• Chapter 2: Hospital visit turns to a great date
    I walked into the hospital room and saw what i had done to him and then he saw me...


    "Quiet down I came to apologize to you", then i saw his sister," And her".

    "Okay, well then spit it out".

    "I am horribly sorry for what I did, I did not mean to make you cry and I swear braking you arm I had no intentions of, and if there is a way to make it up to I'll do it"

    "Okay, well we both know why my sister talked to you, I want you to take her out to dinner".

    As I began to rub my eyes I said "okay".

    "no you don't have to take me out we can just be friends and just hang out not go out".

    "Well do what ever my sister tells you and I fogive you" he said."What do you want to do sis".

    "We could just hang out at the movies or something. There is that new movie out '"A Night with a living Dead Man"' I want to see." (that was another story I wrote but have not finished)

    "Okay, I can do that"

    "And we can just meet there" she said.

    That night I went to the movies and wait outside the right theater that the movie was playing in and there she was we went in and watched there were actually funny sceens, I don't know why but it didn't scare me, but she was scared to death. Then I whispered...

    "I never learned your name."


    Then she jumped, the movie must have scared her, but then she held on to me for dear life and she said...

    "Now I know I'll have nightmares, will you?"

    Ah...maybe, these movies don't efect me."

    Then the movie was over and while walking out of the theater we were laughing and telling jokes. She almost couldn't walk to her car she was laughing so much.

    Then next thing I knew I woke up at my house nothing happened I was there by myself. I grabbed the news paper and read that some kids snuck into a house and only three came back, they believed there was a living dead man of a kid that was killed by his father. I guess they should have went to see the movie instead.(yes I did just tell you how my living dead man story end)

    Then my watch started beeping, but for what I didn't have a job to do and then the phone rang. It was Megan.

    "Hey Karion."

    "Hey megan, you like the movie?"

    "Yea and I was right I couldn't sleep from all the nightmares"

    "I sleep fine I said" then she asked something that I didn't want to say "no" to

    "You want to do something again tonight?"

    "Yea, yea I do"

    End of Chapter two