• Our Masks

    We all wear a mask on our faces. All are different. One of a kind. They have similar qualities between them all. Like things in common. Our masks bore those traits. So ones like us could find us. But we all wear masks. And we really never remove them.

    But those who do are the ones who really survive in the world. Those who will survive the hurricanes and tornados of the future to come. Those who can face reality. Those who can embrace it. Long ago, there were very few who could.

    But as the world has progressed, everyone can remove their masks now. No one needs to hide anymore. They can be themselves without feeling fear. Without feeling pain. Without the longing to hide again. It's marvelous to see all those faces, all those wonderful unique people sharing themselves to the world.

    But there are now few who can never remove their masks. Their pain is too unbearable to force unto those they love. Or maybe, they feel the need to hide away secrets that could change the world. Or perhaps, it's out of natural instinct.

    But for me, I have too many reasons to hide my face. One reason is my pain. My pain eats away on the inside of me every day of my life. I wear my mask to hide it from those I love. I don't want them to worry about me, so they never see what it's like.

    Another reason I hide from them is because . . . if I told them the truth . . . they would never understand.