Welcome...", he takes it off and bows letting the metals on his white coat dangle off his chest, "You are here to take part in the voyage of the ship Stigma...", he places the hat on his head with this body erect, "You are offically my new test subjects...Congratulations..."
Juno shivered at the sound of his formal voice, looking back to motionless sister, she struggles to get bk up on her knees, "W-why did you choice us...?"
Ted walks up to her and kneels down on one knee and takes her shoulders; forces her striaght up slamming her knee into the metal making her wince abit, "My dearling... How could i not choose you..." he places a hand under her chin.
She flinches tearing her chin away from his hand, "Dont touch me Ted..." she grinds her teeth angerly.
"Tsk... such a temper... " Ted forcefully puts his hand bk on her chin lifting her head up making her whimper and places his other hand on her check leanning in, "And please.... Call me Teddy..."
He stands up letting Juno's chin go as she watches him walk towards the enterence. He turns formally taking off his hat and bowing good bye smiling. She shutters as the metal doors close behind him, thats when Juno relieases. They are in a metal crate on a transport boat off to who knows where. She struggles trying to undo the chains holding her hands and feet together, but within all tries no sign of success for her.
Lonely, in the corner of the box, stirs and begins to sits up waking up. She looks around freaking out just as Juno did when she was awake, and also struggles with the chains that binds her to the box. Lonely turns around and sees the faint sillohette of her sister.
"Juno!" she cries out taking one hop toward her before falling back to her side groaning.
"Lonely, its ok, im here" she soothes her sister to calm her down instead of hurting herself.
"B-but... where is here..?" she looks around the metal box trying to figure out what just happened.
"I....I dont know.... we are on a boat in the middle of the ocean.... I figure he's taking us to his seceret island"
"Yeah, he.... Ted Jacbos... Remember him?" she rasies her eyebrow at her sister.
Lonely nods, shivering slightly, "Yeah.... Italian 1... Santa Monica College..." she shakes her head as if wanting to forget everything.
"Calm down, we just need to figure out how to get through this ok?"
Lonely nods looking at the floor trying to spot her reflection in the metal, "O-ok..."
After hours of sailing and Ted returning to there makeshift cell with some food and water to the girls, they arrive at an Island. Ted walks to the walkway down to the beach with his arms outstretched and his head high in the air. He walked as such as if embrasing the invisible and basking in the inaubiable cheers of a crowd that was not to be seen. Lonely and Juno were unchained from the wall, but their shackles stayed tight on there wrists and anckles. Ted strongly led them, marching around the trees and island bushes blooming with red and black fruit. Lonely and Juno are pushed to follow by the guards closely following behind them and shoving the cold metal of guns ageinst their backs.
Ted jumps in front of them spreading is arms out wide as if to except a pour of rain, "Welcome to the Island of Red, todays experiment will be staring Lonely and Juno..." he puts a ring to his voice to sound like a game host.
Lonely steps forward before a guard grabs her shoulder to hold her back, "What are you just gonna use us as your guinnie pigs?! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US?!" her voice snarls after each word struggling to reach him from the guards grip.
Ted sighs and walks over to her leaning down to her face level and carcassing her cheek, "My dear Lonely... You never let me finished explaining tonights festivities...", he smiles evilly as she tries to jerk away but he keeps his hand tight ageinst her cheek and snarls, "Its going to be fun I assure you...."
She looks at him with fear in her eyes and just nods as he lets go of her face. Lonely backs up trying to hide her fear.
"As i was saying before..." Ted turns his back to them and continues, "Tonight we shall wittness the creation of my new survival island.... The Island of Red...."
Juno interupts him, "Why call it that?"
Ted turns around and glares at her making her flinch, "Because my dear.... heh... oh you'll soon find out im sure.... Most of the islands inhabints include, wild animals... oh an occationous posionous insect... then me along with my personal guards in our safety tower watching it all roll out."
Lonely steps forward again, "And how is this suppost to roll out...?"
Ted smiles, "Its all in the excution my dear.... all in the execusion..." he motions the guards behind them and smiles.
Lonely and Juno turn back to the guards before they get the metal of their guns right into the side of their head instantly knocking them out.
Juno wakes up first within a pile of leaves around a throny rose bush. She sits up, but then whimpers holding her arm and looks at it. Two large laserations let blood pour out from the wounds which cause her to wince at the slightest wind upon touching it. She quickly thinks, then rips the bottom part of her torn shirt off tying it to the wound closing up the flow of blood. She gets up stumbling from the splitting head ache and loss of blood and struggles to figure out her way around the forest. She stumbles around looking around for Lonely calling out her name and looking in bushes.
After a few hours of searching she found her lying in a pile of bushes with a large wide gash on her chest. Juno gasps and runs over to her shaking her sisters shoulder gentally to wake her up. Lonely moans in pain and slightly opens her eyes looking around dazed.
"W-what.... Juno...?" She looks at her sisters worried face as it looks at the gash.
Juno, breathless for words, tries to cover up the large gash by ripping of parts of her and Lonelys shirt to create a large enough bandage. She quickly wraps it around Lonelys chest before she puts her hand up to stop Juno. Lonely sits up wincing slightly from her wound and looks around.
"I was....walking... before this.... large blade..... it must have.....", she coughs wincing, "Got my chest..."
Juno hugs her sister tight making her not to hit the wound, "Im just glad your ok..."
She nods and takes Junos arm and helps herself up along with her sister.
After hours of wandering through the forest, Juno and Lonely stop to figure out what other traps could be lurking. They start to treat at their wounds to make sure none of the wound could be infected. Junos arm was a natural pale color with pure read aroun the two gashes. The gashes have already bubbled up with the scab matterial and blood stained her part of the shirt she ripped off. Juno winces at the sight and covers it quickly. Lonely takes off her bandage and stares at her chest wound, to big enough to be closed with natural scabs. Blood just poured out of the wound as Lonely reopened the wound by taking the blood soaked bandage off.
They take a walk around, after treating the wounds. They start to walk toward some trees and thick bush. Juno ventures out first to clear the bush, but Lonely takes her shoulder as she hears the slight ruffle of the plants from beyond the trees into the clearing. Lonely, curious but causious, walks out to the clearing enterence and walks out. All within a few seconds, there was a yelling of voices, a shuffing of feet, and a loud thunderclap. Lonelys eyes went stale, her body jerked and started to lean back into the bushes. Juno saw this and caught her sister before she was able to hit the ground. She looks past the bushes as army S.W.A.T officers stare at her shocked. Juno looks back at Lonely as she tries to keep breathing without weezing or having the little drip of blood crawl from the corner of her mouth. One of the soliders quickly pull out his walkie talkie and sets emergensy plans out for the two survivers upon the island. Calling medical units along with a helicopter to transport them off home. Juno stares hopelessly as her sister who is still trying to breathe, the officers quickly run over and take Lonely gentally away from her sisters arms.
Juno cries out as the soilders carry her away, she quickly gets up as soon as a solider comes over to help her up. Juno runs off and follows closely behind the team holding her sister. They all run out to the forest and onto the sandy white beach. The helicopter can be heard within the distance of the ocean, one solider walks up to it waving his arms to signal it down. The copter lands far enough so it doesnt damage either of them, two sets of medical teams run out, one with a stretcher. The peramedics quickly load Lonely onto the stretcher and check her vitals before risking it to run her to the helicopter. Juno pushes the other team of perimedics out of her way as she runs to catch up with the stretcher. Both perimedics teams and the sisters are loaded up in the copter, as the blades start to beat in Junos ears, she can faintly hear the perimedics say 'no pulse'.
Her eyes start to fill up with tears as she watches the perimedics take out the defibrilator and the other team to hold her back from getting shocked. The parimedics start the eletricty flowing and begin the first chance to bring Junos sister back. As the helicopter's propelers beat into her ears, the bolt of electricy can still be heard, they try again. Her body jolts up then crashes back down to the floor. Juno's eyes couldnt hold back anymore and a few tears a let go and flow down the inside of her cheek. They try a third time, Lonely's body jumps, everyone freezes, time stops. One puts their two fingers on her neck and looks at the other shaking his head no.
Juno cries out, the copter propellers keep beatting down drowning out her cries and sobs for her sister. The other pair of parimedics let her go, she collaspes next to her sister and cralws up holding her hand sobbing and placing her cold sisters hand to her warm forehead. As tears stream down her cheeks warm and moist, drop down from her cheeks and hit the metal floor of the helicopter. The parimedics gentally take Juno away from her now decessed sister and one begind to treat at her arm gashes because they've started to reopen. The other holds Juno tightly and petting her hair trying to calm her down.
After returning to the mainland and a few painful days later grieving the loss of her sister as she is burried within the earth, Juno returns home without crashing her car from the tears blurring her sight. She walks to the now empty void of which was her sisters room, lets a few tears fall in her memory and places a hand to her heart. She walks into her room and sits herself down at the chair next to a computer and pulls up the file for her new book.
She thinks for a bit, then mummbles, "The first page..."
She smiles a bit and begins to type with tears still streaming down her face. Juno breaks into sobs and quickly gets up from her computer chair and runs out of the room crying into her hands looking for tissues. Left on the bright computer screen in cursive, bold, and the center of the page was 'In hounor and memory of my dearest sister: Lonely'
- by dragongal149 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 06/22/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: The Island of Red
- Artist: dragongal149
- Description: i made it for my engish class <3 5 pages of fun fun writing, its technically a draft, i still hav to work more at it ^^ hehe
- Date: 06/22/2009
- Tags: islandofred
- Report Post
Comments (4 Comments)
- qweruio - 07/03/2009
I actually almost cried at the end
(maybe im to sensitive)
5/5 - Report As Spam
- Luvied - 06/26/2009
- The story line is great, there weren't any plot holes, the writing was descriptive, it was good. But you should do spell check and put it in a word document first, there were a lot of spelling mistakes. Which I can understand it was a very long story and its still a draft. Good job ^_^
- Report As Spam
- lvhtjsnlwys101 - 06/24/2009
- this is good and really adventurous. a little sad though
- Report As Spam
- Seraphim91 - 06/22/2009
- its pretty good sad but good 5/5
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