• There Gabriel sat staring at her computer in her room. Her science project printing out nicely and in color. She lived on the corner right next to the high school she attended. Freshmens had it rough but she didn't know how rough until she got there this year. The project was done she could now go to her blog site and finish answering fan questions of her friends book that she had to type up last week.
    Suddenly there was a crash outside. She looked up and out her window, her room was on the first floor, and there on the intersection was a boy.
    He looked about her age but she didn't know him from school. He had coal black hair and what seemed in the moonlight as firey red eyes. He wore some of the strangest cloths Gabriel had ever seen they looked like old indian cloths. Blood was trikling down from his forhead and he looked like he was in pain.
    Then there was a sound of a zipper and a splash mixed together. Gabriel turned her head out the other window to see what it was. A purpleish-pink mass was floating in mid-air. She gasped. She finealy nobody else was responding to this. How could nobody be calling 911 about this? she asked herself.
    She rubbed her eyes thinking it might be a trick her eyes were playing on her.Everything was the same as she had seen before she rubbed her eyes the boy on the street with a blood puddle beneath him.
    But now the mass had taken shape and appeared to be a horribly ugly tall man with green skin. You could see teeth rising from his lower jaw. He was riding a lizard-like creature. It was a grey and it's hide looked like it was Elephants super sized. It was huge it's tail at least reached the other end of the block.
    Gabriel didn't stay to see what was going to hapen she grabbed her lucky scarf that her decesed grandmother gave to her when she was 7, put on some slippers and a coat and went out to the boy. Dressed in only jeans, a tee-shirt, slippers, and a light jacket the winter weather made her chill to the bone but she continued with haste.
    She ran up to the boy and kneeled down. "Are you okay?" She said in concern and put her hand on his back.
    He glared up at her. "What are you doing here you idiot. Can't you see it's dangerous?" He yelled at her.
    She blinked at him in shock. "Well that was certantly not what I was expecting you to say. But I suggest I get you out of the way of that thing over there." Gabriel looked over to the lizard thing and saw it was much closer. "NOW!" Gabriel grabbed onto the boy and tried to move him. He looked at her in both shock and pain.
    "D*M* my leg it wont move."He looked back at the lizard." You get to safty now!" Gabriel rolled her eyes
    "no." She said flatly.Then she stood inbetween the lizard and the boy."I do not abandon something I already started."
    "You idiot girl It's amazing that you can see me and that guy over there but that will only get you so far."
    "Who this Woman who stand in Ugu's way?" Boomed the man on the back of the Lizzard.