• "Lenna, are we going to the mall again?" I asked.
    "Yes, Rai, and we're not going to the food court. I can't have a bill like that again. Why do you eat so much? You don't even need to eat!!" Lenna said. why should she ask that? it tastes soooo good!
    "Because I love the way food tastes!! it's absolutely amazing!"
    "Well Rai, you're just gonna have to wait until you learn how to eat responsibly. Now, we are going shopping for clothes!" Clothes shopping again? why do humans wear so many clothes? Well if Lenna needs more clothes, she must have them for a good reason.
    "Ok. Do they have marshmallows in the store?"
    "Rai, they never do."
    "Hey you never know. One day they might be selling marshmallows."
    "Rai there is no arguing with you."
    "Why not?"
    "Let's go to the store. And let's hope that the demons don't show up again." Oh yeah i forgot about that. Lenna said that ever since i came here demons have been showing up. I like to fight them, but she says she doesn't want the other humans to know I'm a werewolf vampire. She says that we will get a sentence or something. I forget what it is. All i know is that every day i have to cut of my tail so that nobody will know.
    "I'll just get them like I always do."
    "Yes but then all the clothes will get destroyed."
    "Why do humans like clothes so much"
    "Because we care about our appearance unlike you Rai. Oh no.."
    "Yay Jack's back! Do you think he's gonna make another bet and give me some money?"
    "Just keep walking Rai, ignore hi--"
    "Hey Jack!"
    "Hey stupid." Jack said. That was a nickname Jack gave me. For some reason, Lenna hates Jack. I consider him a friend! He makes these things called bets with me that he can beat me in a sparring match. He gives me like $20 every time I beat him.
    "What do you want, jerk?"
    "Oh nothing. Just a date."
    "If i have nothing to do after I die I'll look you up"
    "Lenna what's a date?" I asked.
    "I'll tell you later."
    "Well, I guess that i have to tell everyone Rai's secret."
    "How the hell did you find out?"
    "It's pretty obvious."
    "You've been stalking us again haven't you?"
    "Hey Everyone! Rai Serling is a--" I tackled him.
    "Shh," I said. "If tell, Lenna will be mad and we will get the sentence!"
    "What sentence?" Uh oh.. i felt a demon coming.
    "Rai!" Lenna yelled. The giant spiders! I love these guys!
    "AAAAAHH" now everyone was screaming. well time to get to work! This time it was different. there was lots of them this time. I just punched the first one and it was gone, but then after a while it got boring.
    "Lenna, do you have them coverd over there?"
    "What do you think? I brought my gun!"
    "Jack?" I asked.
    "AAAHHHHH" Jacked screamed like a little human girl. Wow. He was caught in the web of.. a queen spider! This is bad. I like a challenge, but this is too much.