• "Where did she go Yuki?"
    "How should I know Jae."
    "She's your master. Shouldn't you be able to sense her?" Jae asked looking around.
    "I can't sense her in the bright morning. People are staring at us Jae we should go back to the palace."
    "Fine but her father wanted us to find her before tomorrow." Jae said.
    "I know I'll look her for her later." Yuki said.
    While the shape shifter and the royal vampire guard left out of the morning light the princess they were looking for was right behind them the whole time.
    "Whew they finally left. Thank you Ren for giving me those charms. They would have found me if you didn't."
    "Not a problem Selena. That's what fellow vampires are for."
    "Yeah right. But i don't get why my father is always looking for me. He has my brother as the heir even though hes younger."
    "You know you’re the queen of vampires. You have the most powerful power out of all of them, including me." Ren said picking up some oranges.
    "I hate everyone's eyes. They all have the same eyes. The same hateful eyes toward the princess of Bijou. They are all of afraid of me."
    "Don't change the subject now. Besides I love your eyes. They are the only different eyes."
    "I know how you feel too Ren. I can see the hatred in your eyes. It's the same as everyone else." Selena said grabbing his face.
    "Now you have sharp eyes. You should probably go back to the palace. I think it is urgent."
    He said slapping her hand down.
    "I thought you were my friend but i guess you were another toy. Die!"
    "Selena no!"
    Yuki stopped her hand from throwing an ice sword though Ren's heart.
    "What are you trying to do? Come on let's go back to the palace." Yuki said pulling her away from Ren.
    "You royal vampires are all the same. You are all demons." Ren said laughing.
    "Like you’re not a demon yourself, watch what you say about my princess." Yuki said setting Ren on fire.
    "I thought you said-" Selena got cut off.
    "Don't worry about it. I don't like people who hate you." Selena blushed.
    "Good job Yuki, you caused a scene." Another royal vampire guard said.
    "Oh no, It's the princess’s fiancé. We're leaving. Clean up this mess Dan."
    Yuki shape shifted into a jaguar and Selena jumped on his back.
    "Where are you going? It's your problem so deal with it." Dan said putting the fire out on Ren with his own powers.
    "Actually the king did not assign me to kill stupid vampires. He assigned me to protect Selena from stupid vampires." Yuki said bringing his feet back ready to jump.
    "Like Dan." Selena whispered for Yuki to hear.
    Yuki chuckled, jumped onto a building, then to another, and then jumped to the ground. He started to run to the palace.

    Meanwhile at the kings quarters.

    "Where is my daughter!?"
    "King Nicolas, Yuki has found her and is bringing her back now." A guard said.
    "I want to have a talk with both Yuki and Selena when they get here. Please send in my other children."
    "Yes sir." The guard teleported out of the room and came back in after a minute with King Nicolas' other children.
    "I want you guys to start packing your sisters stuff. All her belongings needs to be put in to her bags and put outside her room." King Nicolas told them.
    They nodded their heads, left the room, and the king was left alone.

    Twenty minutes later.

    "I know what my father is trying to do Yuki." Selena said getting off Yuki.
    "Oh really? Are you going to do anything about it?" Yuki said Shape shifting back into his human form.
    "No I want you to come with me though. You know I love-"
    "We're here. We should probably go inside before he worries anymore." Yuki said cutting Selena off.
    "Yuki wait."
    He tuned around and got kissed by Selena. He pushed her away and started to head for the gates.
    She looked at him with disappointment and started to run to the woods.
    "You’re such a troublesome girl."
    Yuki turned and ran for the woods.
    I love him so much but he can't ever feel the same way. He's such a jerk.
    "Can't you ever stop running?" Yuki said stopping Selena from running.
    "Yuki.... Go away I can deal with myself." Selena said.
    "Do you want me to kiss you back or something? I know you love me." Yui took a long pause. " I love you too. But we can't be anything besides master and servant." Yuki said turning his head for her not to see.
    She started to cry but Yuki didn't notice it until he started to cry too.
    "Your actions result in me doing the same thing, remember."
    "So my feelings result in you feeling the same way?" She looked at him with painful eyes.
    "I said actions not feelings." He walked over to her and embraced her.
    She hugged him back.
    “Hmm, master and servant what a pretty picture.”
    Yuki let go of her and looked at Dan.
    “Uh that’s not what you think it was.” “I know you love me. I love you too. Love is such a strong word. You were right you can’t be together ever. She’s mine.” Dan said walking over to Selena. He grabbed her chin, pulled it up, and kissed her.
    She didn’t have enough strength to pull him away and she started to cry even more.
    She had enough power to at least create an ice crystal. She had it in her hand ready to smash it over his head, but Jae stopped her.
    He pulled her back from Dan and picked her up. “Sorry can’t touch our princess if you don’t love her. Can I have blood now?” She looked at him with confused eyes.
    I guess you can kill him, she thought using telepathy. Thank you Selena, he thought back.
    He put her down and put out his hand. “Lightning come!”
    “Stop it now Jae!” Jae froze in the moment when he heard his lover’s voice.
    “Chris, um this is not what it looks like.”
    “Uh-huh, sure, flirting with other guys, I thought I was you lover but I guess not.” Chris said with a sarcastic voice.
    “Chris I love you! Don’t doubt our love. i would never go for such a stupid guy that hurts our princess” Jae said going over to Chris. Selena walked over to Yuki and told him to shape shift into a snow tiger. He did it and she jumped on his back. Yuki walked over to Jae and Chris and told them to get on. They listened to there princess’s orders. She looked back at Dan who was staring at them. She twitched her eye and threw the ice crystal at his head. He fell back and then Yuki started to run.
    They got back to the castle and Selena’s brothers were there to greet her.
    “Hi sister.” They all said. She got off Yuki and walked past them. She went through the gates and started to run to her father’s room.
    “Oh you’re finally here. I don’t need Yuki right now but I can deal with telling you for right now.
    Listen Selena, I love you a lot. You are my precious and only daughter. I need you to take over the kingdom. You know I am dying soon. So please take care of your brothers.”
    “Father I know your only half vampire but you need to live longer. I’m not ready to take over the kingdom. I’m not ready to have you die either. Please father don’t die.” Selena said hugging him.
    Her father dropped to the ground and she realized he had died after his words.
    “Come on Miss Selena. We must burn his body.”
    “I love you father. Good bye.” She walked past the guard and told him to come.
    She gathered all of the guards and other royal vampires that belonged to the palace.
    “You all are now free. I do not want you to be burdened with serving me. Please my one last wish is for you to burn this town, leave, and live happy lives.”
    No one said anything. They grabbed torches and proceeded to put soot on the ground of the palace and the town.
    “I want you three to follow me though.” Selena said starting to get her brothers.
    “Of course Selena.” “We would always follow you.” “To the ends of the earth.”
    Yuki, Jae, and Chris said splitting up the sentence.
    She smiled and they started to walk past the fire.