• Aiyo stayed silent as they rode back to the palace. He was terrified what his Father would do to him.He was right. Nothing good ever came from him running away.

    "Stop it," scolded Ebony in his head. "Would you rather go through you life fine and proper as the Young Master is believed to be or the way you want to? Personally I prefer Aiyo the run away then the Young Master."

    Aiyo smiled faintly and straightened in the saddle."As I am now," he whispered to Ebony.

    When the pair reached the palace dusk had already fallen.Aiyo's stomach tightened at the sight of the Shayabiki and his four guards.He quickly slide off the roan and made for the giant doors.His Father held him back by his shoulder.

    "And where do you think you're going?" Veera asked when his son turned his head.

    "To my room to await the punishment that I'll surely be given," answered the boy a tad bit snidely.

    "I understand that, but not with that thing you're not."

    Aiyo spun completely around now."What do you mean?! Ebony has always stayed with me!" he shouted.

    "Yes but it has come to my attention that that wretched creature of yours is the one -"

    "Oh shut up!" snarled Aiyo. "First off Ebony is a Shifter and she most certainly is not wretched. And second she has done nothing that would upset you."

    Veera stared at his son, surprisingly slightly shocked. Though he soon got over it."You two," Veera said indicating the four Shayabiki, "take the Shifter away from my son and take him to his room and lock the door."

    Aiyo's eyes grew huge and he screamed, "Get Away Ebony!" And threw the sparrow into the air.Ebony seemed to stumble in the air before she righted herself. She turned her gaze to Aiyo.Aiyo met it and she saw that he had a plan in mind and that it involved her leaving him. Though she hated to do it Ebony nodded her head and flew away.

    Aiyo drew a dagger from his belt and bolted for the gates, slashing at anyone who got in his way.

    "Close the gates!" shouted Rendent.Rikku managed to close the gates before Aiyo had gotten there but Aiyo kicked him away.The Young Master took one look at the gates and sheathed his dagger before beginning to climb.

    It was easy for Aiyo to climb and he thanked his Mother for being a dryad.

    Seeing his son run for the gates Veera grunted and chased after him.

    When Aiyo was more than half way up he felt someone take hold of his leg and pull him down. 'Of course it had to happen,' he thought.
    Aiyo knew his escape would not be as easy as climbing a simple gate.

    "Did you catch that idiotic bird yet?" Veera demanded as he roughly lead Aiyo to the palace doors.

    "Yes sir. She is being brought back at this very moment."

    "Good." Veera nodded. "Stop your struggling Aiyo! It is pointless. You can not escape."Aiyo knew it was true but continued to struggle anyway.

    When he reached Aiyo's room Veera unceremoniously tossed his son in onto the floor. "I'll deal with you later," promised the Master as he closed the door and locked it.

    Aiyo sighed and tried to talk to Ebony.Not being able to reach her Aiyo got to his feet and peered around his room, looking for something to do.

    He went over to his desk and sifted through the untidy stacks of books and papers.Finding that he had already read all of the books several times already Aiyo sighed and disappeared into his bedroom.

    An hour later Aiyo found himself to be lying on his couch, his hair wet."They are going to starve me!" he groaned.

    "We would do no such thing Young Mater," a maid anounced as she walked in holding a trey of food.

    Aiyo shot up in surprise."Well hello and thankyou for knocking," snapped Aiyo.

    The maid set her trey on the table and bowed deeply. "I am truly sorry sir. I was told I could come right in."

    "It's fine I suppose." Said Aiyo then glared at the two guards. "I hope two get released at some point because of me. You are dismissed now."

    The maid bowed again before leaving, closing the door as she did.

    Aiyo picked at the food. Finding nothing that he could see with it Aiyo began to eat.

    Within the next fifteen minutes Aiyo found himself to be asleep on the couch.

    Veera entered his son's room and saw that he was asleep.The Master slammed the door and was satisfied to see his son bolt up.

    Aiyo looked around frantically until his gaze fell upon his father."What do you need?" he asked drowsily.

    "I need you to come here Aiyo," Veera answered.

    Aiyo jumped off the couch and slowly walked towards his father.

    When his son reached him Veera slapped Aio across the face."What were you thinking running off like that?" the Master growled menacingly.

    Aiyo didn't reply.When his Father slapped him it had brought tears to his eyes and a cry of pain was still at his lips.


    Swallowing the shout Aiyo answered, " I i just wanted to be alone. No guards or Shayabiki what so ever. Like before."Aiyo looked up at his Father, hoping he would understand.

    Instead Veera sneered."Please Aiyo. Considering your position and age you would be the prime target for one of my enimies. It is to dangerous for you now. That is why I do what I do."

    Aiyo bowed his head in disappointment.

    "Now for you punishment," Veera added.

    Aiyo looked up at this, his eyes pleading.

    "You are not to leave the palace until I see fit and within that time you shall be by my side so as you don't escape. Understood?"

    "Understood." Aiyo said sullenly.

    "Oh. And that Shifter of yours? She is to be exacuted at dawn as another part of your punishment."

    "What?! Why?!"

    "Because, Aiyo, you disobeyed me for the last time." Veera seemed to whisper.He then turned to leave but his son caught his arm.

    "Wait Father! Please don't kill Ebony. I...I promise never to go against you ever again! Just please...don't kill her."

    Veera turned and saw tears streaming down Aiyo's face.He smiled."Ah but the Shifter of yours is always the one to persuade you and help you complete your many attempted escapes. She must die."

    "Even if you do kill her I'll still run away! Not just from the guards but from this damn city and you!" Aiyo yelled.

    Veera slapped his son once again in responce.

    Aiyo couldn't help but let a shriek of pain pass his lips. More tears began to fall down his face.

    Taking his son's chin in his hand Veera hissed, "You better shape up Aiyo. And soon or else Ebony won't be the only thing you loose." He released Aiyo's chin and walked out of the room closing the door as he went.

    "DAMN IT!" Aiyo screamed, sinking to the floor.He sprung to his feet and stalked around his room, breathing heavily.In a bout of rage he threw a desk with an elaborate vase to the floor.
    Both shattered.

    Immediately feeling bad for what he did, Aiyo uttered a spell and the two objects returned to their former shape."I have to get out of here!" Aiyo growled, bashing his fist against the bars of his windows.

    Aiyo snapped his eyes open and stared at the bars curiously.He tentatively touched the bars with the tips of his fingers and felt the pulse of magic encased within them."Hmmmm," Aiyo put a finger to his lips, thinking."Aha!" He snapped his fingers, a smile spreading across his face.

    Aiyo ran back into his sleeping quarters and grabbed his sword and dagger from the wall and tucked them into his bealt. He pulled off his current, richly woven tunic and replaced it with a plain grey one.Aiyo bounded back into the living area back to the window.

    He began to utter a complex spell to disable the magic and turn the bars to a liquid.As the Young Master did so he bounced up and down in excitment.He completed the spell and gave a shout of triumph as the bars began to mealt.It soon turned to fear as the bars exploded with a loud bang.

    "What was that?!" Aiyo heard one of the guards shout.

    "Crud!" Aiyo hissed as the doors leading to his entrance way were opened.The boy fanned the smoke away and saw that the bars still remained, only cracked and broken in several places.

    "Aiyo!" Veera called, a few feet away.

    Aiyo began to kick at a particularly weak area as hard as he could.He broke through them after only one kick, almost falling out the window.

    "Gah!" gasped Aiyo as he pulled in his leg. He peered out the oopening and saw how far the drop really was.Aiyo gulped but he had no choice.

    "What the hell are you doing?!" Veera shouted finally finding his son.

    Aiyo looked at his Father and said, "Rot in hell," Before jumping out the window.

    "Aiyo!" he heard his father cry.

    As Aiyo fell to the ground wind whipped his hair back and his stomach was flip flopping.When his feet hit the ground he stumbled forward before gaining his balance.

    Right as he landed though, Aiyo sent out his mind searching for Ebony.The boy found that she was being held at the base of a hidden hill.Aiyo skidded and ran in the direction of the gates.They had been closed and guards swarmed around them.

    Aiyo barred his teeth and drew his sword. "I am not going to put with any of you any longer!" he growled slashing at the men.The boy weaved between them and slashed only when needed. He was not a big fan of killing others.

    Having reached the gates, Aiyo sheathed his sword and bounded up them. When he reached the top he jumped to the ground and sped away yet again.

    'Don't worry Eb. I'm on my way,' he thought.

    'Aiyo! You're okay,' Ebony gasped in response only moments later.

    'Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?'

    'Veera said that if I tried anthing he would harm you in ways I couldn't imagine!'

    'Well I'm free. For now at least. If I know my Father, then he'll be after me with the Shaybiki. Can you get free?' wondered Aiyo.

    'Look to your left.'

    Aiyo did as he was told and saw standing in the middle of the lane, almost invisible in the faint light, was Ebony.She was a huge cat.

    Aiyo grinned and ran over to her, hugging her furry neck. "You're absolutely amazing Ebony."

    "I know," She laughed, "Now get on my back. We're gonna get out of here."

    Aiyo released her neck and scrambled up onto Ebony's broad back.

    When he was settled Ebony bounded forward, her padded feet making only the faintest of noises'Ebony the gates are most likely closed. How are you gonna get past them?'

    'I can jump past them easily.'

    Aiyo smiled. 'Watch out for the Shaybiki though. They're probably floating around here some where.'

    Ebony growled. 'There's one now.'

    Not floating ten feet way was one of the horrilbe creatures, it's pale skin luminecent in the dark. It spun it's head in the pairs direction at the sound of their approach and hissed, coming towards them.

    'Blast it!' cried Ebony as she tore off down the street faster then before.

    The Shayabiki pursued them, shriecking for the others to come.It rushed forward suddenly, making to grab Aiyo.

    The You Master barred his teeth and kicked the Shayabiki in the face with a heavily booted foot.It swerved away, howling."Step on it Eb!" Aiyo shouted spinning around and drawing his sword.Seven of the horrid guard were trailing them now.

    When Ebony ran past a darkened ally way something rammed into her, knocking Aiyo from her back.It was Veera and his mustang.

    Seeing his Father Aiyo scrambled to his feet and jumped in front of Ebony, raising his sword. "Stay away," he growled.Ebony silently shifted to a small, black fox.

    Veera swung down from his horse and dodged around Aiyo's sword faster than Aiyo had anticipated and took hold of a clump of his silky black hair.

    Aiyo pulled his head away and kicked his father in the stomach and Ebony bit his ankle.

    Aiyo scooped Ebony into his arms and sped away once again, slipping between the Shayabiki and guards.

    "Aiyo," Ebony said as they ran, "I think I'll be able to shift into something big enough to fly you out of here."

    Aiyo looked down at Ebony and nodded his head. He dove into a darkened ally and set Ebony on the ground.

    She closed her blue eyes in concentration.

    Veera along with three Shayabiki looked down the small passage, saw Aiyo's bright gold eyes in the darkness and began to run down to them.

    "C'mon Ebony!" he whispered, desprately.

    "Now we've got you," laughed Veera as he reached for his son.

    Aiyo bit his hand as hard as he could.

    "Blast it! That hurt! Damn you boy!" growled the Master.He made to strike Aiyo, but Ebony's high pitched screech stopped him.

    Ebony's form bulged and grew into a huge Roc.Before she was finished growing, and Aiyo was captured, she spread her wings and took to the sky, Aiyo held firmly in her taloned foot.
    She was almost invisible against the black, star strewed sky while she flew to the forest and away from Tolium.

    "You are absolutely wonderful Ebony!" Shouted Aiyo, laughing.